Launcher-X -1.0.3- What is it? A simple EXE that is made to be launched instead of GameEx or PinballX on Windows startup for folks that don't use Instant Sheller and still use their dedicated gaming machine as a PC from time to time. There are some customizable features, you can launch setup apps from within it, and it supports some command line arguments. How do I use it? Click on the EXE, set it to launch on startup or set a command line to run. WINDOWS 7-10 USERS: Couldn't be easier to get it going! Simply make a shortcut to Launcher-X and drop it in the START>Startup folder and the EXE will launch after Windows boots up. You can also specify command-line arguments like so: LauncherX.exe -timer 60 -gameexLauncherX.exe -timer 30 -pinballx -Timer {value} Set the value to whatever you'd like for the timer to be in seconds. -GameEx Launch GameEx directly. -PinballX Launch PinballX directly. -Reset Rest all user-defined settings back to their original state. -Debug Toggle debug mode. What does it do? The EXE launches GameEx or PinballX after a user defined number of seconds, or aborts if EXIT is pressed. Switch between either front-end by pressing the logo button, and the launcher will remember your choice next time you boot it up. You can set it to launch in GameEx Login mode, GameEx Lite, PinballX Lite or many of the setup utilities included in GameEx/PinballX (ie Setup Wizard, Plugin/Repository Manager, and the PinballX Game Manager) and returns you to the timer screen afterwards. There is also a pause button next to the progress bar if you have an update, something you want to do quick, or your system is slower than normal to load and you need a little extra time. Wow that's super easy! What if I find a bug? Report it here! Any questions? Ask away. Feel free to offer suggestions on how I can make it better. Download it from the GameEx Community Download Portal! NOTES: GameExLaunch is dead. Long live GameExLaunch! This is a complete reboot of that app. I've removed the download links and would appreesh if anyone who was using the old version would switch to this nicer, cleaner, prettier, more efficient version. Shouts to Draco1962 for the header logo and the suggestions. CHANGELOG: