Hi there aldub, This is a question that will take quite a write-up so bear with me Firstly, Steam is a media (mainly games) distribution platform much like iTunes as you mentioned, but it is also much more than that. It has many social aspects such as Friends Lists, Instant Chat (both in-game and out), leaderboards on certain games, and it will handle all multiplayer functions too - ie all the stuff you have to pay for on consoles Amongst many other features there are Steam Groups (click "Official Group" in my sig ), game recommendations and auto updating/patching of your software (including GPU drivers if you opt for it!). That wasn't in any particular order but you get the point Now, when it comes to GameEx, it is plug'n'play - meaning you don't need to do anything to get it to run in GX. Just enter your (Steam) login details in the correct section of the Setup Wizard: Setup Wizard> Custom> Online Game Services> Steam and make sure Enabled is set to Yes, and GX will do all the hard work for you! Including populating your game list, downloading artwork and/or vids and creating an information packed database. Configured a certain way you will never even see the Steam Client! But you will have all the functionality of Steam too (which is awesome in my personal opinion), but take heed - this all relies on keeping things in their right locations - moving things around is asking for punishment. Hope that wasn't too bloated an answer for you, but GameEx+Steam is really frikkin awesome Any more questions, feel free