I have created this thread with the sole purpose of maintaining a location where we can discuss and share image and theme editing techniques, discussions, and tutorials for all things GIMP, PhotoShop, or other editing software related. Below is a list of the more popular FREE PROGRAMS (Online or for download) that I will update periodically with additions as they come available from you. If anyone can provide names and site links to good tutorial sites for these programs as well as PhotoShop, I will gladly include them as well! Free Image Editing Programs: The GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Inkscape Paint.net MyPaint PaintStar Online Fonts and Font Manipulation: Flaming Text Tutorial Site Links: Gimp Tutorials on Pixel2Life.com To start things off, please take a look at the attached images and let me know what ya think. Tinkering with scan line effects in GIMP. Thanks!