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Everything posted by Adultery

  1. I always static out my home IPs that are wired in the NIC settings. But the home group shouldn't care what your IP is, which is why I still feel that's the best way all around. We have two printers and a slew of computers, and the home group has yet to fail me. I had to do something special to get my XP computer to see the W7/8 shares, but I can't remember what exactly.
  2. Depending on what you're printing from it's probably easier just to put the PCs on the same home group and share it. If that's not doable you can also do this: http://www.7tutorials.com/how-share-printer-your-network
  3. Updated to 1.3.2 Added new Extender Viewer Menu Mode!Now can fully replace GameExtender on your 2nd monitorFast display updates when you select new page. No more waiting!Tied into several menu changesDisplays Game Titles or Game SnapsUses your 'Attract Marquee' in your theme for the main pageAdded options to set black backgrounds and stretch images for all three modes (Attract Extender, Menu Extender, Game Extender)Lots of bug fixes and code optimizationsSo the big addition here is the Menu Extender Viewer... Much like GameExtender you can now show images on your 2nd monitor with a little flexibility. The update is within a second so you'll notice the change right away when you select a new menu. If you look at the game info page for any game, the title snap or in-game snap is shown on the 2nd monitor (if available). The main images come from your selected GameEx theme first and the default GameEx theme if not found. Selecting emulators shows your theme's emulator logo as is set in your GameEx emulator settings. I am still looking at adding other menu change events so I may add some more triggers in the future. I think that's about it really. Make sure you enable any or all of the three Extender Viewers and options in the Plugin Configuration > More > Extender Viewer section of the plugin configuration (as Menu Extender, Attract Extender and Game Extender are all set up and configured individually now). I love GameExtender, don't get me wrong, and I of course encourage it if it suits your needs. But I thought it might be a little more efficient to just use something internal since I'm not looking at the stats on a server or anything. Please have a go and let me know what you think.
  4. Update to 1.3.5: I noticed the focus wasn't properly being restored for some emulators after Xpadder wasn't running, and in some cases it was taking a few seconds (which showed the desktop also). This fixes that - the focus is restored to GameEx immediately and the desktop is not seen at all. Please let me know if the focus is not being restored for everyone as I spent some time rewiring this whole function (although I'm quite happy with how it came out). Get it from the usual places.
  5. Give me an example... EMU, ROM name, snap type (title, snap, etc. and file extension) & name, map file name. Please.
  6. If pretty much bet you don't have the codec to play them. HS uses flv which don't require Shark007 IIRC.
  7. You won't get too far without posting your settings and logs, we need that info to determine if it's MAME or GameEx.
  8. Nope they aren't, I have to use my own algorithm to find the snaps. I might be able to get Tom to share his though, I'll ask.
  9. Well for me it's RetroArch which I believe uses the Nestopia core. It's good enough for me and plays the games I want to run as well as I can expect. One emulator to rule them all I say. Between RetroArch and MESS features already smoothly integrated with MAME, I keep my emulator list as small as I can. Easier to maintain that way IMHO.
  10. You using best match? The snap will need to match the rom name exactly to populate there. If you're able to verify that is the case I'll dig deeper into it. Assuming you want the snap file and not just the snap path.
  11. As I mentioned, your ROM filter is blank (should be *.zip here) and your games in 7-zips option is set to true (should be false). You should start there.
  12. Pardon my ignorance here, but don't you just feed demul the rom name? If so you probably need to turn "games in zips/7-zip/rar" off, set the filter to "*.zip" and pass your loader the Rom variable (I haven't looked at how your actually launching it). I thought the GameEx cmd line was something like: demul.exe -run=naomi -rom=[rom]
  13. You absolutely can. The DB can handle it... Just another comp really... So did y'all decide to do this Halloween comp this year? I can start setting this up.
  14. I got through it OK when I reinstalled W10 on my laptop, although I wish I wouldn't have given them any money.
  15. Great news katuuuz! *That rap was a freestyle. You're welcome!
  16. Isn't it in the gameex > media > bezel v2 folder?
  17. can you post the file list in your default - default folder under GameEx > Themes please? Also as you started this is the second time, what did you change the first time and this time that may have caused this again? It has to be something you're doing or there's files missing on your theme folder... Also go over all your emulators and turn off the databases one by one and see if that corrects the issue.
  18. I understand your point pisuke, but the problem is when you open up 461 threads at once then other people's get buried and don't get solved. It's more of a nettiquite thing. One or two things at a time please, we'll get there.
  19. Thank you for this! It's great to see this being updated!!!
  20. So does that mean you fixed it but now your video snaps don't show? Verify your video paths are correct.
  21. Okay... Did you make the adjustment I mentioned? Where's the runitgame.bat I asked for? Help me help you here bro.
  22. When you say it works outside, do you use the command line? You should be able to drop the -32x switch, Fusion auto detects the system. Run it, and if it didn't work post the contents of your runitgame.bat file.
  23. No worries tthurman, it's still a fairly new thing and I'm not sure that a lot of people know how cool it is or what it can do. Also there is a drop-down menu on the bottom of the window, I believe databases is an option for the filter.
  24. If you set max performance it sticks, it just looks like it goes back to medium, it's a minor bug. Fyi. As you were...
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