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Everything posted by Adultery

  1. Well this plugin just underwent an 18-hour coding overhaul! In a nutshell this was long overdue for an update (I think it was like October since last I put out an update) and a re-write in many places, so I set out to do just that around noon yesterday CST. So it's ready and I need to get to bed, I have to do some mandatory work OT tomorrow morning so I thought I was in a pretty solid stopping place. It should be noted that on the download page in the portal you can now get both the lite version and the full version if you want all the themes too. I also left 1.2.7 in case something wonky went down with the upgrade. I need to update the snapshots too, they're pretty outdated. Anyhow, this isn't an all-encompasing list, there's so many changes I can't remember them all. But here's the news: Version 1.2.8 is available! Updated all code bases to their most recent versionsQuite a large amount of optimizingBrand new display handler to improve efficiencyMoved HiScore checks to new DracLabs APIAdded game marquee to Hi-Score listAdded emulator INI parsing for new featuresExtender Viewer now looks to GameEx's GameExtender Art Path for the emulator first, which looks really nice if you set that path to 'Backgrounds' from EmuMovies! In order of search:Emulator's GameExtender Art PathIf MAME, the marquee pathTitle pathSnap pathThis supports either a directory or a single file the same way GameEx doesLots of exception handling was added to keep Game Info running consistantly and smoothly no maatter how long you run itHuge efficiency tweak to the Last.FM code to both speed things up and improve accuracyMany other improvements too numerous to rememberYou can access it from the usual places. Thanks!
  2. I already know what I think I need to do here. I'll put out a beta for you to test later if you're willing to do so.
  3. I'm going to see what I can do to get around that. I have to test that way because I've never used that feature. :-)
  4. I didn't even know some option like that existed! Whatever it is, the loading of the emulator isn't happening and that's where the emu gets parsed. Can you disable that setting and see if it works?
  5. Okay I see what's going on here... Are you launching the game from last played or favorites? Or are you going into the emulator list and launching the game from there? If it's the first, can you try the second? It looks like the emuload event isn't being called. In which case I'll have to try and do some wizardry to get the emu ini to parse.
  6. Can you keep me posted too Tom? This is gonna impact some plugins and I'm interested in your workaround.
  7. I'm a converted 8.1 x64 user who swore they would never leave the comfort if w7 and it actually works really great. It should also be noted that you don't need a codec pack anymore if you choose w8, it works just fine without one.
  8. I thought you were going silly on me for a sec! Lol!
  9. Oops, I forgot to add the dev build to the post! Lol! One sec.
  10. Let's just give that one a run and see what's happening with the ini parsing.
  11. This one has some deep variable logging so I can see what the issue is (which might slow you down a little). Nothing has changed since I released 1.1.4 and it worked before.
  12. It usually happens to me after an abrupt exit, like a crash. But it didn't happen often.
  13. Yay! Happy birthday hansolo77! Hope your day is... Well... EPIC!
  14. @u-man: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?/topic/16301-GameEX-hangs-when-reading-listinfo.dat-(MAME-0.162)
  15. Updated to 1.3.1 Fixed a bug introduced in 1.3.0 where new installations were not creating the settings XML file before it was loadedAdded much better exception handling to keep the plugin running even if there's an issueAdded a check and refresh for the Xpadder.exe in the configurationSet the profile section to be disabled if there was no exe setMoved some code to debug mode to produce a cleaner log during normal useMinor plugin framework code improvements and/or enhancementsSpecial thanks to drmean for the heads up on the bug!
  16. Unfortunately I must have added a small bug with the last release. If that doesn't work, I'll hand you over an xml file, but it should do the trick. Well we're glad to see ya around, we don't discriminate! Lots of helpful people around if ya get stuck, don't be afraid to ask. We've all been there!
  17. I strip them of hdds and chuck them every time I upgrade. I use DirecTV but it's pretty much the same deal.
  18. Sorry about that drmean. Yeah you can just go ahead and put a blank settings file in GameEx > Plugins > Xpadder > settings.xml I'll fix that for the next release.
  19. That is strange since I use OpenGL for some emulators and don't have any issues.
  20. You can also enable legacy usb support in the bios to get around the requirement you talk about.
  21. Well MK GP 2 is playable if you mute it, and there's some hacking to do... But it's playable! GP 1 takes a little more work to get running, but it can be done. I haven't attempted F-Zero or DK so I can't speak to that. I use a different build than the main branch though, and I think that chart shows the main Dolphin branch compatibility. It's def higher than one star.
  22. I run three installations of Dolphin... One of them is for TriForce games. They're all on the nas and I have no issues at all with any of them. I'm sure that doesn't help any, sorry...
  23. If only I could afford LED lit buttons...
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