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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. So I just watched this while eating dinner. The whole thing (for the most part) is remade in GTA 5!!!
  2. If you're not thinking of emulating some of the more power hungry systems like N64/PSX... you can actually emulate everything 90's (Sega Genesis/Megadrive, SNES) and older on a PiZero. They're only $5.
  3. I agree Adultery! I've built a lot of stuff already. 4 Kodi boxes to stream movies from my home server. 3 RetroPie's (1 in an NES case and 2 in a tiny Sega Genesis USB hub!). I'm thinking about building a handheld RetroPie, like a Gameboy, but I don't know if I can do it. I might have to buy a premade shell since I don't have the 3D printing capabilities. Speaking of which, if you have one of those (3d printer) the world is open to you. However, I still can't justify the cost of the thing plus materials for simple hobby work. It's just too expensive.
  4. That DOES suck. I remember when my emulator hard drive died. Couldn't spin up or nothing. I had to start all over from scratch again. After that, I've decided to keep backups on DVD-R's of my emulators and roms. The setup part will still have to happen, but at least I'm not starting from bare bones. Hope you get back up and running soon!
  5. Lol.. nice rant. Thanks for the kudos!
  6. Haha, another Raspberry Pi!
  7. Retropie has really opened up a lot of new possibilities because of it's small form factor. GameEx will always be my grand-daddy! But you can't deny having a complete emulation system in a $35 credit card sized box. You don't have to go buy a whole computer, motherboard/cpu/ram, videocard, etc. It's amazing. The best way to go is with GameEx though. I'm waiting for an ARM processor support of GameEx!
  8. A little, a lot... long as it's am improvement right? Thanks for posting a new score! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  9. 154 @ExedExes - Thanks for the score! Added it to the board! @Mame Offender - Thanks for the tips! @Cynicaster - Thanks for the tips too! Thanks for keeping the excitement alive guys! I got my schedule for the next 2 weeks and I'm not going to have a day off until the end of the month. I'm slotted for (but it's yet to be written) a vacation the last week. May 28th is my birthday, and if everything falls into place, I'll be on vacation for the first time ever since I started working. I'm planning on using that free time to look at how best to tackle doing the tiered tables. The only thing I can think of doing right now is to just judge what our current roster of scores are for a particular game, and divide the scores up in 3's. Any other suggestions are welcome! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. I re-played it and it shows 5 now. Weird.
  11. Has everybody changed their player counts to 5? I thought I did, but just realized when I was playing that I still only had 3 lives. Maybe my ROM is bad?
  12. O M G You guys suck man. I can't compete with that!! Good thing I'm going to try a tiered approach on the rematches.. There's just no way! After an hour, and probably $20 in quarters, this is the best I can do: 5,420 Not sure why the aspect ratio is all wonky. Oh well Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Hmmmm.... I dunno. Initials don't match. LOL! Its cool, because it's 1(st) 2(nd) 3(rd)... At first glance it looks like the initials are ST, ND, RD, etc. But jeez man, give us sucky guys a break! "elite" class is pretty much 10k I'm thinking, and you smashed it. I'm on the hunt for you tomorrow! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. That's nice to see. Too bad it's not listed as an optional update from the Windows Update utility.. By the time I need to reinstall it, I'll forget about this and go through the whole process again!
  15. Thanks guys for posting scores!!! I'm liking the competition already! I have a day off on Sunday, so I will be making my attempt then too! @Draco1962 - It's basically take a screenshot and post it. I'm not particular on what your message body says (like making sure you include your name, date, initials, score, etc.) At this point I'd just be happy to see something posted. The purpose of the screen shot tool was to incorporate a means to show some initials in a game that wouldn't normally offer them. It also helped prove your weren't cheating by having the screenshot confirm it. Thanks for using it, I'm sure Adultery is pleased! But yea, if you play again and post a better score, just post a reply, don't go back and re-edit your post. I'll update the OP with the new score. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. If you can't post an attachment to your forum post, you can always upload the image somewhere like imgbb.com and just link to it.
  17. I'm not sure what you mean... you mean rather than remove them from the list I should maybe use the strikeout tag? Or do you mean create a new list entirely that shows all the games we've selected? If it's the latter, we already have that here.. it's just not been updated. I plan on doing that soon.
  18. @patrickfx It's cool man. April is over, time for a new GOTM. People can come back and post scores on this game whenever they want. No hard feelings. It's a good time for spring cleaning anyway. Hope to see you in Frogger!
  19. I know, I know.. this is a shameless crosspost. But hey, there's probably somebody in here who doesn't visit the main GameEx forum anymore now that they've got their system up and running.. So if that sounds like you, then THIS is for you!!! Hey everybody! Did you know we have a high score competition here in our forums? Well, we do! And it's open to all members. Joining the competition is easy, just head to the sub-forum, find a game you like, play it, screenshot your scores and submit them! I'll take care of the rest (adding it to the board, congratulating your awesomeness, etc). We currently have 117 games to choose from, and we're adding more each month. We also showcase a featured Game of the Month (GOTM) where we honor those who are the best! To make this competition even sweeter, we have also created an overall leaderboard, which calculates your position based on not only how good you are, but also how much you played. If you aren't the best at one game, but are at another, the overall leaderboard will show your progression no matter where you place. The more games you play, the higher your ranking. There are a lot of games that have only a few submissions, so moving up the leaderboard is really easy! I hope to see some new faces there, as well as returning old ones. We're a friendly, community based competition and welcome anybody who's willing to participate. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a private message (so we don't clutter the forum with conversations) or simply reply here. See you there!
  20. Hey everybody! Did you know we have a high score competition here in our forums? Well, we do! And it's open to all members. Joining the competition is easy, just head to the sub-forum, find a game you like, play it, screenshot your scores and submit them! I'll take care of the rest (adding it to the board, congratulating your awesomeness, etc). We currently have 117 games to choose from, and we're adding more each month. We also showcase a featured Game of the Month (GOTM) where we honor those who are the best! To make this competition even sweeter, we have also created an overall leaderboard, which calculates your position based on not only how good you are, but also how much you played. If you aren't the best at one game, but are at another, the overall leaderboard will show your progression no matter where you place. The more games you play, the higher your ranking. There are a lot of games that have only a few submissions, so moving up the leaderboard is really easy! I hope to see some new faces there, as well as returning old ones. We're a friendly, community based competition and welcome anybody who's willing to participate. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a private message (so we don't clutter the forum with conversations) or simply reply here. See you there!
  21. Updated to remove winning May 2017 GOTM selection (Frogger).
  22. Thanks everybody who participated this month. Sorry it turned out to be such a let down drag. I'm not giving up hope though. I suspect a big part of the reason we didn't see more participation this month is because of the dual-stick requirements. The only reason I myself was able to make it work was because I'm using a joypad that has 2 thumbsticks. Next month's game is a sure fire game though. Everybody's played it, and CAN play it. There's no excuse (other than rtkiii's moving one!). So with that said, lets all gather round and congratulate this month's GOTM winner! Cynicaster - 125,025 (link) Congrats buddy! You earned it! As for everyone else... don't forget you can still submit scores for this game! I say it every month, and it's still true. Just because the showcase is over, that doesn't mean your chances of greatness are over. We absolutely want to see Cynicaster de-throwned. That's the best part about high scores! Not only that, but simply submitting a score will earn you points in the overall leaderboard. We created that so you can climb the ranks quickly without being very good. So keep those scores coming in!
  23. This month's showcase GOTM comes from a suggestion made last April by Mame Offender. So thanks to him for suggesting it! This game also beat out the other choices in the voting round by a whole 1 vote. It was pretty tight, and we almost had a 3 way tie! So thanks to that kind fellow (or lass) who voted the tie breaker! This classic game is (hopefully) able to gain more participation, as there are no special controllers needed. Everybody who is playing MAME has a joystick. Although it might not be a 4-way, you can still jump right in and play this one. It's also a very well known game, and I'm sure everybody's played it at least once in their lifetime. If not, get your kids in here and play it already! Quick word of caution... you need to change the lives (via DIP settings) to 5 instead of the default 3. This is in YOUR favor, so if you don't do it, it's your loss! Hope to see more participation this month! Happy gaming!
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