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Everything posted by Adultery

  1. +1 to the WD Reds. I've had too many Seagate drives fail on me, and seen too many Toshiba drives flop to ever trust either with non-redundant storage. I'm not sure I want to know how many hours all my drives have on them. I get a status report every week in my email and only glance it for error reports. I know that info is in the email, just don't want to know. /my 2c
  2. You can't mount video ISOs in GameEx natively. You would need some sort of command-line solution that can be set up as an emulator.
  3. You have to hit "change view" a bunch of times until it goes back to how you want it. It's in the ribbon, with by manufacturer, by year, etc.
  4. Never used a MAP file for lnk files. Not sure why you are, it's a shortcut and you can name it anything you like. That being said, your map is probably the issue? It's been a minute since I manually made one, but dies it will without that?
  5. Actually I'm thinking it's something between SSF and VCD. Does it work if you use DTools?
  6. /side note: It could be that VCD itself is the problem. For those of you who tried several, if you had VCD installed somewhere and just weren't using it, that would further the theory. I only use DTools, never even installed anything else. And SSF works for me. I'm pretty sure that GameEx relied on VCD for quite a while, so maybe the issue is with those of you who used/installed GameEx internal mounting support?
  7. Well happy birthday you old galoot! I hope your day is full of greatness and all that! :-)
  8. Looks like Jombee uses an ArcadeVGA card and anthologee uses an nVidia, so that theory is a bust. Two of you are running low resolutions though... Mogg is at 720x480, and I think Jombee must be at or below that with an ArcadeVGA card. What are the rest of you running at?
  9. Well it's not happening to me and I use an nVidia card nowadays. I have an AMD laying around here somewhere though, you may be on to something.
  10. That's exactly how my cab is (GX and emus on an SSD, roms and assets on the NAS) and Tom nailed it... It makes it really easy to VM client installs for testing, and also keeps my roms/assets available to other devices (especially helpful for running Steam in multiple machines but still having my library). I pretty much love the mobility. The only tiny issue I have is that for some reason SMB3 makes my MAME games take up to 40 seconds to load. But I can live with that. The benefits far outweigh the negatives.
  11. This is a feature. It makes it possible to administer GameEx from GameEx Online. In the Setup Wizard, search for "Keep GameEx running in the background" under either GameEx Online or Enable/Disable Features. Not sure which one offhand.
  12. This one is mostly about patterns. If you know how the monsters move and maximize your points instead of focusing on passing the stage, you'll do much better. Grab those bonus fruits after the monsters all move, squish them instead of shooting them, and get those extra letters!
  13. Although the beer is disgusting, you're a chill dude! Happy birthday!
  14. Do you have the correct bios? What rom set are you using? What MAME version are your roms built for? Did you verify your roms? Do your games run properly outside of GameEx using MAME? I'd not run MAME or any other emulator out of your Program Files folder either, that's gonna bite you later. Hoping you don't have GameEx installed in that folder... Do you?
  15. Ah you meant GameEx background process. My bad. You can disable that in the settings (keep GameEx running in the background, not sure the exact name of the feature), but that shouldn't have any bearing on SSF.
  16. There's been no change in the GameEx background. It sounds more and more like it's resolution related to me, since GX doesn't switch resolution in windowed mode and it doesn't crash in that test. Does it work if you set it to show the desktop?
  17. No one wants it, believe me. It's the mudkip of arcade games. I didn't know anything about it needing a mod, it plays fine in my cab without the fancy audio?
  18. You'll have to do some research, but you can indeed plug in the system bios. I don't use RA for Saturn though, so I won't be much more helpful than that.
  19. Did you try this? I'm starting to think it's an issue related to the resolution.
  20. Ahh 20 years ago I was almost... 20.
  21. @Gildahl: You have a whole other issue going on. You'll need to upgrade your Daemon Tools first off. Secondly I'd advise stepping away from the integrated virtual drive support and using the plugin instead. You'll want to start a new thread with your issue... I think @RedDog put out a pretty solid tutorial but I can't easily find it in Tapatalk. @Zyon2323 : I'm not ready to rule out your setup yet. It's weird that@reddog and I can both get SSF to work fine (although my test was on a VM with Windows 7 x64). There has top be some common denominator between all these setups that don't work.
  22. can you do an offline install over the top of your current one? Also try changing your theme to the default one.
  23. Just to add, database updates are posted in the repository, not inclusive in a GameEx download or update anymore. That way we can can control the versions , get updates out much faster, and you can see when a version changes easily and update them on your time.
  24. Do a search in GameEx settings for cab friendly controls.
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