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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Another legend has left us. R.I.P. Chris Squire. May your epic lines propel the choirs of the heavenly host to even greater heights. :-(

    1. DazzleHP


      May he be rumbling jelly thighs in another world =)

    2. DazzleHP


      "jelly" might be jello* to you :P

    3. tthurman


      I was pretty shocked to hear of this, but I was unaware he had been sick.

  2. Well this is straight out of left field! In a bizarro and yet fully awesome twist, Dolphin is now capable of running N64 emulation through its implementation of the virtual console. Not only that it seems to have trumped some old stalwarts in the N64 emulation scene by running Pokemon Snap seemingly without issue (Pokemon Snap being somewhat notoriously difficult to emulate). These are heady times my friends!
  3. Yep. Themes, Plugins, and even the Emulators utilized in the Setup Wizard download functionality, it's all in there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J87QekxQVI#t=10
  4. Hi earthprime, and welcome! Whenever I see weird full-stop errors like this, my first advice is to simply re download the installer and re-install. An in place re-installation should be fine. You may have already tried this out, but in the event that you haven't, definitely try to give it a shot. Regarding the download issues, I'm wondering if it may not be related to the recent creation of the official GameEx repository created recently in the Downloads section. This move is being made in preparation for the upcoming release of GameEx Evolution. It may be that GameEx is trying to retrieve files from an older location in which the source files are no longer present. I don't have a whole lot of 'insider knowledge' regarding the new repository, but I figured I'd mention it as a possibility, in the event that someone else does.
  5. Great job palm0live, looks fantastic. Love the folded metal edges and corners; really gives it that 'old school authentic' charm. Looks like someone's getting in a well deserved nap in that last picture after an intense round of pinball/cab building!
  6. Great to see you around fReq, and no need to apologize! Glad to know all is well, and especially glad to hear that you're enjoying being a granddad. Congratulations!
  7. I've had it happen where if I'm in the process of removing games by means of the delete key, the game list has gotten slightly out of sync. In these instances, restarting GameEx has resolved the issue for me. As usual posting your support files may also help to shed some light on the issue.
  8. Latest pet peeve ... people using wormholes on 99th levels. JUST WAIT ONE MORE LEVEL AND SKIP 10s OF LEVELS INSTEAD OF ONE AT A TIME!
  9. I was pretty into it at the beginning, but the longer it's gone on, the more complacent I feel about it. Your chances for success rise exponentially the more you camp on it, and I just haven't had much time to do that this week (seems like Monday was just yesterday!). If you just AFK and let the auto click do it's thing, you probably won't get terribly far. Your degree of success also depends largely on the group you happen to fall in with. If you happen to fall in with a group in which a portion of people are running scripts you'll get pretty far. If you don't fall in with a decent group, some asshole will inevitably launch tactical nukes at the boss just as everyone else is trying to farm for gold. DO NOT NUKE THE F@%*ING BOSS WHILE EVERYONE ELSE IS FARMING GOLD!
  10. Historically the ability to add multiple favorites lists is probably one of if not the most popular GameEx feature request. I think it would be awesome as well! It would help to prevent using up multiple emulator slots for the purpose of manually constructing favorites lists. I think it's definitely something that's on Tom's radar, but not likely something that we'll be seeing in current-gen GameEx. I'm right there with you though, I'd love to have this ability! One thing I've always dreamed about is the ability to create "series lists' to encapsulate entire series of games. Imagine a "Super Mario Brothers list" which contains every game in the SMB series across all platforms. Awesome!
  11. I would recommend using a map file for this purpose, rather than using shortcuts. You can definitely create a game list of shortcuts (using *.lnk as your ROM filter), but the question is, will each individual emulator honor the shortcut file as a ROM file? I would guess that in most cases it will not. Alternately you can configure each game shortcut to actually be a shortcut to the emulator executable and enter the individual ROM parameters as part of each Target path, but ... ugh ... that would be time consuming and miserable (IMO). Long story short, a map file will do what you're trying to accomplish with a minimum of fuss.
  12. These are the last lines in your log, which is what led to the question about the video. Do you have restrictive permissions set up on any of your emulation or artwork directories? Have you tried running GameEx as administrator, and do you have the same issue when you do so? Do you have the AMD Raptr client running at the same time that this is happening?
  13. Thanks Tom for keeping on top of MAME 0.162 reports. Also the ability to remove Steam (as well as Origin and Uplay) games from your list is HUGE! Great release!
  14. Nope what I was getting at is that it looks like you're running the absolute latest and greatest version of MAME (mame0162b). This means that if you're not keeping your ROMs up to date accordingly it's likely that some of them will pop up as being invalid (regardless of how well they actually work). That being said it sounds like you are probably on top of that aspect. In the past, there's some confusion as to how the Verify ROMs feature in GameEx works. It's not a 'GameEx verification' at all. It just runs the -verifyroms switch against your MAME executable and adjusts your game list accordingly. The 'verification' aspect isn't on the GameEx side, but rather the MAME side. It would probably be helpful to obtain up to date MAME data files which match your version of MAME (mameinfo.dat, history.dat, catver.ini) and adjust your settings to point towards those new files. This can actually have a significant aspect on how your game list is built.
  15. Download the installer from GameEx.com and do an in-place installation over the top of your existing install. Edit: What Adultery said
  16. Hi mgede You might want to try disabling Verify Roms and rebuilding your list. Especially when you're running the absolute most recent version of MAME you may have some ROMs that are failing verification according to your MAME version. Edit: What Evilforces said!
  17. I'm afraid that It is when you are literally the only person experiencing this issue at the moment. Sorry man. Belittling those that are trying to help you really doesn't make it go any faster or better. Those are the breaks as they say. It would also be best to contain the issue to this thread so we don't loose the progress of your troubleshooting. Did you do as Tom suggested here? This part of your settings would seem to indicate not: It will probably be worthwhile to change that setting to false, even if you need to manually adjust your GameEx.ini to do so
  18. Please try the updated executable that Tom provided today, and see if that helps with this issue. Tom was able to identify an issue with updating the MAME list for legacy versions of MAME, and this updated executable addresses that issue. If that still doesn't work, please provide the updated documentation. Thanks dude, and we'll definitely do our best to get you sorted out.
  19. I highly suspect that it doesn't have anything to do with your processor, but rather has everything to do with the way that MAME works. MAME 0.162 enacted sweeping code changes resulting from the full integration of MESS. This left frontend developers scrambling to bring their systems up to compliance for MAME 0.162. Long story short, GameEx is now compatible with MAME 0.162 but those changes briefly affected legacy versions of MAME running through GameEx. You can run the executable that Tom provided above which will likely rectify the situation, or if you prefer you can wait for the GameEx release which will incorporate these changes. I don't know how coherent it is, but for the full dirty details you can checkout the release notes for MAME 0.162, or you can just go with the condensed version which is summed up on the Mamedev homepage: At any rate, it sounds like Tom has resolved the issue, so ... uh ... Yay Tom!
  20. Tom you are like the Dudley Do-Right of frontend developers. Quick to the rescue, saving your users from being tied to the train tracks of problematic systems. M-yyy Heee-ro!
  21. I know right!? They're missing over half their chess pieces! WTH Valve!? Actually that's pretty awesome and well spotted. Still ... I wonder what they're using as a frontend in that beast? Inquiring minds must know!
  22. Glad to hear you got'er figured man! Thanks for sharing, and yeah that probably makes sense. It would also probably have worked to change the Remove Text in Brackets setting as well (found on the Advanced Emulator Setup screen), but would have made for a bit of an ugly game list.
  23. Heh, I have to admit that was pretty classic. They had me hook, line and sinker for a bit there, like, "WTH! Mario Lopez is such a tool!" ... And then the payoff. Simply marvelous.
  24. It appears that my previous birthday well wishes was a bit creep-tastic, so I figured I'd class it up a bit with this legendarily lovely lady. (Although between you and me, I'm told she was also a bit of a touchy-feely drinker, as well as a self evidently horrible karaoke performer. So there you go. ... what, too soon?) Happy Birthday Once Again Draco!
  25. Happy Birthday Draco! I hope it's an epic birthday without equal in the tri-state region, the type of affair that will go on to live in notoriety as Floridian legend. A bacchanalian spectacle above all others. Just whatever happens, do not invite this guy (among other things, he's a touchy-feely drinker who is absolutely terrible at karaoke ... yikes) Happy Birthday!
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