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Everything posted by Adultery

  1. There could be eventually... I was working on something that shows txt files, pdfs, or static images in Game Info plugin but it's not ready yet, I got distracted with something else and I'm working on that instead. I was then thinking of splitting off and making a plugin specifically for game faqs and manuals in a 2nd monitor, which is probably just going to be a code port after the Game Info function is completed. So basically that's a soft no.
  2. Who's next? Activision? They seem to have similar business models...
  3. I envision a slider for the vibration intensity, like low madium and high? Not having it vibe at all anymore kinda bums me out. I really dig this button though, it was pretty useless before. Wish I thought of doing something like that first!!
  4. I'll likely need to tap you for that. I probably won't get to it until the weekend though. Thanks!!
  5. Well probably what happened is the latest version wasn't in the extraction. Grab it again from the 1st post and I'll let Tom know.
  6. Me too! Especially psyched because Xpadder doesn't map it.
  7. The last Sim City release probably killed them... It was plagued with issues. Still, had some great times playing Maxis sims no doubt!
  8. @MisterB: The PinballX version is in need of an update, I haven't kept up on it and there are quite a few changes since last I put it out. I'll take a look and see if I can bring it up to date... There are key issues that have been addressed in GameEx that never made it into the PBX branch.
  9. Well I just pass what GameEx gives me. The info you mention will sometimes pass nulls since I don't do any database reads. In short, if GameEx doesn't send anything I don't see anything. As with any database variables, you'll have to plan for null values in code.
  10. I think there's one here somewhere... Not sure though.
  11. No. They zoom to fill as much as possible within the aspect ratio.
  12. Can you post your gameex.ini?
  13. Version 4 themes say that in the log. V4 is a modified V2 theme.
  14. Didn't you say you don't have Direct Input in the mame version you're using? You can't use internal mame mode without DI. You need to disable that section and enable 'global snap mode' instead.
  15. Can you post the game snapper log in GameEx > Plugins > Hi Score Snapper ?
  16. Not sure what to tell ya, sorry... It really is outside of the project scope to be compatible with all sorts of outside variables. :'( You don't need the tool to participate, it just makes it easier. Perhaps it's your desktop or 2nd monitor or something? I can't really say without seeing the snap.
  17. Try turning off 'verify roms' and update the list again?
  18. Btw, MAME supports multiple paths when integrated with GameEx (had to program around this in my plugins) so he probably just changed the path and it appended the default path GameEx comes installed with which shouldn't cause this.
  19. If you take a look at your GameEx ini for that emulator (or maybe even the emulator setup in the wizard), my guess is that's the key that's in the database value. I just parse and pass on what's in the GameEx.ini directly, I don't do any sort of file verification on that stuff or check for actual file/folder case. I don't think Windows cares about the casing in a file path anyway, C:/MyFile.php would point to the same file if it were c:/mYFILe.php regardless of the way it's recorded. Param 2: This is definitely possible. There may be a char I need to strip from the bio that I missed but chances are you're just passing one that's simply too long. I would have to look into it.
  20. That's correct. I need to do a couple small things and refine some code. Thanks for your help Alan!
  21. Try the attached. It adds Games in 7-zip (which should fix your issue) and multiple ROM filter support. Let me know if it works. I have some refining to do while I'm in there and I would like to release a new version sometime this weekend. Thanks!
  22. You'll probably hate it, it's soooo ghetto. But I can play for hours! Probably more due to the nostalgia than the table itself. That and Street Fighter. Absolutely blew through rolls of quarters and days off my life on that one!
  23. Not exactly what you were looking for but I have this capture device I got as a gift last year for my bday and it's been pretty awesome. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00KVCGV5K/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1425597707&sr=8-1&keywords=dvd+recorder+with+hdmi+input+and+output&dpPl=1&dpID=31YQuB9GvAL&ref=plSrchπ=AC_SX200_QL40#
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