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Everything posted by nullPointer

  1. Hi Superyoyo! Regarding PCSX2, are you starting the emulator in full screen? And if so does the output window still appear on top of the full screen display?
  2. Hi Draco! Sorry for an exceedingly late response. I was waiting to see if HK, Flash, or Tom had input on this, as they are obviously much more knowledgeable in relation to the system as it exists today. I’ll add my input (for what it’s worth), as I’m still pretty interested in opening up a dialog in this capacity (at least until one of the guys above states that a single database would be impossible/exceedingly implausible) . I’ll do the Q&A format as it’s just easier: I’m no database architect, so keep that grain of salt firmly in place. I don’t think the database itself would take up a lot more resources than it does today. The database won’t (or shouldn’t) cache all data in memory or swap space (otherwise what’s the point of the database). The database session has the potential to be resource intensive (particularly where we’re talking about multiple concurrent sessions – but we don’t need to worry about that here). If the model works in the following capacity the resource use should be close or identical to the way it is today: GameEx opens a session with the database GameEx queries X dataset and stores that data set in memory (probably a similar dataset to what’s in place today) GameEx closes the session to the database This is somewhat related to the question above. If the queries are written in an efficient manner I wouldn’t estimate that it would take longer than it does today. This actually gets to the root of my line of inquiry. XBMC utilizes a single SQLite database structure, which seems to be pretty efficient (seen here and here in various incarnations). So I was in XBMC one day checking out how movies are linked to multiple actors and thought, “Gee, wouldn’t it be awesome if a game in GameEx could be linked to multiple series, genres, or whatever and all of it was cross-platform?” This certainly doesn’t equate to me saying, “Hey let’s be XBMC,” it’s simply a point of comparison. XBMC seems to be relatively efficient in the capacity, and I have no reason to believe that we couldn’t do the same. In fact it might even be quicker. Bear in mind that today the system has to open multiple Access databases in order to cache the necessary data. To what degree the opening and closing of multiple separate DB connections affects performance I don’t know (it seems fairly snappy), but I think it might save on processing time to be running multiple queries against one single database, rather than multiple queries against multiple databases. This is a very good question, and I think it boils down to two questions. What if the database is still (mostly) functional, but the data is corrupt? This would come down to how GameEx implements error handling for bad data. Only one of the guys above has a solid answer to that question. My guess is that there are already safe guards in place to protect against bad data without bringing the system down. What if the entire database is corrupt and cannot be accessed? Well this is certainly a pickle isn’t it! This may be a potential flaw in the single master DB idea, but I would predict that the odds of this happening are exceedingly slim. (I think the first scenario is much more plausible). If this was the case, the user would likely need to reinstall (or it might even be related to the db caching. Once again this is all pretty hypothetical) OK, so if anyone is still awake, that’s my premise generated purely from whole cloth. Once again I’d like to hear if any of this is plausible, but currently I think that this could have the possibility to be awesome.
  3. Awesome! Glad you got everything sorted out Superyoyo! If I may be so bold, I would request one favor of you. As users solve their issues, we like to take a ‘pay it forward’ approach. One way you can do this is to mark your threads as [RESOLVED] once you have resolved the reported issue to your satisfaction. In this way future users will also potentially benefit from your ingenuity, in that they are able to quickly find solutions to similar problems. In order to mark your thread as [RESOLVED] you edit your first post, and choose “Use Full Editor”. From the full editor screen you will be able to change the title of your thread. This thread would be altered like so: [RESOLVED] Need some help game ex with Esc. Obviously, this is not a requirement, but does serve to help out any future users with a similar problem. Thanks! You rock! And if no one has mentioned it yet, welcome to the forums!
  4. I’m pretty sure the moniker “kaceyrayclare“ doesn’t refer to an actual person. In point of fact it is a model of supercomputer capable of generating awesome artwork at an alarming rate. This is the beginning of SkyNet, people. Great set KRC! I was pretty excited for ScummVM, but I’m even more pumped for this one!
  5. Dude, I'm a bit gobsmacked. I've really been looking forward to seeing this theme in action. Any particular reason Krak?
  6. You'll have to pardon me for asking a dumb question, but you mentioned updating your ROMs. Does your version of MAME still match your ROM set (i.e did you update MAME as well as your ROMs)?
  7. For Dolphin you may or may not have success with this setting (Dolphin isn't an emulator I've gotten around to installing) Let us know if this works out for you!
  8. Open up Nestopia and go to Options > Preferences in the menu. You should notice a checkbox labeled Confirm Exit. If you uncheck that checkbox you should be good to go for Nestopia. I'm not too sure on Dolphin, but I'll do some investigation. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a similar setting there as well.
  9. LOL, you guys probably have this one too, I just found this in one of the theme directories (not sure which one, as it was the result of a directory search): It's bigger and more stylized than the first one I posted. Figured I'd post it here just for laughs (original image is larger than this): Download Link: https://picasaweb.go...feat=directlink
  10. SF3 II looks good to me KRC! Nice job. Yeah Visual PinMame has proven to be a bit tricky. It seems like VPinMame doesn't have a strong recognizable brand, so the logos that are out there themselves tend to be 'homebrew'
  11. Here's the biggest one I've found so far. It's not going to cut it as a wall paper, but would likely be big enough for a logo (actual size) Download Link: https://picasaweb.go...feat=directlink
  12. Nice script 8trek. Glad you got everything sorted. As a final bit of housekeeping we often recommend that the user mark their thread as [RESOLVED] once they’ve solved the issue reported in the thread. That way a future user is also more likely to see and benefit from your script. Obviously this is not a requirement, but it does act as a service to other forum users. You can mark the thread as resolved by editing the first post in the thread and using “More Reply Options” to alter the title of the thread (typically to append [RESOLVED] to the beginning of the thread title). Thank you sir!
  13. I also like this idea, although if I may be so bold I would suggest that the additional column should be called 'Parent' in order to avoid any confusion. As described here the column does not contain a clone, but rather the parent of the referenced game which is itself a clone. Just a suggestion. Nice idea IMB!
  14. Thanks for all your work on this Adultery, and for the update. Scrolling labels? Custom backs? Awesome!
  15. These are looking great KRC. These are the games that harken back to some of my earliest days of gaming. Awesome set!
  16. Ahem ... well, perhaps you may be interested in some actual key mapping software. I would go so far as to say that Xpadder is the most popular 3rd party solution around here. It's a paid application but it's a steal for the functionality you get. If Xpadder isn't your bag you could also try Joy2Key. You can also map keys natively in GameEx through an Advanced Emulator Confg. Here's a really basic run down of how that works. You can access the Advanced Config Editor in the Setup Wizard on the Advanced Emulator Setup page (Click the "..." button for the Advanced Config entry).
  17. I would recommend using Howard Casto's wrapper for Visual Pinball (the download link is in his signature). Among other things, it will allow you to exit Visual Pinball via the escape key. It will also help to prevent a lot of the headaches typically associated with running Visual Pinball through a frontend. Definitely a handy tool to have in your arsenal!
  18. Great job hiandyp! That came out looking really nice. I'm glad you persevered! While you're at it, don't forget about our ongoing theme contest.
  19. Here's a decent Visual Pinball logo. It's not super huge but it is on a transparent background (the original is about twice as big as seen here): Download Link: https://picasaweb.go...feat=directlink
  20. Uff da! Sorry about that. I'm going to go back and edit that out. Censorship sucks, but I didn't intend for anyone to actually follow up on that. Once again, my apologies!
  21. I also endorse this technique, but would add a brief note of caution. It's not altogether uncommon for smaller hosts to pull an image from their server or switch an image altogether ([particularly disturbing image] anyone?) if they discover evidence of hotlinking. Presumably the requester will be saving a local copy of the image upon retrieval, so maybe it's not such a huge issue. Likewise larger hosts don't really have time for that sort of investigative work, so that's probably safe If linking to a file on a smaller host, it may be good idea for the referrer to actually store off the image in a personal web album (such as PhotoBucket, Flickr, Google, and the like), and link to that, rather than posting a direct link to the original image. This may be asking a lot of the referrer, but it would definitely serve as a courtesy to the small-time operators that don't have the appropriate overhead to act as de facto image hosts. p.s. If you've been living in a closet since the dawn of the internet, please do not Google [vileness removed for the good of all]. That is all
  22. This is a great idea you guys. An artwork bazaar dedicated to the distribution of bizarre artwork (sorry, I really couldn’t resist). This is the sort of idea that helps put some effective resources into the hands of our talented theme and artwork creators. I’m looking forward to seeing this put to good use.
  23. Hi Chaos.Tiki It sounds like the In Game Key may be causing you some headaches. The help text seems to back this up. You can find this setting in the Setup Wizard on the Input Settings screen under the Keyboard Input section. It appears that it may still cause issues if you attempt to disable the key outright, so you're probably better off setting it to a rarely used key.
  24. Great work as usual Draco! I really like the self reference in the Themes logo! Nice use of recursive logic!
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