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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Frogger (フロッガー (Furoggā?)) is a 1981 arcade game developed by Konami. It was licensed for North American distribution by Sega-Gremlin and worldwide by Sega itself. It is regarded as a classic from the golden age of video arcade games, noted for its novel gameplay and theme. The object of the game is to direct frogs to their homes one by one by crossing a busy road and navigating a river full of hazards. The Frogger arcade version is an early example of a game with more than one CPU, as it used two Z80 processors.[2] By 2005, Frogger in its various home video game incarnations had sold 20 million copies worldwide, including 5 million in the United States.[3] The game starts with three, five, or seven frogs, depending on the settings used by the operator. The player guides a frog which starts at the bottom of the screen, to his home in one of 5 slots at the top of the screen. The lower half of the screen contains a road with motor vehicles, which in various versions include cars, trucks, buses, dune buggies, bulldozers, vans, taxis, bicyclists and motorcycles, speeding along it horizontally. The upper half of the screen consists of a river with logs, alligators, and turtles, all moving horizontally across the screen. The very top of the screen contains five "frog homes" which are the destinations for each frog. Every level is timed (1 minute); the player must finish the level before the time expires. The only player control is the 4 direction joystick used to navigate the frog; each push in a direction causes the frog to hop once in that direction. On the bottom half of the screen, the player must guide the frog between opposing lanes of trucks, cars, and other vehicles, to avoid becoming roadkill. The middle of the screen, after the road, contains a central reservation where the player must prepare to navigate the river. By jumping on swiftly moving logs and the backs of turtles and alligators except the alligator jaws, the player can guide their frog safely to one of the empty lily pads. The player must avoid alligators sticking out at one of the five "frog homes", snakes, and otters in the river, but may catch bugs or escort a lady frog for bonuses. When all five frogs are directed home, the game progresses to the next level, with increased difficulty. After five levels, the game gets briefly easier yet again gets progressively harder to the next fifth level. Softline in 1982 stated that "Frogger has earned the ominous distinction of being 'the arcade game with the most ways to die'".[4] There are many different ways to lose a life (illustrated by a "skull and crossbones" symbol where the frog was), including: Being hit by or running into a road vehicle Jumping into the river's water Running into snakes, otters or into an alligator's jaws in the river Jumping into a home invaded by an alligator Staying on top of a diving turtle until it has completely submerged Riding a log, alligator, or turtle off the side of the screen Jumping into a home already occupied by a frog Jumping into the side of a home or the bush Running out of time Frogger is available as a standard upright or cocktail cabinet. The controls consist solely of a 4-direction joystick used to guide the frog's jump direction. The number of simultaneous players is one, and the game has a maximum of two players. The game's opening tune is the first verse of a Japanese children's song called Inu No Omawarisan (The Dog Policeman). The song remained intact in the US release. Other Japanese tunes that are played during gameplay include the themes to the anime Hana no Ko Lunlun and Araiguma Rascal. The US release also has "Yankee Doodle Dandy". - Quote from Wikipedia
  2. May 2017 GOTM Winner: Mame Offender - 76,290 (link) Frogger Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Mame Offender 76,290 2 Cynicaster 43,280 3 Luigimaker 26,080 4 ExedExes 24,580 5 GimmeClassics 16,700 6 RedDog 14,000 7 Floyd Turbo 13,350 8 millerbrad 13,270 9 rtkiii 10,000 10 hansolo77 5,420 Last Updated by hansolo77: 01-06-2019 Draco1962 - 640 (link) Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Frogger: ROMSet: Frogger Lives: 5 Cabinet: Upright Special Rules: None The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting your hi-score:
  3. Yeah.... I'm gonna have to watch that.
  4. This guy is a legend is my book. He's got some awesome pinball DOF skills, and a kick-ass pincab that I drool to when I watch his presentation videos. Many happy returns man, hope you had an awesome birthday!
  5. Happy Birthday! @Draco1962 - I liked your tags
  6. Thanks for submitting a score Exed! I'm glad to see your post, as I was afraid we'd actually get a month in with only 2 players! As for that controller.. I was considering getting one of those before everybody here convinced me that an Xbox360 controller was the way to go. I might still get one, I dunno. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. I'm definitely in that category of "recognized by staff". I came into GameEx with no experience. I dabbled in retro gaming with emulators, and the whole drawn out process of manually loading a ROM from within the emulator itself. Then I heard mentions of "frontends" and GameEx appealed to me because of it's capabilities to also work as a media center. It took some time, but I eventually got how it all worked, and tried to make my own experience as a newbie be helpful for others around that would inevitably stumble like I did. So I started by giving step by step examples and screen shots of my processes. Saying "load this, click here, type in this". If anything, at first it was meant to help me so I'd have an online backup of what I did to make it work so I could do it all over again if I needed too. Luckily, that little bit helped. Then as things moved on, I became more proficient with the system, and was able to help troubleshoot common issues people seemed to be having without having to go back through pages of notes. Again, a little, but it helped. Years go by, and my status was just sort of forgotten. I think it was Tom himself who said he thought I was already a mod/admin. I didn't finally get my badge until a forum was restructured and the inclusion of a high score sub-forum was made and the need for me to have the ability to edit threads became necessary. I never once asked for such a promotion, and certainly never felt deserving of it. With any of the software from any and all aspects, I never felt like there should be an obligation from the programing staff to "halt all production to fulfill my own needs". I'm not one to throw my on wait around. I'm patient. This is an ongoing, ever improving hobby. And they key word there is "HOBBY". It's not a job. You shouldn't be making money on this. It's a courteous generosity that the software is as cheap as it is, considering what it's capable of. And with the announcement of Evolution, I noticed a lot of "WHEN" questions, but hardly any "What can I do to help?" ones. You're not entitled to having a perfect system just because you paid for it. There are people who haven't paid that get a lot more out of it. I've donated a few times in the past, enough to get multiple copies/installations. I never felt like since I've paid that I can suddenly turn around and start demanding things to happen. Because I've been with you all for so long, I understand where it's all coming from. The bad part is, the internet makes it so easy to hide behind a computer screen and troll. People feel like they can't vocally be offensive, so they try their best visually in forums, etc. There is a level of internet etiquette that so many people have yet to achieve. It shows what kind of person you are by the way you treat them. I'm glad I'm a member of this awesome community, and will continue to be for a long as we're online. If it were me, and you have to deal with a rude "customer"... do what I do at work. "Make it right". If you're not able to satisfy the customer's request/issue, offer a refund and kick them out. Simple as that. If they don't like it, here's your money back and don't let the door hit you on the way out. Don't continue to settle to their level in arguments. Just blindly smile, hit the return button, and kindly shove them on their way.
  8. Thanks for posting a new score on this classic! Why not give the GOTM a shot before it's over? Updated OP, DB, RSS
  9. Oh yeah... I just finished a book written from Luke's perspective between episode 4 and 5, which deals with him learning about the Force and being able to move things. A trait he just somehow knew how to do in the Wampa cave with no prior exposure to that ability. But even if you just stick with the movies, the idea that the Jedi are too pig headed on only Light side stuff is evident with QuiGon who repeatedly defied the Jedi Council, and Count Dooku who felt the Jedi were too ignorant to not realize you can be even MORE powerful if you use some Dark Side stuff too. Anakin, of course, went too far.. but if Luke has found a way to equalize both sides of the Force.. HE is bringing balance! Because balance is the center, not one side or the other.
  10. Wow nice run! Up from 6th place! Only good for 4th though.. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. This video is perhaps the best explained theory of what's to come. The key thing to take out of this, is that the new canon books, comics, and tv shows are all incorporated. There's not one single bit of unexplainable idea through them. Everything is backed up. If this is truly where the movies are going, I welcome it excitedly. I've been reading all the new canon books. Since the fire destroyed all my old books, and the fact that they were all thrown out in a new categorized "Legends", I've decided to rebuild my book collection starting with the new canon. I've read all of them. They're REALLY good, and I highly recommend them. There is so much more going on that is official to the canon, you can really grasp where things are going. Can't wait to see if they do go with this path. There's so much more developed history through the new canon materials now. Grey Jedi... Those who believe the 100% Jedi are to strict in their "only Light Side" views. Awesome plots. And you have histories of the Greys existing.. Qui-Gon Jinn, Count Dooku, Ahsoka Tano, The Bendu.. And with the Rogue One story, you also now have more Force followers than just Sith and Jedi with the Guardians (Baze and Chirrut), and the Church of the Force, where we have Lor San Tekka. I'm loving all of it! But, as much as the theory that Jar Jar Binks was a Sith Lord (a great theory!), we all know that's just jokes and no way probably. THIS theory though has so much to back it up. I hope it's legit.
  12. Thanks Cyn for trying to keep this months competition alive! Nice improvement too! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  13. Wow, is that good? In comparison I think I only last 10 seconds lol! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. I would have liked to have one, especially once hacks became available to add more games.. But the price of the console is just too much. And to get one NOW, after being announced as discontinued, its insanely priced. Oh well.
  15. Nice! You know, I just loaded this game up last week on my other machine for old time's sake. I still really suck at it lol! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. Wow I can actually read your screen shot. Do I need to change the settings in my MAME? It looks like your lines are thicker or something. And yes, those red barriers (parts of the web that are missing) are annoying as hell. I don't know why they just didn't render them, or make them black. Oh well. Thanks for posting a score. I was getting worried! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. I hope to see some scores soon. This is unprecedented.. 8 days in and no scores. Are the controls the reason we're not seeing anything? I just used an Xbox controller with 2 analog sticks, and it worked great. @MO - close, but that's not a Black Widow.. still pretty nasty looking. Possibly a wolf spider.
  18. Thanks for continuing to post these!
  19. Well yah, I wasn't suggesting being able to play those PSP games. Sorry I was unclear. I was just wondering if the PiZero was having issues with any of the classic systems, so I wouldn't have to buy a PSP/etc to play games on break. There are hacks/etc to let you run emulators on them, I just don't want to spend the money to get one. Would be nice though if somebody designed a better looking case for it. Matte finish is blah (though it hides fingerprints). I also don't like how clunky it looks. Maybe if it was designed like a PSP, with the controls on the sides, it would be more appealing. Although I get what he did.. He basically combined a SNES controller with a box to hold an LCD screen. He even uses a SNES controller's PCB. To flat out design a new layout would require designing a new PCB. It could be done, but I don't know if this guys' skills are up to it. Although, (if I heard him right) he did design that other board that connects to the Pi with the volume knob.
  20. I had been following this build for some time before I ventured into building my own NESPi. I wonder if anybody has had any issues getting the PiZero to work with some systems. I know it's only slightly faster than the original Pi, and way less than the Pi2. I'd be interested to get a hold of one of these though. I could use it to play games when I'm on break, without breaking the bank to get a legit Nintendo DS or Playstation PSP/Vita.
  21. Updated to remove winning April 2017 GOTM selection (Black Widow).
  22. Here's my first entry. Score: 56,800 Initials: HAN Wave: 14
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