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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Yep, we're definitely on the same page. CPWizard makes it possible to do some pretty neat things in terms of a custom viewer for your control panel. It also integrates support for the command.dat project, so you can view move sets in fighting games as an example. Good luck and please post back with your results! Just out of curiosity, are you working on a cab project 8trek?
  2. The best damn sandwich is the BLT. A close second is the Reuben but ... c'mon I mean we're talking bacon here people. Thoughts?
  3. It works that way because it runs over a network interface. Technically if you want to run the client and the server on the same machine, you should be able to set both the client and server address to which is your machine's loopback address. If it's not connecting you may need to add an exception to whatever firewall software you have in place (if any). You also want to be sure that you don't have a port conflict with the port number as assigned (8383 is the default port which should be fairly unique). Just to double check, you are including the port number in the IP address when you attempt to connect? Something along the lines of
  4. Hi 8trek I'm taking a shot in the dark here, so feel free to provide a bit more detail if I'm off base. I believe you're referring to the Enable Panel Viewer setting on the Enable/Disable Features ​screen? Does that sound right? I don't believe you can edit the font or position of text displayed using the internal GameEx control panel viewer. That doesn't mean it's impossible though. Where there's a will there's a way, as they say. GameEx has full integrated support for CPWizard, an application written by our very own headkaze. That application works in similar way to the internal control panel viewer but will allow you to customize the display in numerous ways (among other things), It's a bit more work (certainly not unmanageable), but the results are worth it for a truly integrated custom feel IMHO. You can enable CPWizard display on the MAME Settings screen via the Use CPWizard setting. There's a bit of a learning curve to CPWizard, but again it's not bad, and I imagine you'd suss it out fairly quickly.
  5. Answering questions is why we’re here! Otherwise we just sit around staring at a browser screen pressing F5 every so often. It’s always cool seeing new users getting excited about GameEx! With any luck, you’ll be the one helping out new users before you know it.
  6. That would be your entry for the Command Line field as seen on the Emulator Setup screen of the Setup Wizard. You shouldn’t have to worry about it a great deal though. If you select the proper emulator from the Emulator Selection screen and add it to an available emulator slot, the command line should be pre-populated for you when you navigate to the Emulator Setup screen (which is the next screen if you're going in order)
  7. I’m hoping AlphaUMi will chime in with some additional information about Gamebase. He’s sort of the resident expert around here in terms of using Gamebase through GameEx. I’ll send a PM to see if he’d mind providing some additional detail.
  8. The advantage pSX offers is that it’s so much more easily compatible with frontend use. You won’t need to explicitly mount images in pSX since it handles it internally (actually ePSXe can also do this by way of the -loadbin flag; I probably should have mentioned that earlier). So you can just pass in the full ROM path and pSX will load it up through the emulator like so: psxfin.exe -f “[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]” The trade off with pSX is that you lose out on the graphical enhancements offered by ePSXe. That’s worth some consideration if that’s important to you. Essentially it boils down to this: pSX is the clear choice if you’re looking for a “set it and forget it” approach in terms of GameEx configuration. ePSXe is also an excellent emulator, but will likely require some additional tweaking and testing to get everything just right in GameEx.
  9. One quick observation. On the surface there doesn’t appear to be any glaring issues with your ZSNES config, but your log is showing this: 23:55:11.2 8/2/2012: Running: cmd.exe /c C: snesgt.exe -f "C:\Roms\Nintendo SNES\Roms\A.S.P. Air Strike Patrol.zip" I thought I better confirm for certain, are you running into problems with ZSNES or SnesGT? Edit: Just an FYI since it's not readily apparent to new users. The GameEx log only contains information regarding the last time you ran GameEx (it's overwritten every time you run GameEx). So in order to see the ZSNES issue in the log, you'll want to generate the problem in GameX, exit GameEx, and re-post the contents of the log.
  10. In regards to ePSXe, do you have DaemonTools Lite installed? The [-VIRTUALDRIVE-] flag in your command is not going to work unless you do. And even then there’s a good chance it’s not going to work. ePSXe requires that the virtual drive be a virtual SCSI drive to work properly (or at all). You may be able to get a disc mounted to a virtual DT drive, but ePSXe is not going to be able to read it. Unfortunately the [-VIRTUALDRIVE-] flag will default to a DT drive if more than one virtual drive is found. Some users have reported success if they install DT LIte with only a single virtual SCSI drive. That might be worth a go. So short of using the [-VIRTUALDRIVE-] flag for ePSXe you’re left with the option of using a Launch Before command to mount your disc image and a Launch After command to unmount it. Going that route you’d end up with something like this: Launch Before: start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -mount scsi, 0, "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" Launch After start "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\DAEMON Tools Lite\DTLite.exe" -unmount scsi, 0 To be honest it’s a bit of a PITA. I currently use both pSX and ePSXe (with a little Xebra thrown in for asian flair), but ePSXe is hands down the trickiest PlayStation emulator to set up for the purposes of a frontend. So that’s what I’m seeing for ePSXe. I’ll take a look at ZSNES. It’s been quite a while since I rode around on that dinosaur.
  11. Hi aikido I’m glad you were able to get some emulators set up in GameEx (by the by, you might want to go back and mark that thread as [RESOLVED]). So I’m afraid you’ve hit two of the more ‘troublesome’ emulators to configure correctly in GameEx. The forums here are rife with problem reports for these two emulators. You mentioned that you’re a noob, so I’m going to take a slightly different approach. We can get definitely get you going on ePSXe and ZSNES, but if you’re not intrinsically tied to these emulators; I’d propose that you try out different emulators for these purposes. In place of ePSXe, I’d recommend having a go with pSX. It’s a lot more noob friendly than ePSXe. For that matter it’s a lot more frontend friendly than ePSXe. I love ePSXe, but if you use it you any length of time, you will run into a plugin issue. This is clearly not ideal for a frontend setup, as the goal tends to be to hide the fact that you’re running an emulator. pSX has no plugins to worry about, and it’s easier to run from the command line. In place of ZSNES, I’d recommend Snes9X (in point of fact I’d recommend bsnes, but it’s not nearly as noob friendly). ZSNES is historically significant, but at this point it’s been surpassed by most of it’s contemporaries. Snes9X shouldn’t give you headaches trying to deal with giving focus to the emulator. So do with these recommendations as you well. If you’d like to pursue ePSXe and/or ZSNES, we can certainly do that. I’m just making recommendations based on the emulators that I myself used when I was a noob. Both of the emulators above can be downloaded through the Setup Wizard. Let us know what you decide.
  12. Glad you got everything sorted out BootHammer! Remember to post some pictures of that cab once it gets closer to completion. Everyone around here loves drooling over pictures of new cabs! Edit: If I may be so bold, I would request one favor of you. As users solve their issues, we like to take a ‘pay it forward’ approach. One way you can do this is to mark your threads as [RESOLVED] once you have resolved the reported issue to your satisfaction. In this way future users will also potentially benefit from your ingenuity, in that they are able to quickly find solutions to similar problems. In order to mark your thread as [RESOLVED] you edit your first post, and choose “Use Full Editor”. From the full editor screen you will be able to change the title of your thread. This thread would be altered like so: [RESOLVED] Sega Roms will not load properly: "no sms or gg files". Obviously, this is not a requirement, but does serve to help out any future users with a similar problem.
  13. There may be a secondary issue too. ".bin" is not a file extension I typically associate with Genesis-MegaDrive ROMs (it's usually a disc image extension). If it's running fine outside of GameEx though, there's probably no issue.
  14. Don't sweat it! Actually the first file you provided might have been the essential piece of the puzzle. The command line you're using is specifically for launching a Sega Master System ROM. TMNT: Hyperstone Heist was never released for the SMS, No? I think what you're going to want to do is set up a brand new emulator slot in the Setup Wizard for Sega Genesis. It can still point at the same Fusion executable, but you need to feed Fusion the genesis command rather than the SMS one. Let me know if that makes sense and we can go from there.
  15. Thanks! The emulator settings do provide some good info, but don't really provide insight into the command line being used by GameEx. Here's a bit more of what I'm shooting for:
  16. Hi BootHammer and welcome to the forums! I'm guessing this has something to do with the command line you're using, and what sub-system of Fusion you're attempting to launch. Would you mind uploading a copy of your Emulator config? Please refer here if you're unsure of how to do that. Fun fact "sms" refers to Sega Master System, and "gg" refers to Game Gear. Are you attempting to launch one of those systems when you receive this error? Edit: Naturally fReq beat me to it!
  17. So getting down to the nuts and bolts. When you have a moment please provide a detailed description of the issue with ZSNES (does the emulator simply not start, does it start but GameEx takes back focus while the emulator is running in the background, etc.). In addition to a good description, please provide one more copy of your log (immediately after having encountered the problem with ZSNES) and the emulator config for ZSNES. Thank you sir! I'm pretty sure with a little persistence we can work through this,
  18. Hello aikido2u and welcome to the forums! You are correct. The Advanced Configuration tool has been replaced by the Setup Wizard in more recent versions. The Setup Wizard is self explanatory in many ways (pay special attention to the "?" icons as they contain a lot of help text). Have a look at that, and feel free to ask any questions right here as they come up. Start Menu > All Programs > GameEx > Setup Wizard Edit: fReq beat me to it!
  19. Hi Loïc, and welcome to the forums! If you'd like to edit the title of your thread you may do so by editing your first post, and clicking the 'Use Full Editor' button. From the full editor screen you can update the title of your post. Welcome once again!
  20. Wow! That’s not good. Just to clarify, I wasn’t suggesting that you switch to Snes9x. I was merely pointing out that the problem you were experiencing with ZSNES was probably not at all the same issue experienced by BritnVA. If you feel more comfortable using ZSNES, then by all means use that. In terms of GameEx crashing, I’d highly recommend updating to the most recent version of GameEx. This crash may might be related to a bug that Tom fixed in a subsequent release. For that matter it could also be related to video card drivers or a DirectX problem. We can tackle this thing one step at a time. Let us know whether you’d like to pursue the original issue with ZSNES, or whether you’d like to tackle this new Snes9x problem.
  21. If you are unsure of how to do this, please follow these directions. Go to the Emulator Selection screen in the Setup Wizard. You'll see a column of 6 buttons between the two main panels. The bottom button in that column is the Export Emulator(s) button. Highlight the emulator you'd like to export in the left hand panel and click the Export Emulator(s) button. You will then be prompted as to where you'd like to save the emulator config file. That's the file that you would upload here.
  22. Not to split hairs or anything, but the original issue reported by BritnVA was related to Snes9x. Judging from your log it looks like you’re using ZSNES? Other than a couple of problems I suspect to be unrelated (font issue, emulator not restoring from cache), your log looks fairly straight. The other piece of information that will help to determine the cause of this issue will be your emulator config. You can upload your emulator config in the following fashion: Go to the Emulator Selection screen in the Setup Wizard. You'll see a column of 6 buttons between the two main panels. The bottom button in that column is the Export Emulator(s) button. Highlight the emulator you'd like to export in the left hand panel and click the Export Emulator(s) button. You will then be prompted as to where you'd like to save the emulator config file. That's the file that you would upload here. I see from your log that you’re using a fairly old version of GameEx. While I rather doubt that this is causing the issue you describe, it would definitely be worthwhile to update. Thanks bugmenot, we’ll get to the bottom of your issue!
  23. >Bump< Hi Chazz! I just wanted to check in with you to see how Confluence:GEX is coming along. I can barely wait to see a completed version of this theme! I’m hoping that you won’t let it languish as it’s way too awesome to never see the light of a full release! (You've also clearly put a ton of work and craftsmanship into this thing). OTOH sometimes you need to take a break from projects like this in order to return with new enthusiasm. And naturally sometimes these projects take a back seat to real life. So this intended as encouragement more than anything. There’s a lot of community excitement behind this project. Thanks for all the work you’ve put into it!
  24. dullDC ... that kills me. Not sure if that's a Freudian slip, but thanks for the chuckle. Any hoo, the following bit of advice may prove useful to you. Original Thread That's the one! Thank you! I just downloaded the emulator for testing but you had beat me to it. The following are from memory so they are untested. These are settings that need to be changed from the default. [nullDC] Emulator.AutoStart=1 Emulator.NoConsole=1 [nullDC_GUI] Fullscreen=1 [ImageReader] LoadDefaultImage=1 Other settings depend on your system and settings. But these should launch cleanly within GameEx fullscreen with the command-line mentioned in the previous posts. I'm away from my gaming rig ATM, so I'm unable to test this out. OTOH, I pretty much take fReq's advice as gospel so do with that what you will. I'd recommend making a backup of your nulldc.cfg before making any edits. Let us know how this goes for you!
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