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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. That does indeed suck. Let's start with some basic stuff. Have you tried uninstalling GameEx and reinstalling from a fresh download of the installer? That would be my first suggestion. If you try that, but it still doesn't work lets check and see if the application is getting far enough to generate a log file. If a log file is present, please post the contents of the log here, and we'll see what we can see. Here's some instructions on where to find the log file. [GUIDE] How to ask for Help Thanks! I'm fairly sure we'll get you sorted out. Welcome to the forums!
  2. Wow RageOn! This already theme shows the remarkable progress you've already made in leveraging the tools available to you. I'm looking forward to seeing the release on this one. Great work!
  3. Thanks for the share Stu! Regardless of what happens next, this is a pretty neat little scraper.
  4. I think you guys are reaching the same conclusion just from different angles? Scrape Steam for game metadata and images. Store the image(s) locally, and store the metadata in a Steam database. Makes sense to me (unless scraping metadata proves to be exceedingly difficult).
  5. On the one hand, this shoots down an idea for a plugin I was working on. On the other hand, HELL YEAH! I’m pumped for this news! Thanks Tom! Thanks Stu for providing some background research! Woot!
  6. You’ll have to pardon me for a moment Necro. Pretend you’re talking to a head trauma patient. What images exactly are you referring to in the Advanced Emulator Setup? Screen, Box, Title, that sort of thing? And how exactly would you like to apply them to a theme? I was sort of thinking the same thing, but figured I wouldn’t pipe up until I confirmed on my own rig. Let us know what happens there.
  7. For my part which PlayStation emulator I use depends on the game. Interestingly enough my favorite PlayStation emulator lately has been a custom build of ePSXe called ePSXe Shark (or Shalma’s Shark depending on who’s talking). Shalma managed to add several enhancements to ePSXe 1.7 as well as fix several existing issues all by way of DLL injection. Sounds like several of his adjustments are making it into ePSXe 1.8. So if I’m adding new games to my list I’ll do a quick google search to see if any of the games have issues with specific emulators. Depending on what that turns up, here’s my order of preference: ePSXe Shark 1.7 (via ePSXecutor): ePSXe probably has the best compatibility of any PSX emulator, but the compatibility you get depends on your plug-in configuration. The Shark build fixes several known issues with ePSXe 1.7 and ePSXecutor sweetens the deal even more by automatically loading game specific plugin configurations. pSX 1.13: Hands down the best emulator to use through a frontend. Easy to configure, easy to launch. Focused on accuracy which is nice. Has an issue when used in conjunction with a virtual drive (this feature seems to be a bit tacked on). This emulator is no longer in development. Xebra: This is more of an extended personal experiment. I really like this emulator, and I wish more people used it. It’s focused on accuracy and doesn’t use plugins (just like pSX). I find the graphics output to be preferable to pSX (you don’t see any ‘lines’ between polygons), but the sound isn’t quite as good as pSX (depending on the game). Configuration and User Interface is just the worst though. The emulator appears to be no longer in development, but the author (Dr. Hell) is a bit of an enigma, so who knows? PCSX-R: Basically I find this emulator to be very similar to ePSXe, although many of the same bug fixes seen in ePSXe shark are here as well (Shalma worked on this emulator too). I usually only get this far if a game hasn’t worked on any of the above emulators. Still in active development as of this year, but no activity since May. Interestingly enough the venerable PSX emulator, AdriPSX also appears to be poised for a resurgence in development. It’s a bit early to say, but I’m keeping an eye out for good things from this emu. It’s kind of an exciting time for PSX emulation!
  8. Thanks Tom and Ben! Another great release!
  9. Looks great Krak! I like the way it's not quite as 'busy' now. It's cleaner and more focused. You've done a great job applying an editorial eye to this theme IMO. The GameRoom logo was pretty sweet though ...
  10. Well that clears that up. Thanks for the edification. I don't really use map files, so I wasn't sure. Thanks Adultery!
  11. Pretty neat, although I do sort of miss the 1970's style TV set up in there. Nice use of the Dig Dug guy in the system selection menu!
  12. Adultery and u-man have some solid suggestions for you. I figured I'd point you at some decent starting points in terms of what you're trying to accomplish. Having said that, some of your questions delve into some topics of advanced GameEx configuration. I'd recommend learning the basics before you start delving into custom menus, map files, and other advanced topics. Draco1962 has some pretty good documentation of his early experience working with custom menus located right here. [CUSTOM MENUS] Working with Custom Menus You might be able to achieve this using a map file? To be honest, I rarely (if ever) use map files, and I've never attempted to define custom ordering via a map file. Another member could say definitively, but it's worth a shot? Here's a great tool for building map files (by our very own Adultery): [RELEASE] Map File Maker You bet. Start in this section of the Configuration Guide and work your way through the applicable settings. Really you can use GameEx with any emulator that supports a command line interface (some of them may require a bit of ingenuity and creativity for optimum configuration). If you run into a specific emulator that's giving you problems, feel free to start a new troubleshooting thread in this section of the forum. Work your way through this section of the Configuration Guide. Also note that these forums are choc full of useful information. Don't be afraid to apply a little judicious searching of the forums. Chances are for any given problem, someone else has probably experienced something similar. Welcome to the forums!
  13. I also love tapatalk, but was wondering the same thing.
  14. Awesome! Looks like a really cool museum KRC! I really enjoy historical dioramas and reenactments like that. Sounds like it was a fun family outing!
  15. Nice call Stu! I hadn't even thought of using specialized .bat files for specific games (which is odd, because I tend to rely on .bat files alot in my setup). Well played! (Pun intended )
  16. I also think it would be great to add integrated Steam support into GameEx if possible (it would certainly be something that no other frontend offers). I'm not sure I'd recommend using couslev's method as the means to do so though. My experience with this method has been a bit hit or miss, I'd say about an 80% success rate for the games I have installed (38 games). The trouble is that although Steam games all seem to operating under the unified shell of Steam, the games themselves are launched in a variety of ways. Here's what I've seen thus far: Game has no launcher and launches overlaygui as part of the launch process (couslev's method works). Example: Burnout: Paradise Game has a launcher and launches overlaygui when the game is launched via the launcher (couselev's method might work, but you also need to execute a send keys operation for the launcher which defeats the purpose since the send keys are specific to the game being launched). Example: Batman: Arkham Asylum Game has no launcher but requests a login procedure specific to the game being launched (requires send keys - although it seems to be a bit hit or miss in my experience. The form is always pre-populated with my login info but every so often requires that I actually hit the login button) Example: Grand Theft Auto IV (although sometimes it launches just fine. ) Game doesn't launch overlaygui. (couselev's method won't work) Example: Binding of Isaac I've had better luck with the Universal Game Loader, but even that has it's own set of issues. It's a bit of a PITA to configure, and it also has issues with certain games. UGL also tries to do an end-around on Steam by launching the actual game executable rather than the Steam appID/shortcut (which is what causes issues with certain games, depending on your configuration). I'd make a modest suggestion that if GameEx were to integrate Steam support that it integrate it's own internal version of UGL which is a bit easier to configure, and doesn't attempt to 'fake out' Steam by directly launching the game executable. /my2c
  17. nullPointer


    Hi Joan, and welcome to the GameEx forums! I like to think that we've got the best community of video game and emulation enthusiasts on the internet (although naturally my opinion might be a bit biased ). Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself, it's always great to see new members who are both interested and engaged. Have fun with GameEx, and naturally we're here to provide assistance when and if necessary. Also it's great to see KRC spearheading our recruitment drive efforts!
  18. Like I say, the font thing is purely an aesthetic choice. If you like the way it looks run with it. Find your bliss baby! Serif fonts are used a lot in print media, so many people subconsciously associate serif type fonts with news print (as an example). As a result graphic designers often use sans-serif fonts for graphical text work in order to disassociate the 'exciting' graphical work from the 'stodgy' news print (you see this a lot in advertising). It's certainly not a universal rule, so find what you like and run with it!
  19. That really is a pretty cool service. For whatever reason that link was broken when I tied it last night (possibly my ISP). It worked today though, so I had a chance to mess around a bit. Thanks for the share u-man!
  20. I was thinking it might be an Apple font. Main reason I ask is purely down to aesthetic.. I tend to favor sans serif fonts for graphic design work, but that's just a matter of personal preference. The font looks just fine. Carry on! I gotta say, I really like KRC's idea of a few different backs, but not necessarily one for every system under the sun (mainly to preserve your sanity! )
  21. Looking good Krak! I really like the 'clean' aesthetic you're going for here. It's a bit early to say, but this may end up being my favorite of your themes. And that's saying something considering your quality work in the past! Just out of curiosity, are you pretty well set on the choice of fonts?
  22. I thought I better clarify my earlier remark in the event that it caused any confusion Draco nailed what I actually intended to say (leave it to Draco ). I believe that SQLite databases may be given preference in terms of future development. But having said that, GameEx will display data from an Access database before a SQLite database, in the event that the two separate format databases are named the same, That's good as it means users who have spent a lot of time customizing the legacy databases aren't suddenly SOL. So my previous statement regarding 'preference' was a bit misleading.
  23. This is correct. The 'Use Bezel' field under Advanced MAME Settings in the Setup Wizard contains the following choices: Use Bezel for vertical Games (Default) Dont Use Bezel I totally agree with Necro's assessment regarding points #2 and #3. I'm a big fan of MAME's built in bezel support, so that's what I use on my own rig. @Venomouse: Yeah I think at this point it may be down to some good old trial and error (i.e. make an adjustment, test, repeat, until you get it right). At least once you get it dialed in you'll have a usable template for your setup.
  24. Thanks HK! I'm always amazed at a rapid response time and turnaround on an enhancement like this. You da man!
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