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Everything posted by Adultery

  1. Happy birthday MO! May you get rolls o' quarters a plenty!
  2. This is a tough topic to try to respond to... My top 10 favorites (in no particular order): MAME World Class Bowling It's one of those games you can get together with just about anyone to play. When people come by, this is what they want to play. Just plain fun. Dig Dug I grew up on this and I still love playing it. Sure, it's not the hardest arcade game out there, but I can pick it up and play it for hours. It never gets old. Galaga '88 Maybe a bit more controversial that I would pick this one over Galaga, but the game play is basically the same with the addition of boss battles and a better soundtrack. Frogger Another one that I would wait in line to play for hours, this was hot then and it still holds it down today. Cyvern You can't argue with this one... It's everything a SHMUP should be. Wonderful graphics, awesome soundtrack, intense gameplay... 100% satisfying all the way to the last life. I remember when it was recommended to me here on GameEx, never played it before that (I think it was @DazzleHP who turned me on to it actually). Metal Slug Oh the amount of quarters I spent on this... I remember when this first hit the Neo-Geo machine at our local bowling alley. I saved up for years to buy a Neo-Geo console for this one... And I never actually made enough to buy one. Sadness. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles My friend Dave and I loved on this machine... It got to the point where we could beat the entire thing on less than $5. It was cool that four people could play at once, so there was rarely a line at this machine. Don't get me wrong, X-Men and The Simpsons were great too, but this one was always #1 in my book. Journey I would call this one a guilty pleasure. Sure, it got slashed by critics and it was lousy, but our local pizza joint had four machines and this was the best of them. Most people gravitated towards the Donkey Kong cocktail or Food Fight, but not me! Tron We had a convenience store that had a Ms. Pacman and a Tron machine. Every week I'd ride my bike down there with my weekly allowance and get a fountain soda, then the rest of my money went to Tron. It sucked that it was set to 50c, but I dropped all my quarters in anyway. I've never been able to emulate it right, so I think I may just buy it as a dedicated cab someday. It would be worth every inch of the the footpront in my cave! NBA Jam In the Wisconsin Dells, I worked at a waterpark during my teen years called Family Land that had an arcade. I spent a lot more than I'd like to admit on this one... They would let us play after the park closed and we had some pretty epic 4-player battles over root beer floats (which were really just root beer mixed with Miller Lite). Console/PC (GameEx) The Pinball Arcade (Steam) This one has a lot of the pins I loved to play growing up... I still mostly spend my time playing Funhouse, Whirlwind, Addams Family and Twilight Zone. If they could get Millionaire or Tommy on it, I would be ecstatic! Road Rash (Sega Genesis) I play this game all the time! Nothing more satisfying than the sound of sinking a chain or a crowbar into someone's midsection... Except Natasha! Half the fun is trying not to piss her off!! Super Mario World (Super Nintendo) And not just the official version, I also love to play the fan mods. It was ahead of its time and it still holds its own as a crowd favorite. Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii) If you've never played this, you should! Great little platformer with lots of strategy. It's definitely right up there with all the other Kirby games. Double Dragon Neon (Steam) I would have never thought it would be possible to reboot this franchise, but this remake gets it done. Worth the $10 no doubt. PaRappa The Rapper/Um Jammer Lammy (PSX) I put them both here because they're both pretty much the same idea, and both are equally awesome for different reasons. I remember that feeling of f*ck yeah after I beat PaRappa the first time even though it was uber short. What a great game! Kung Fu (NES) A true classic! The arcade version was way too hard. This one was just right. Lots of hours spent mastering this one! Enduro (Atari 2600) Yeah, it was basic and there was only one sound effect. But that fog level? LOVED IT! Mario Golf (Nintendo 64) When I had this cart, I bought an imported GameBoy cart reader so that I could use my GameBoy character when I played. My friends were so jealous! We used to sit up and have quarters tournaments... I miss them days! House of the Dead (Sega Dreamcast) What a wonderful FPS! I remember how it blew my mind when it came out, and it still plays great today. When I got the lightgun for DC, it was even cooler! What a hard mofo to beat though! This list could have literally gone on for another 50 games... These experiences were tied in so tightly to my best memories that I could probably go on forever.
  3. Well bud, that's why it doesn't work. That setting is causing it to show the contents of the zip file. And those are the contents of the zip file. So it's doing exactly what it's supposed to. That setting is meant for zip files with multiple games inside them. So I'm not trying to be a dick, but GameEx hasn't changed in that regard. This hobby isn't for everyone, and MAME is a complicated emulator. Blaming the front end isn't really fair. Your expectation of not needing to know anything about the emulator or skipping getting it running outside of GameEx is unrealistic. /my 2c For your demul issue... don't turn on that setting and then try it.
  4. The thing is that it sounds like it's something with your setup. I used fusion for a really long time, and I used Xbox controllers. Never had that problem.
  5. Do you have the "files in zip/7zip/rar" option turned on in the emulator settings?
  6. If the rom is not in the favorites file it won't be imported. Can you post your data.db3 file so I can take a look at it? Also as I mentioned before, the lack of bios and parent roms are outside of scope for now. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  7. Why wouldn't you just configure the controls through the Fusion UI? Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  8. I've had one for quite a while, we talked about it in another thread. And I gotta say, it is everything you say it is. And only $20! Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  9. Version 1.0.1


    What is it? It's a simple app to build ROM repositories off your GameEx favorites list. You can also build a repo of games you've played. How does it work? Point the app at GameEx.exe and select the emulator. Next, set your source and destination folders. Hit "go". Done. You can also hit "stop" if you don't wanna wait anymore and it'll stop. Features: GameEx ROM path support Generate miss lists if you're missing ROMs MAME *.zip and *.7z support Build ROM sets off your favorites or previously played ROMs Questions or comments? Please share. Changelog: 1.0.1 Minor bug fixes Added MAME 7-zip support Added ability to abort process Cosmetic changes 1.0.0 Initial Release
  10. Here's an update with MAME 7-zip included! I also added it to the downloads section for it's permanent home. Check that out for the changelog. Enjoy!
  11. Yup that would do it. My bad. I didn't consider 7-zip since support was added for it... I'm a bit old school I guess . I'll fix it. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  12. Everything I need you say? [emoji14] I should mention that for MAME, don't forget to manually move your bios roms. You'll also need to manually move parent roms, that is outside of scope for this app.
  13. Here's someting... Pretty self explanatory really. Open it, point it to your GameEx.exe, set the source and destination folders, and off you go. You can set an option to export all games you've played for a system too. I'll do a more formal thread later, I didn't want to keep you waiting too long. Feel free to send me a donation. I accept Henry's Hard Orange Soda and I also like beer.
  14. How's the RetroArch ScummVM core? Does anyone know? I was thinking of adding this to my rig. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  15. I can, sure. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  16. If he doesn't provide something I can. It's like a 1 hour project probably. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  17. Is it a map file? If not, can you make one from it? If the answer is yes, you can use Map File Maker to do this, it's in my projects thread. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
  18. If it's DD-WRT firmware compatible it's worth it. The pros far outweigh the cons. /my 2c
  19. Look into Tempest's Randomizer app on this forum. Unfortunately I don't have a link handy but it does exactly this.
  20. More importantly, you'll need to get no-ip or something since your IP address is most likely dynamic. Unless you mentioned that and I missed it, he would need to send that packet to a specific IP address, right? Your server IP on your LAN may be static, but it's not likely that your WAN IP is.
  21. Well Airkeg was kinda more of a joke if you ask me. This presentation was much better. Congrats Tom!
  22. Can't you use a key logging app to see if a key is being pressed? It seems quite simple to me, unplug the board and there's no interruption. Plug it in and it doesn't work any longer. Since the mod you pointed out uses joystick strokes to work, I can almost personally guarantee that the stick isn't properly dead zoned, and PBX isn't going into standby because it's not seeing that stick as inactive. "KL25Z has an on-board USB port that lets it act like a USB HID (human interface device), so with the proper USB configuration reports we can make it look to Windows like a joystick."
  23. Wrong == not right. You say everything is in D: drive? There's F: and G: references in your ini. You don't have F: and G: drives? Mystery solved. Illegal path means it's not a valid path, which happens if you specify a path on a drive that doesn't actually exist. Ya dig?
  24. Looks like your emulator paths are wrong. It's weird that your drive letters are all lowercase. Maybe I'm just old as dirt and that doesn't matter? If not, then check and make sure your F: drive still exists.
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