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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Nope. But it's good news right? How about the other stuff? Does the timeout issue only occur when running MAME through GameEx, or does it still occur when running MAME outside of GameEx? The reason I ask is that I'm wondering whether this is an issue with how GameEx internally invokes CPWizard, rather than with CPWizard itself.
  2. I haven't heard from him, but I expect he would post an update here rather than contact me directly. He's a very busy guy that headkaze, and this may have gotten lost in his shuffle. I'll add some additional points I've been considering regarding this issue. To my knowledge this behavior shouldn't happen while displaying on a second monitor. It may be a bug, or it may be an issue with your configuration (which would in turn be an issue with the provided tutorials I suspect). In my own setup I definitely rely on the timeout as I've only got the one monitor. So here's a couple of things I'd like you to try. Startup CPWizard in resident mode Run the following command from the command line CPWizard.exe -emu mame -game 1942 -show Does the display still timeout on you when running on the second monitor? When the display times out on the second monitor, what exactly happens? What's the order of events? Does it happen when you run MAME all by itself with CPWizard in resident mode? Does it only happen when you're running through GameEx?
  3. I don't believe that the No-Intro project includes specifications for the Amstrad CPC. As a result, I think that TOSEC would probably be your best (and most modern) option in terms of a good naming convention.
  4. That really sucks KRC. I’m sorry to hear about that. I really hope they nail the burglar. Please keep us posted on any developments.
  5. If by 'geek' you mean 'a chalupa' and by 'cred' you mean 'for lunch' then yes, Yes I did. Yeah I know I really need to check it out. My twin three year olds keep me running around like a fart in a mitten though. I'm lucky if I can sneak in an episode of Doctor Who every now and again. OTOH, I'd wager I've seen more Dora the Explorer and Bubble Guppies than any of you (not that I'm proud of it). Funny story about the first movie. When I was a kid I had the children's picture book version of the first TRON movie (one of those Scholastic Book Club jobbies). It had this really strong smell of printer ink. Now every time I catch a big whiff of printer ink, all I can think of is TRON. OK maybe not so funny ... but true.
  6. Yeah I think my geek cred just dropped a couple of notches there.
  7. Glad to hear you got everything sorted aikido2u! Enjoy your gaming! As one final step, would you mind marking this thread as [RESOLVED]? I can also do so if you wish, but it means so much more coming from you. Thank you sir!
  8. Yeah, that really is a bit of a gotcha. Sometimes I do wish there was an update list utility available through the Setup Wizard. The Update List function is found within GameEx itself. It’s been a while since I’ve changed my MAME setup, but I believe the following still applies. If GameEx doesn’t prompt you to update your list when you navigate to a dedicated MAME game list, there’s an option to do so appearing at the very bottom of your MAME Game List.
  9. If critics (and even the diehard fanboys) are to be believed, I have terrible taste in films (and music ... observe my previous comment). I do like films that make me think, but equally I like films in which I can give critical analysis some time off and simply be entertained (Ooo … bright colors and flashing lights! ). TRON: Legacy is fairly high on my ‘to watch’ list. Naturally WAF plays a role insomuch as what gets watched and when ...
  10. I’d be a bit more interested to see what you have entered on the Advanced MAME Settings screen (or simply upload your GameEx.ini). That’s where the rubber meets the road so to speak in terms of MAME command line, what games are set to display, ROM filters, etc. Also be aware that anytime you alter your MAME settings through the Setup Wizard, it’s likely you’ll want to rebuild your game list.
  11. While I’m generally very much in favor of Upping the PunX, I’ve never gotten much into Daft Punk. OTOH, I was unaware that they provided the soundtrack for TRON: Legacy (which I still have not seen, much to my shame … don’t even ask me about the last film I actually watched in a theatre). Perhaps I shall have to give them another listen.
  12. My recommendation would be to first set everything up through the dedicated MAME section, verify that everything is working, then … yeah go ahead and remove it from the emulators section. Running MAME as a separate version under emulators can occasionally serve a good purpose (if you intend to run multiple versions of MAME for instance), but it’s generally a fringe case designed to meet a very specific purpose.
  13. It seems I was wrong before. This is the best damn sandwich. Also, I'm hungry now.
  14. Yeah, you definitely have MAME set up as a common emulator. Work through the MAME Settings screen(s) in the Setup Wizard, and I believe you'll see a difference of night and day. Let us know how it goes for you!
  15. These points lead me to believe that you have MAME setup as an emulator in GameEx rather than through the dedicated MAME section. It’s not at all uncommon to make this oversight once you start setting up some emulators in GameEx. So just to verify, when you set up MAME in the Setup Wizard, did you utilize the MAME Settings screen (and subsequent MAME settings screen(s))? GameEx has a number of features that are tailored specifically for MAME. You lose nearly all of these features if you setup MAME as a common emulator in GameEx. I believe if you work through the MAME settings in the Setup Wizard all of your above questions answered. If you have followed these steps, but are still experiencing odd system behavior please follow up on Draco’s request for further information.
  16. The answer here will depend on what you mean by full screen. If you mean ‘not in a window,’ adding the -f flag to your pSX command should start the emulator in full screen. You can also toggle full screen mode in pSX by pressing Alt+Enter (this actually works on several emulators). The other possibility is that you’re talking about aspect ratio. If you use the correct aspect ratio for PlayStation you will see ‘black bars’ to the left and right of your gaming screen. If you stretch the aspect ratio to match your TV the graphics will be somewhat distorted since they’re being, well … stretched. Ultimately the setting you prefer will come down to personal preference. All things related to aspect ratio in pSX can be located under File > Configuration > Graphics [TAB]. Primarily, you’ll want to have a look at the resolution settings (under NTSC and PAL), and the Aspect Ratio setting (which will allow you to either preserve or stretch the aspect ratio).
  17. I think I watched the same video. It's a pretty cool little clip! I love the 'Michael Bay' feel of the introduction!
  18. I notified headkaze , but I'm wondering about one aspect of your setup. Are you running in standalone or resident mode? Source In order to pull off continual display on a secondary monitor, I'm pretty sure you'll want to be running in resident mode. Maybe you're already doing this? Perhaps a bit more information about your current setup will provide direction in terms of providing a solution.
  19. Sorry guy, I'm afraid the sources I've shared contain just about the sum total of my knowledge regarding CPWizard. The only machine I use that even has two monitors is the one I use at work. For some reason they tend to get all crabby when they hear Donkey Kong reverberating from my workstation. I'll notify headkaze of this thread, to see if he would mind shedding some light on the topic.
  20. Here's the tutorial I used when I was getting started with CPWizard (not that I'm any kind of expert ). How to use cpwizard for dummies It's got some good pointers on general use as well as instructions for utilizing a second monitor. Here's the forum post that the author of that tutorial used to compile much of the background material (headkaze provides several good tips).
  21. Good to hear 8trek. Glad you got everything sorted. Thanks also for marking as [RESOLVED].
  22. No problem! We're here to help. I almost forgot to say, Welcome to the forums Bwpz! Feel free to report back if you run into any wrinkles along the way.
  23. Hi deansoluck, and welcome to the forums! It seems there has been a bit of confusion about this recently. GameEx is designed to be very configurable for the end user. As a result GameEx doesn't have 'default' locations for ROMs and Media because it's presupposed that those locations have been defined by the user. All of this configuration is managed through the Setup Wizard. You'll want to acquaint yourself with the Setup Wizard, Everything that GameEx 'knows' about your own unique setup is managed through the Setup Wizard. Likewise it's important to remember that GameEx is not itself an emulator. For any emulator you set up in GameEx, you'll want to have that emulator running outside of GameEx first (preferably tested via the command line) If you're in the process of setting up MAME in GameEx perhaps this documentation may prove to be of some assistance. Edit: I thought I better mention that the Setup Wizard can be accessed in the following location: Start Menu > All Programs > GameEx > Setup Wizard
  24. It's on the Emulator Setup screen in the Setup Wizard. Note that the screen displayed in the link is slightly deprecated. The current version supports an Image Snap Path and a Video Snap Path. You should enter the directory containing your videos as the Video Snap Path. Edit: I thought I better mention that the Setup Wizard can be accessed in the following location: Start Menu > All Programs > GameEx > Setup Wizard
  25. Thanks for passing this news along Bigby! I hadn't seen that 1.0 was released. I'll be checking that out shortly.
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