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Everything posted by Draco1962

  1. Gotta find it first.... seriously. My garage is a mesk. Mod Street Edit! LOL
  2. I don't know you but welcome back anyways! I am sure we will be seeing more of you and glad to see a phoenix rise from the ashes, so to speak!
  3. And I can still use the Dremmel?
  4. Can you provide us with copies of your gameex.ini and log.txt files, please? Thanks! EDIT: I tested in my own system and all steps completed as expected so unable to replicate.
  5. Well, unless I do some major carving on my Master Chief Halo 2 Helmet, modding it into an external hard drive case for the 2.5" 20GB HDD will not happen, at leas using the 360 enclosure and transfer cable scheme. Have found a powered SATA/IDE to USB connector, however, that will allow me to do so without having to carve anything at all - will just need to fashion a drive cage to insert so that it does not move about much. I wonder what it would take to add a few LEDs to each side of the helmet....
  6. Try this one! theme.zip
  7. All configurations should remain and, as always, it doesn't hurt to make a backup of your GameEx.ini file. You will need to make a minor change as previously noted regarding the arcade ambiance file path. There are quite a few changes that have taken place since 11.74, many of which impact the Setup Wizard.
  8. So far, AWESOME! Thanks Tom!
  9. Colin - Welcome to the GameEx forums! I believe what Tom (TSpiers) needs to know is if you purchased your arcade cab from a private individual or a company. Regards, Mike
  10. Good news! I am glad you were able to resolve the issue!
  11. Would only be for your own setup since there aren't any db's or lists that I have seen for the newer stuff. The thing is, if a naming convention and docs on how to setup the link files and config in GameEx, it could evolve to a nice db for share.
  12. Do you use a db to furnish game info and file names?
  13. Draco1962

    My Cab

    Your "crap" is worlds away ahead of mine (I got none!) and many others! It isn't that bad at all! Bravo! Now build a sweeter one for the old man!
  14. That is pretty much how I setup the Z-Code Interactive Fiction to create a list. I used one of the other database files as a template and loaded the "Displayed name" and the "Rom" name of each file. This allowed GameEx to load the names from the db. Also had to setup the emulator config to look for the correct file extension (you can do multiple so may want to do *.exe; *.lnk as some files may be accessed via a link file. This is the most elegant solution. Another alternative would be to use an application to setup and launch from within GameEx. I have toyed with one program called Game Launcher (not to be confused with the emulator FE by the same name) that allows you to launch programs from a central location. When it launches the program, it then exits memory leaving no memory footprint. To be honest Ian, I learned more from using the first option and it is much prettier. You can also create snaps, etc the same as you would for MAME or other emus following the same naming conventions. Take a look at the db and config for Interactive Fiction I uploaded here within the User Submitted Configs, Map Files, Wrappers and Databases thread. The only caveat that I can think of is if the executable is named the same for two or more programs. That is where creating a shortcut link ( file ending in .lnk) is optimum because you can name it pretty much whatever you want - the shortcut will open the file as needed.
  15. Yeah, I considered that as well, but with the goal of keeping it on the cheap by putting to use what is usually discarded after upgrading to the larger drive, figured I could get by with it.
  16. got more attachments than I will probably use.. also have the cable extender for tight places.. it is awesome!
  17. Anytime! Here if you need any further assistance or want to bounce ideas.
  18. Awesome!
  19. True. I believe you can do so with Partition Magic as well. The process was primarily taking the "free" route using the available tools within the OS. BTW, I formatted my old 360 HDD today and confirmed it indeed works as I described! The transfer cable is powering the HDD via the USB and running as we speak. The only issue with sitting it on the desk is that the transfer cable connects under the HDD enclosure. Since it is proprietary, I may take the enclosure apart (need to find my Torx head) and see if it can be bypassed and a standard USB cable attached with a little modification (and my wife says I never use my Dremmel... hah!) and use it instead of investing in a new enclosure.
  20. I would definitely recommend upgrading to the latest version of GameEx regardless. We no longer support issues through the use of the Advanced Configuration utility and now support only through the Setup WIzard which is superior and evolving. The issue to which Simba was referring involves using the arcade ambiance files (for which there are a few available from different sources) by pointing to a directory and randomly selecting from the various files in that directory. I think that the reason Arcade Ambiance is halted is that, in most cases, the user wants to hear the music selected vs. the ambient sounds of an arcade at the same time. You may wish to go to the Pinned Topics forum and submit a Feature Request to have this added as an option to automatically re-enable Arcade Ambiance once the music has stopped playing in Jukebox (either end of song or by manual stop).
  21. The suggestion to uninstall was to rule out any other conflicts and see if this remedied the issue, which it did. Since it is a newer card, I assume that this is the latest version of CCC. Now if he prefers to have it installed, if someone can provide guidance on where to disable to splash screen or run on startup, I am sure it will be appreciated!
  22. Got Windows 7, an old Xbox 360 HDD and Transfer Cable? If so, you now have an external HDD for your PC or Xbox 360! Using the Disk Management utility under Computer Management, you can format the old HDD as a simple volume. Simply connect the transfer cable to the HDD and plug into an available USB slot. Next Open Computer Management. Now you will be given format choices; FAT32 or NTFS. If you want to be able to use the HDD directly connected to the Xbox 360 as an additional storage drive, then FAT32 is the choice you will make as the 360 does not support NTFS. You will need to be mindful that Fat32 only supports up to 32GB of storage so if you are formatting a drive larger than the 20GB HDD, you will need to create about 3 logical partitions. If you are only interested in using it as an external drive for your PC, then NTFS is probably the way to go. If you have your 360 properly networked you can stream music files, etc. via the network from this drive at any rate.
  23. Actually it is a good thing and I really think you can make it work. The only frontends that I have seen that are capable are focused on one specific emulator. Anything else I have seen that has multiple emulator support and other items have always been menu driven
  24. I think you may have misunderstood my response. You will be able to enable Custom Menus, but there will always have to be at least one Menu category so your menu will look something like this: Menu- |_Item or Games - |_All Games The program will always require a place to start and this is common with almost all programs that support multiple features. This is especially the case with frontends that support launching of multiple emulators.
  25. Ok, I see better what you are seeing. With almost any menu-driven program, you will have to have a starting menu (regardless of what you name it, be it Start, Games, etc.) before you can have an item (i.e. All Games). I still feel that this will be a workable solution for you since you have control over what items will be available to your child. I witnessed this in action by disabling the custom menus and, to be honest, I am not certain why. (Other GameEx gurus may want to take a look and provide feedback). I am sure that I am missing something, but not sure what as I do not see an option available within the Enable/Disable features of the Setup Wizard.
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