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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Ah screw it; let’s just put this guy in office. Now there’s a guy who actually understands the economics of fossil fuels. (... I’m hoping someone actually gets this reference and doesn't think that I’m just posting bondage pictures ... again). Just walk away ...
  2. Actually as reread I my advice above I realize that I’m making the whole process more complicated than necessary. I was thinking of the control panel as ‘multiple single controllers’ which is of course not the case (I’m stuck in my own approach). Let’s revise that advice shall we? Make one single Xapdder config. This single config will house all the controls for both Player 1 and Player 2. It will have two internal Sets. Set 1: Contains controls for Player 1 and only Player 1. Set a 1-Way trigger on the 2P button to switch to the full 2 Player set. Set 2: Contains all controls for both Player 1 and Player 2. Set a 1-Way trigger on the 1P button to switch back to the 1 Player set. There that would be waaay better. Sheesh, don’t know what I was thinking before. (Note to self: Must stop sniffing glue before noon ). Edit: I've never noticed any sort of latency when using Xpadder. I suppose there may be a small amount, but if so I would think it's no more than a couple of milliseconds (if that).
  3. That is correct. I’d highly recommend using Adultery’s Xpadder plugin if you’re just starting out with Xpadder. It’s going to take the guesswork out of configuring the Xpadder command line for launching multiple configs simultaneously. Xpadder is flexible enough that there could be several different ways of achieving your goal, but I think this is what I would try Make two controller profiles, Player 1 and Player 2 Within each profile, there will be 2 separate ‘sets’ (This is the Xpadder terminology, but basically it’s an alternate config for a single control layout). Player 1 Set 1: Configure the 1 Player controls. Set a 1-Way trigger on the 2P button to switch to the 2 Player set. Player 1 Set 2: Configure the 2 Player controls (for Player 1). Set a 1-Way trigger on the 1P button to switch to the 1 Player set. Player 2 Set 1: Empty config, Set a 1-Way trigger on the 2P button to switch to the 2 Player config (This will be the exact same trigger as the Player 1 control, so that button press will affect both Xpadder configs. I’ve never tried it since I don’t have a CP, but I imagine that it should work) Player 2 Set 2: Configure the 2 Player controls (for Player 2). Set a 1-Way trigger on the 1P button to switch to the 1 Player set (which in this example is empty). I think that would work, but I’ve never tried to have single button press affect multiple configs (since I don’t have a CP). I don’t see why it wouldn’t work though. All the same it might be a question for the Xpadder forums (or one of our Xpadder users that also utilizes a multi-player control panel).
  4. +1 on Xpadder. I don’t think MAME has any native support for this sort of functionality, and as such I don’t think it would be practical to manage within MAME. (Note that I didn’t say impossible, but I think the experience would be tedious and frustrating at best) Xpadder will allow you to assign keys (like your P1 and P2 buttons) which will switch controller profiles on the fly, for any number of players. I think that would be your best bet. One catch to this method is that you’ll need to compile MAME to accept DirectInput, otherwise it won’t work (MAME only accepts Raw Input by default). It looks like you’re well on your way as far as compiling goes, but it will add a small additional step to your build. This thread will point you in the right direction if you choose to pursue this solution I'd recommend taking a look at that whole thread, but cutting to the chase this is what you'll need to do prior to compiling:
  5. I’m afraid I can’t help much on the MameUI end of things (I only compile vanilla MAME builds), but at as far as the make file goes, I think this may be the answer you seek. So while it’s true that MameUI.mak is no longer necessary, it has simply been changed to WinUI.mak.
  6. Stay safe and stay prepared thurmansevolution! Sounds like there’s not a huge reason for concern, but all the same we hate to hear about fellow GameEx-ers in uncertain circumstances. Here’s hoping you get some quality time with your cab, and that’s the extent of your hurricane/tropical storm experience! Keep us posted on the outcome.
  7. You’ve really taken an editorial eye to this theme in simplifying the layouts. I really think you’re on to something since the edits are looking really cool. Keep up the good work Krak!
  8. These look really nice KRC! I like the background layer you’re using under the title logo. Really gives it that arcade feel!
  9. Awesome work Adultery! This release is really cool! Also great work to Draco and KRC!
  10. I really like that 2600 screen! Pretty neat what you did with the toggle switches and game cart image there. Nice work man!
  11. See, it's just like I said ... nullified. Yeah. But quite right; a null pointer is what they call it in Java when an object reference has not been set to an instance of an object (i.e. there's a pointer in memory but it hasn't been initialized to a specific value). In the error above it sounds like someone wasn't keeping an eye on the index bounds of their array/collection. Any hoo, yeah ... How 'bout them cabinets running GameEx?
  12. You've just been nullified ...

  13. LOL! phew ... that cracked me up But ah ... no. Much respect Venomuse, much love! I do have a new catchphrase now though, so that's a net gain? And for the record ... You've all just been nullified. Yeah.
  14. Yeah they tend to get so hoity-toity about stuff like that. I mean geez, I let her have an ironing board and a stove, what's the problem?! (Oh man, oh man, oh man I hope my wife never reads this comment! ... I Love You Honey! )
  15. That’s one fine looking cabinet Venomouse! Nice display of craftsmanship and attention to detail. Like KRC I’ve often dreamed of starting a dedicated arcade cabinet project, but space considerations and WAF are both playing a big part. Lately I’ve been sizing up my kids play house both for dimensions and general viability of housing an arcade cabinet. Here’s hoping!
  16. Well I for one hope it’s not the end all of your creations (although you’ve certainly earned the option of giving yourself a break )! Keep up the good work sir!
  17. Cool KRC! Reminds me of ice and of chrome. I’m looking forward to seeing how this one develops!
  18. My post count is the neighbor of the beast ...

  19. My post count will steal your SOUL ...

  20. Hi Chazz! The return of the prodigal son! Congratulations on your new job! Now you’re moving on up like the Jeffersons (keep us posted on how that Dee-Luxe apartment in the sky is working out for you ). Pretty sweet press pass you got there! Thank you for being a part of our community here. Your efforts and vision are upping the entire game of theme development. As always we’re looking forward to Confluence: GEX (and now Project RED), but naturally IRL concerns take precedence. So take it one day at a time, and we’ll look forward to seeing your cool themes being released whenever they arrive.
  21. Perhaps if you’ll entertain the notion I might be allowed to make a brief comparison. Two exceedingly brilliant men, both a bit reclusive, but for different reasons. Henry David Thoreau vanished from the public eye so that he might, “live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if (he) could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when (he) came to die, discover that (he) had not lived.” Much later wealthy industrialist Howard Hughes also chose to withdraw from the public eye. This was so he could sit naked in a personal film screening room watching Ice Station Zebra 150 times in a row, all the while choosing to relieve himself in empty milk jars for fear of using the proper facilities. Chazz in your case I very much hope it’s the former and not the later. Nah, seriously though, I hope you don’t mind the razzing. I’m just running out of ways to express the collective anticipation for this sweet, sweet theme. Any news on a release date? I’ve also noticed that your image hosting has gone tits up. I hope that all is well on your end, and that this isn’t an indication of the sort of public withdrawal I mention above. We miss you buddy! Feel free to let one of us know if you’re in search of alternate hosting options! EDIT: The prodigal son has returned! (and he brought his Spruce Goose with him ). Good to see you back Chazz.
  22. Hmm ... I'm thinking your MAME issue may be separate from your karaoke issue. Do you have MAME running outside of GameEx? Would you mind uploading a copy of your GameEx.ini? It's can be found under your GameEx installation directory in the following location by default: C:\GameEx\CONFIG\ GameEx.ini Regarding the karaoke issue, have you double checked that DXKaraoke is installed?
  23. These look really cool KRC! Yet another great concept executed with style. In the words of one of my heroes, "If you had a penny for your thoughts you'd be a millionaire"
  24. <ThreadHijack> It would be rather interesting to put together a GameEx users map through Google Maps (or equivalent), in which users could add their location. OTOH I’m not sure I want you guys knowing exactly where I live. </ThreadHijack>
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