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Everything posted by Adultery

  1. That log isn't complete which might be due to you passing the SCSI flag without the SCSI drive... The bat file looks fine though if you do indeed have an SCSI drive aside from the unmount command missing. If you don't want to mount as SCSI then you change your trigger from [DTLoader-SCSI] to [DTLoader] in the emu config. Also you don't need to add any configurations for the emulator within the plugin, I was just listing what command I use internally.
  2. Actually there is a command for a scsi drive, and the drive type only changes when you actually load an iso as you've noted. The drive letter itself should remain the same. The dt command line to mount an scsi is dtlite.exe scsi, mount "[rompath/romfile]" And the regular drive is dtlite.exe dt, mount "[rompath/romfile]" If you open the plugin config after running dt there's a button on the bottom that allows you to mount the drive via bat file which will display some helpful info like the rom path. Give that a shot and snap the cmd window and verify the path is correct. I haven't added SSF yet but the plugin is working for me for Sega CD so everything is working on my end. Also take a look at your settings for dtools, there's a check box you need to check so it unmount properly. I documented that in the plugin release thread.
  3. This should be a quick one. All you should need to do is enable the plugin and the DT drive will unmount. There is a newer plugin build that needs to be put out... I didn't send it on because it needed to be tested yet but there was a tiny bug in the SCSI unmount command for legacy versions of DT. Try this version: DT_Loader.zip As long as you have SSF pointed to your DT SCSI drive this will work. No need to set up any plugin configuration, the magic happens in the background. Just keep your GameEx command line as it is: CommandLine=ssf.exe [DTLoader-SCSI] If you still have issues, let me know... But progress on this plugin has really been geared towards the latest version of DT so you may just be better off upgrading it.
  4. Sorry gang, I forgot to add a save() for the XML in Xpadder plugin after changing the general game settings. I also have changed the default return for the game settings to TRUE so they are enabled by default. Please extract this to your GameEx directory.
  5. Sorry gang, I forgot to add a save() for the XML in Xpadder plugin after changing the general game settings. I also have changed the default return for the game settings to TRUE so they are enabled by default. Please extract this to your GameEx directory.
  6. Funny how you can throw a plugin into a tussle with the lack of 6 chars: save() !! Here you go Dazz.
  7. I hate to ask a silly question, but did you check the box? That was a bug I fixed where unchecking the box wasn't disabling game profiles, so you'll need to check it. If the setting isn't found it defaults to not enabling game profiles. So, check game specific setting box and the check box next to the game also. If it still doesn't work please pm me your settings xml.
  8. Cool to see ya here Rick! Awesome work!!
  9. Wow! That's pretty darn slick right thurrr! The paint, trim, and marquee look fabulous!! Spec it?
  10. Well they both use the same core so since everything else is updated I should have just pushed that change to QuickLaunch too. I'll have an update soon.
  11. Well that's no good... I didn't make any changes to that plugin because I thought we were looking at VDL.. I guess I'll have to go back in and look around at that one instead. I got a pretty good idea where to look though.
  12. And for the bonus point... Here's what's happening internally: 1. You select the game. 2. Xpadder launches the profiles. 3. Your wait screen pops up and you plug in the controller 4. Your process completes and the emulator loads up If the controller isn't loaded or plugged in when the game is actually run, your profiles won't be loaded at all since they weren't there when you launched the game. The only solution really is to make a bat file that loads the wait screen, waits for confirmation, then loads the Xpadder profiles, then the emulator. The whole thing gets hairy when you have controller that don't remain plugged in... IDs change, load orders change, etc. Sadly this is really an edge case and there isn't much I can do about it.
  13. As a matter of fact, it was on my nas box. I should have been more specific. I keep my games on a nas4free box and I was using an alpha build of v10. This last weekend I wanted to set up OwnCloud with my DDNS and my jail wasn't working (ddns was not reporting properly either), so I reverted my nas box back to 9.0.3 to set that up. After that my network speeds seemed to increase substantially, and after I reset the group and user permissions the problem went away. I have also switched to minidlna since I was working with jails anyways, so it was one of those things. My educated guess is that the alpha 10 build was having some type of negotiation issues, but it may well have been the integrated dlna I was using. No changes to the Windows Server, so that rules that out. In the end, I'm using Windows Server less and less and may just free up the machine that runs on and use the nas box instead. I'm still not fully decided on that. In all honesty, running the Windows Server just for outlook, users, sql and remote access seems futile for my setup. Haha, well that wound up being awfully wordy! :-)
  14. Well if you don't enable Virtual Drive Loader the problem goes away right? Or no?
  15. Turns out this was a server issue, or rather an issue with the configuration of one of the roles it uses. My games load in ~3 seconds now.
  16. Here you go, v128 is fixed and ready. Also fixed a small bug in the 5-8 profile display on the config screen for the system. Enjoy and thanks for using this!
  17. I also couldn't help but notice that most of the employees are playing games. I would be pretty much chained to Funhouse, Tron, TMNT, Killer Instinct, F-Zero and Lethal Enforcers all day!! I was hoping to see Mario Kart GT in there... Maybe someday.
  18. Our plan is to spend a good majority of the day there. $15 for all you can stand? I'll get my money's worth out of it.
  19. Are you offering to help out or merely suggesting? PS: I have fixed this and will be putting out an update at some point today.
  20. Oh wait. I see what you're saying, the language barrier got me. Hold on a bit, let me see if I can reproduce. In the meantime you can just clear the emulator profile and it should remove game profiles too.
  21. I can't duplicate this using your settings on my machine is what I'm saying. What is your GameEx install path?
  22. Sorry, I am unable to reproduce this... If I un-check the box next to the game it disables the game as expected. If I un-check the box next to the system it disables the system as expected. If I press 'clear' in the game section it removes the game profiles as expected. If I press 'clear' in the system section it removes the system profiles as expected. The settings save and reload as expected after exiting/re-entering. Your log also looks fine to me. Is anyone else having issues like this?
  23. And it still doesn't unmount? I'm thinking the drive number isn't 0 if you have more than one drive... EDIT: Try this one if you would.
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