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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Have fun at Burning Man Tiki! Gotta admit I'm a bit envious (or at least me from 15 years ago is super-envious). Thanks for repping GameEx at the festival! Enjoy the debauchery in moderation (see that's the sad old 'responsible' me talking now ... me from 15 years ago asks, "What is this 'moderation' you speak of?"). Enjoy the festivities and be safe!
  2. Pretty sweet setup! I can't believe you're running all of that on a 430W power supply!? Am I seeing that correctly?
  3. I could be wrong (MAWS we miss you so much!), but I believe the Killer Instinct games are working just fine in more recent versions of MAME? I also used to use Ultra 64 for Killer Instinct games, but at this point I believe it’s a dead project, and the emulation was always a little dodgy anyway. YMMV depending on what version of MAME your running.
  4. Oh no, you'd be the last person I'd ever expect to be mean about a feature request and/or post out of anger! I just wanted to make sure you weren't feeling like you got shot down undeservedly. Sorry about missing your intent there. A brief anecdote. My previous career was in restaurants. The general rule of thumb in that industry is that of customers that have a bad dining experience, only 8% will ever actually say anything about it to the staff of the restaurant. The rest will just leave, and a significant percentage of those will never return. That's why good restaurants take every complaint or request seriously, since it presents an opportunity for improvement that might otherwise go unnoticed. Thank you for bringing attention to this issue! By the way, I meant to mention it before, but great job on applying some ingenuity and discovering a handy workaround for the issue!
  5. I could be wrong, and only Tom can say for sure, but I read Tom's post as, " I see no reason that outputting to a third monitor for GameExtender viewer isnt a valid feature request," meaning that it would be a perfectly valid feature request. We all make typos from time to time, and I make more than mai my share. Like I say, only Tom knows for sure, but it's pretty rare that he ever shuts anyone down outright with no explanation. I think that giving the benefit of the doubt may be in order here.
  6. Yep that's exactly how it works. I love that feature! It works pretty awesome if you have multiple versions or regions of the same game too.
  7. There is something of a workaround for this (although I hesitate to call it a workaround, since it works exactly as intended). The merge sets feature works like a champ for displaying multi-disc sets. So for instance, let's say that I have Final Fantasy VII. In the Setup Wizard I would set Merge Sets to Yes on the Advanced Emulator Setup screen. So long as my Disc Images follow a standard naming convention (I highly recommend Redump), Final Fantasy VII will only appear once in my Game List. When I click on Final Fantasy VII all of the individual discs in that set will appear on the game screen. Really I think this is preferable to only having one exclusive all encompassing entry for Final Fantasy VII in your game list. What happens when you finish playing through Disc 1? You would either need to change your config so that the single entry in your Game List now points at Disc 2, or as Adultery suggests you would now need to switch discs every time you start the game from that point forward. The above suggestion may not be a perfect fit for your use-case, but I've found it to be pretty satisfactory.
  8. I do have a basic concept for a theme that's been rattling around in my ol' noggin for a while, but it will be a bit of a departure from the elements in this kit (although not altogether incompatible). I've been slowly putting together some pieces for it, but it's likely to be something that happens after I wrap up a couple of other projects on my docket.
  9. Great release! Thanks for all your hard work guys!
  10. I've updated the Background image kit to incorporate the completely awesome schematic diagram images that Draco created. These things are super cool; thanks again for sharing Draco! Download links have been updated in the original post. @ Draco: As a side note, I'm also pretty pumped to check out the additional schematic and pcb layouts you're adding to Blue Neon LCD. As something of an engineering nerd, that stuff is right up my alley! Great concept.
  11. Wow Ray! This looks great! Nice work coming onto the the scene with gusto! I'm always impressed with the motivation and creativity of our user base. Regarding hosting, Tom has stated on a good handful of occasions that he is more than happy to host GameEx related material on gameex.com (which can in turn be linked here). It would probably be worth dropping him a line to discuss options. Great work once again. Once you get the skinning bug it's hard to stop!
  12. iMagic! Dangit! That's what I was attempting to suggest in my post above. The Game Info Plugin is also very cool, but iMagic is what I was attempting to recall. That Adultery, give him a chance and he's going to develop half a dozen awesome plug-ins before you finish even looking at the first one!
  13. I would say that Adultery's Game Info Plugin is a pretty excellent alternative to GameExtender (unless you actually are relying on the network interface offed by GameExtender). That plugin gets better and better all the time! You'd have to ask him if it accomplishes specifically what you're trying to achieve, but it's definitely worth a shot IMO!
  14. fRequEnCy. What can be said about someone who is simultaneously a man, a myth, and a legend around here? If you've been around these forums for any length of time then you undoubtedly have your own stories about how fReq helped you out of a jam. He's been a cornerstone of these forums for a long time. When attempting to assist any users having issues, you can almost bank on the fact that fReq has already addressed the same issue on any multitude of occasions. It's kind of like the young fellas playing in metal bands these days. For any riff they play you can bet that Black Sabbath played it first. fReq thanks for being our Black Sabbath! I'd like to invite all our users to join me in saluting fReq on this the 36th anniversary of his birth. Happy Birthday you manly, mythological, legend!
  15. Wowee! Did you notice any controller latency with this setup?
  16. An important distinction to make is that your log will be overwritten every time you run GameEx. Typically when you're experiencing a problem like this you'll want to start GameEx, reproduce the problem, and immediately post your log before running GameEx again. We'll get you set right, but we need the log to reflect the error before we can determine what the issue is.
  17. Sorry to 2X post, but I also found this resource which might prove to be useful for you (via good ol’ makeuseof) 5 Ways to Print Folder and Directory Contents in Windows
  18. Yeah I somehow remembered that program based on a vague recollection of a program that I passed along to a friend somewhere in the neighborhood of 2006. Worked for him, but yeah … 2006. Ultimately I stand by the command line method. To release something like this as trial based software would seem to be the height of folly to me.
  19. Are we talking about the EMS Top Gun 3 here? (Sorry I’m unable to connect to eBay at my current location) That’s the only wireless PC light gun I’m aware of that seems to have gained some significant popularity (other than a combination of a wiimote and GlovePie obviously). As far as that goes, it’s a bit of a sticky wicket (for me at least). The sources I trust seem to give it decidedly mediocre reviews whereas the sources in which I don’t place a great deal of credibility seem to be fairly complimentary. I’ll grant you that the possibility of wireless and recoil seems like it could certainly be a winning combination though.
  20. This is a very good call. I neglected to consider the probable necessity of recursively listing contents of sub-directories. Way to go the extra mile Draco!
  21. I believe I passed this piece of software onto a friend at one time, but if it were me I’d open up a command prompt, navigate to the directory I wanted to catalog, and run the following command: dir /B > my_text_doc.txt Where my_text_doc.txt is the name of the file you’d like to write the results to. Note that this doesn’t need to be a pre-existing text file.
  22. The unmount command is very similar to the mount command, except that it doesn't care exactly what was mounted in the first place. Try this out: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -unmount scsi, 0 Once again you'll have to adjust the scsi parameter as necessary. If you just want to drop a bomb on the whole works, you can also simply opt to unmount everything: "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -unmount_all Here are the keys to the kingdom: DAEMON Tools Lite Command Line Parameters
  23. There. Fixed that for you.
  24. I would definitely second thurmansevolution’s suggestion regarding Ultimarc. I believe AimTrak to be the crème de la crème of light guns at the moment. Further to the point those ArcadeGuns you’re looking at actually house AimTrak internals (although it’s completely above board. Apparently they’ve worked out an agreement with Ultimarc). Lastly I know that Andy who is the proprietor of Ultimarc provides a high degree of customer support for his products. Here’s a pretty good primer on setting up light guns in MAME, compliments of our friends over at BYOAC. Mame Lightgun Setup
  25. Hi Jester To me it appears that you're definitely missing a comma in your mount command, and it's likely that you're also missing the drive type (which will be dt or scsi). Try this on for size (the areas I think you're missing are in bold): "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -mount scsi, 0,"[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" Bear in mind that the –mount scsi parameter may need to be adjusted to -mount dt, depending on the type of virtual drive(s) you have installed.
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