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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. June 2016 GOTM Winner: RedDog - 101,020 (link) Double Dragon Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 RedDog 101,020 2 ExedExes 92,850 3 Cynicaster 84,110 4 Floyd Turbo 67,940 5 millerbrad 45,540 6 hansolo77 35,480 7 Mame Offender 15,700 8 Luigimaker 6,400 Last Updated by hansolo77: 12-19-2018 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Double Dragon: ROMSet: DDragon Cabinet: Upright Flip Screen: Off Difficulty: Medium Unused: Off Bonus Life: 30k and every 60k Lives: 2 Special Rules: This is a Single Player ONLY Variation! Continues are NOT allowed! Special Note: When you defeat a Boss, you may NOT continue beating on other enemies for points when the clock stops. As well, there exists a trick where you can time a jump when you possess a weapon, just as the stage ends and the weapon will materialize on the next stage in front of you. This is a banned tactic and use will disqualify your record. The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting you hi-score:
  2. Thanks everybody who voted for this game and participated in this month's bonus. Looking forward to next month's competition! Keep those scores coming in!
  3. Well, I don't know how he did it (aside from his awesome videos), but wolfman24 totally OWNED this game. Congrats to him! So here's the official "recognition" post! wolfman24 - 1,310,010 (link) Help me in congratulating him! Way to go buddy! Stay tuned for our new GOTM coming soon! Also, I'd like to take a moment to thank everybody who participated this month. Seems like our competition is slowly dying. Not really sure why, other than people are just too busy in their own real lives. If it's anything to do with the competition itself, please let me know so I can address and fix it! Also, to would-be newcomers.. our competition is free open to everybody. Just because our spotlight game of the month changes, that doesn't mean you're too late to play this awesome game. We LOVE it when somebody beats our high scorer.. Not only do you get brownie points for that, and the bragging rights, but your efforts are still calculated in an overall leaderboard. What this means is, you get credit for participating, not for being the best at the monthly game. So keep those scores coming!
  4. Just wanted to quickly update... unless GC and/or DazzleHP update this thread, the winner announcement (though I'm sure we all know who it'll be ^_^) won't be made until this Thursday, the 2nd. I have to go in for another sleep study to get fitted for a mask and observation on Wednesday night. I'm working super early that day too, so I'll be going to bed early tomorrow night. So essentially, due to work and sleep requirements, I'm just going to be delayed. In the meanwhile... don't let wolfman24 take the crown guys! Lets see some more posts before its all over!
  5. Thanks for keeping the old game alive. And you moved up 3 spots since your last submission according to your in-game board lol! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. Didn't even have that, or ice cream. I did get a nice balloon from the girl in the floral department though, and a few hugs. Don't really expect much else nowadays.
  7. I'm still iffy about it. I mean, they sort of already did a backstory of Deadpool in X-Men Origins Wolverine. Now they've completely re-wrote the backstory. So which one is better? The interesting thing is, Fox owns the rights to all things X-Men and Marvel hates them for it because they refuse to sell it back. It's so bad, they also own Fantastic Four and Marvel has completely cut them out of their publications. So even though that's the case, Marvel's take on Deadpool is now considered canon even though Fox's version was completely canon from the books themselves. So which do you go with? Honestly, I think I prefer Fox's take, but Marvel's presents a purpose and plot for the movie. So I like it just the same. The same can be said about Spider-Man (owned by Sony I believe) and Fantastic Four (another Fox franchise). Since these companies were refusing to sell their properties back to Marvel/Disney, they've basically prevented Marvel from coming out with a canonical series of movies to coincide with their books. I'm not sure, but I believe they broke a deal to get Spider-Man now since he's in Captain America: Civil War (haven't watched it yet). But Fox is still holding onto Fantastic Four, trying to do a reboot (which completely flopped with absolute no surprise to any fan). There really should be an effort to combine the FF and Avengers into a conflict like what happened in the Secret Wars event of the 80's (which also got a reboot/remake last summer). Once Marvel finishes up their Infinity Gauntlet/Wars storyline, I'm eager to see what comes next, if anything. I'm also very upset about their not being any more Hugh Jackman Wolverine movies coming. HOWEVER... I did read somewhere that he still loves the character (it's just very hard for him physically) and that if a good story comes out of the "Old Man Logan" books currently in print, he'd definitely consider returning. The "old" part is appealing because he wouldn't necessarily have to be in prime shape. Hell they could do a proper "Death of Wolverine" rather than the garbage they printed last year. Ok, so in the books he gets infected with a virus that disables his healing factor. Through some effort it returns but only at a like 2% strength of what it was. So all his enemies hunt him down, he makes one final stand, then gets himself dumped on by a big container of adamantium, which then obviously kills him. What a poor way to go. So yeah Deadpool. Deadpool is a mutant. He's not an Inhuman. His intellectual property belongs to Marvel as far as I know, but if Fox wanted to pull technicalities they could sue Marvel for infringement because they own the rights to X-Men (which is, essentially, all mutants). So which is better? Fox's Wolverine Origins or Marvel's reboot on top of their already existing backstory? Tough call. I still vote for Fox's backstory, but loved the Deadpool movie as a whole if you forget about all the backstory and politics involved. Ok I'm done rambling.
  8. If I had the money I would DEFINITELY buy that too. I already have the soundtrack on CD (and digital FLAC for that matter). But I'd get it just for that 3D hologram. That's just freaking awesome. It was really neat what they did with the Special Edition soundtracks too. Plus, I think I read somewhere that there is previously unreleased music on those vinyls.
  9. Thanks guys. @stigzler... Yes I'm under 40 (4 more years anyway).. I don't drink so getting drunk probably wouldn't take much.. getting laid is tough because I don't have (nor ever had) a girlfriend and refuse to either pay for sex or let somebody else (that's just gross), as for pulling a sickie... i'm trying to get full time and have to maintain an average of 36 hours a week for 16 weeks. Had I called off today I would've had to start all over again and I'm pretty sure I'm at like 12-13 weeks. Thanks for the tips though.. maybe next year
  10. So 1st button is jump, 2nd is whatever special is highlighted, and 3rd is rockets? I'm going to have to try again now.
  11. OMG!!!!!! Now I have to buy that and get a record player too. DAMMIT!
  12. DOH! You suck! That score is ridiculous. I don't know how you do it, even from watching videos. How do you launch rockets at the helicopter? Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Yeah, I drank half a Monster before I tried again. So in my case, extra energy was the key, rather than Ritalin.
  14. This is a nice game once you get used to it. The only thing I hate about it is when you die you lose all your weapon upgrades. I did really good my last run and made it through the entire 1st stage without dying. Then I died once in the 2nd. Upgraded my weapons (not as high) then died again in the 3rd round lots of times and game over. I really wish I was better at these kinds of games. I chalk it up to inexperience, since I never played these when I was a kid. At home, console games were played for hours daily. I dunno, maybe it's because I'm using a joypad instead of a joystick. Anyway, here's my best so far: Score: 408,930 Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. Man, every time I try to play one of these games and get a score, you guys have like totally blown my mind. I played for like an hour, and couldn't do any better than this. The roads are too narrow and the car seems really uncontrollable. Still, I was able to get the "secret" stage before I died, and was half way through Stage 2 when it was all over. Hope we get more submissions before this competition is all over with. In any case, this will have to be revisited by me in the future! Score: 27,680 Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. One week to go on this one guys. I'm going to try and find some time to play tomorrow. For those of you not on my Facebook page, I've been having lots of trouble sleeping and have been going to a clinic for sleep studies and have been diagnosed with sleep apnea. So yeah, I've not really had much energy lately to do much of anything. But I'm still here to update threads and stuff (when somebody posts a score). Just because our GOTM is almost over for this month, we still have a TON of other games you can still play though, so feel free to submit something for those too!
  17. Yeah I already looked, my router isn't on their supported list.
  18. Ok, after hours of searching and experimenting, I've come to the conclusion that it won't work with my router. A nice walkthrough and explanation of the steps in simple terms can be found here: http://www.howtogeek.com/192642/how-to-remotely-turn-on-your-pc-over-the-internet/ Essentially, you need to port forward the UDP packet to the router's "broadcast address" (typically something like The magic packet that is sent contains the MAC address of the computer want to wake up, so don't have to worry about it waking up all of your computers. The problem I have is that my router blocks access to that port and won't let me configure it. This is a safety feature of a lot of home routers. My only solution is to buy a new router which would support subnet broadcasting. Either that, or install a generic 3rd party firmware that overrides that lockout. I don't want to go that far. Oh well.
  19. @Kustom Kid Emby will send a magic packet if you're using their client on a computer that is connected on the same network. I've not been able to to use the wake system in the Emby Client on any other device (via Kodi, BluRay Players, etc). As for the NIC settings, I have already done this, and it works fine for any "same network" connected devices. I'm trying to figure out how to make it work via remote "different network" connections. @stigzler You bet.
  20. Heh, I use no-ip already. Hopefully he can get through on a no-ip DNS rather than specifying an IP address directly. That's how he's able to connect to my server now on Kodi, by pointing Emby to my no-ip DNS.
  21. OK, so step by step then: 1 - Set my router to allow passing of ports that WOL uses to pass through to IP address of my server. 2 - Obtain his device's MAC address. 3 - Configure MAC Address filtering to block all but allow HIS MAC (I think I'm on block all already) and any other local MAC's. 4 - Put the server to sleep and test it. Am I missing anything? Suppose he's using his phone? Do they have MAC's too? And ideally he'd be using this on his Pi box running Kodi.. could his Pi's MAC be all we need? Also, would I really need ALL MAC's as referred in Step 3, or just his?
  22. I try not to have the server running 24/7. It's in closet so it gets hotter than my regular computer even with the door of the closet open. There's 24 drives in the thing so that alone makes it hotter than a standard computer. Besides the computer getting hot, it also makes my bedroom hot. In the summer time, I really don't want to come home to a bedroom in the 100's (Fahrenheit). Also, the cost of having a computer on all day every day is expensive on the electric bills. So I try to have the system go into standby when it's not in use within 10 minutes. It works great most of the time, and I can easily wake it up from my computer or my Raspberry Pi (Kodi) when I want to access something on the server. The problem is, right now it only wakes either on scheduled task, or via the Magic Packet sent on demand from other LAN connected devices. My brother, living like 7 states away, can access the stuff I'm sharing on the server through Kodi. But if the computer is in standby, he can't. While locally I can wake it up from Kodi, he can't. That's why I'm trying to find a solution that he can use. It doesn't have to be INSIDE Kodi.. he has a computer, smart phone, iPad, etc. If I can find some way for him to remote wake the server, that's what we're looking for. @tthurman Reading that bit makes me wonder... all I have to do is open up the ports on the router? That still doesn't sound like all I would need. MagicPacket WOL requires the MAC address, to wake that SPECIFIC device on the network. If I open up the ports, how is the remote client supposed to connect to my network to send the packet to the MAC? It sounds like I'd need to have the computer on a DMZ and be 100% exposed to the internet, then all he'd have to do is send the WOL request to the MAC of the computer over the internet, causing every computer on the internet to verify if it is that address or not. Seems like more work than necessary. I wonder if there is a more simpler solution. Like some kind of app that asks for input of the IP address and MAC.. in which case he would simply execute the command that connects to the IP address of my modem then through the router sends the request to the MAC. Uhg I'm getting confused. That's why I asked for help.
  23. Anybody know of a program I can have my brother (in a different state) use to wake my home server computer up when he wants to watching something? Wake on LAN utilities galore in the world, and they work great if you're physically on the same network, but he's not. Any ideas?
  24. Ok.. so it's more a political story more than it is about the mysticism of the force, etc. That's cool then and not much of a spoiler. I feel like the base idea of the movies is about the Force and the battle between good and evil. The Empire and Republic is the more detailed universe as a whole but not where the true story is. There really wasn't that much political stuff in the movies either, well unless you count all the prequel stuff. I feel like it was necessary in the prequels simply because of the time span (decades) actually taking place in the 3 movies, and was a major plot point to show how it all assisted in Anakin/Vader's corruption... Where as in the original trilogy's time span (a matter of (perceivably) weeks), the politics weren't necessary (you had the Empire, they were bad, end of story). Not knowing how long a span will take place going forward, I think keeping politics as a back or side story is perfectly fine. I don't consider that book a spoiler then unless they plan on releasing a movie (or other video content (like animated in Rebels or other toon, or in the constantly advertised "eventual" live action series)) that talks about it more in detail. We'll just have to wait and see. I like the idea of the political unrest and warring factions, but don't feel it necessary to go into explanatory detail unless that's what the movie is about (or in the prequel case, where it was necessary because it needed to explain how the Empire came to be). However, I do feel the eventual cut (and then also cut from any bonus features in the home release) of the originally scripted scenes explaining the current state of the universe's politics was a bad move. There is a good 30 year gap now where we don't know what's going on. Unless you're truly geeked out and up to date on your nerdness (which I'm NOT now).. you'd have no idea what those planets were that got destroyed by "Starkiller Base". I only know through leaked online information that the planets were the home of the New Republic and that the planet with the humanoid female and what looks like a Bothan were was the actual SEAT. But it's not named on screen, nor are those characters. However they were scripted, had a plot, and the location existed as a key political story. To completely cut that out for pacing seems a bit of a harsh cut. And to not include any mention of that in the home release, by either the deleted scenes or even a feature-length commentary, just helps fuel my anger at their incompetence and neglect to the true fans.
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