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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I agree with Draco here. SorryTthurman lol. Sean Connery, because, well it's Sean Connery. And Daniel Craig, hell yes. Roger Moore.. meh. If you're watching a James Bond marathon, you just have to grit your teeth and make your way through the Moore era. I dunno, he kinda ruined James Bond. Turned him into a comedian, who wasn't funny. They lost their impact for me for a long time, until Pierce Brosnan came along. Too bad he was too old to make more movies. In one of the bonus features accompanying one of the DVD's, the directors/etc said they always wanted Pierce but wanted him to mature and age a little more as an actor. They just waited to long. Luckily we got in Daniel Craig. He was iffy at first, because he didn't fit the Bond image and persona presented in the Ian Fleming books. That, and the movies took a dramatic reboot with him that's actually doing pretty well. Roger Moore's run was campy comedy, with movies coming back to back at rapid fire pace that didn't hold up to anybody else. To me, Roger Moore was the WORST Bond, even George Lazenby did better lol. Still, there's always that special niche. That special place in your heart, way down there somewhere. It's sad to see the passing of Mr. Moore. May he rest in peace. I imagine him skiing down some slope in the afterlife now, chasing after Richard Kiel. <3
  2. Well, I'm not sure what the 2nd stage is in the arcade version because I've never made it that far lol. I'm referring to whatever comes next after getting to the top of the screen on the barrels screen and (not exactly) rescuing the princess.
  3. Yeah me neither. After seeing that video, I saw there were a whole bunch more on Youtube. Awesome!
  4. I like Donkey Kong, but I suck at the arcade version. I've never been able to get to the 2nd stage. On my old Atari 800, I made it to stage 4 once.
  5. I dunno, you knocked @wolfman24 off the board, so you're doing ok by my book! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  6. With that score, you completely bumped me off the board! I don't mind, because it's showing you're enthusiastic and I'd prefer that any day! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. These always look so amazing! I wish I had a setup like yours. I fully 100% want to build a pincab. MAME cab, not so much anymore. But I definitely want a pinbab with the video back screen, and all the flashly lights. Uhg. . droolz.
  8. The thing is, most of our OLD games dealt with a level of randomness that today's games just don't offer anymore. So the replay value of modern games is lacking. Sure, they might have a high score feature to keep things interesting, or hard-to-get achievements/trophies. But really, once you've played it, there's no real reason to anymore. "Back in the day", games were more random, and things could get interesting. I'll grant you, not all titles had random, but a lot of the good ones did.
  9. What's wrong with Monty Python? I love them! But, yeah.. "the system is now prompting me for my password, which I have just entered"... uh.. doy? (wow that's an old word)..
  10. It's ok lol. Will GC take over #3? Updated OP, DB, RSS
  11. I just found the pronunciation of MODEM hilarious.. that, and the totally awkward feeling those people are displaying. Like they couldn't find somebody else to do this, rather than a video camera in somebody's home? I guess that's the norm though, with lots of people doing video conferencing via skype on tv.. but back then, it just looks totally anxious.
  12. My first gaming system was the Atari 800 computer. The first "console" was a Sega Master System my grandma found at a garage sale. Then a few months later (that Christmas) we got a Sega Genesis.
  13. Yeah, I guess I should have clarified that I was still wanting to make sure I had the right game. If that's the right one, I'll add it to the list!
  14. Welcome back buddy! Always nice to see a familiar face (or avatar in this case). Nice first couple of entries too. Wish I was better at this game. The killbox is just too big. I can do pretty well on other systems (Atari, etc) though. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. I know, it's been a topic of debate in the past. There's just know way to know for certain. The only way we can referee it though is by requiring 1 game 1 credit, with the screenshot (wherever possible) to show 0 credits in the game.
  16. Wow! You keep churning out these scores the way you are, you'll be in 1st place in no time! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. Wow board 3? I can get 3 frogs in their homes on the first stage before I'm dead. Nice job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. That's fine, the screenshot is obviously legit because you do have at least some entries with your initials. The only problem (while I will allow for now since you're new) is that it also clearly shows you had an additional 10 credits in the machine still. This is one of our foundation rules. Some games will allow you to continue after the game is over if you have a credit in the machine still, and it will continue off from your last score. So essentially you can keep adding more credits, and continue adding to your score. Not all games do that, but there's no way to know for sure which ones do without experimenting. The official TwinGalaxies rules are the same. 1 credit, 1 play only. It's not a big deal right now though. Just a friendly reminder! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. Dude I feel your pain. I've never been diagnosed officially, but I swear I've got chronic pain of one form or another. Migraines lasting 2-3 days, flareups of intestinal pain (unconfirmed diverticulitis, crohns disease, something else), lower pack pain, etc. Having been diagnosed with what you have, I can only imagine what you're going through. Hang in there buddy and remember we're here for your support and hope you feel better!
  20. Yeah gyros don't work on my phone (doesn't have any). I can't even play Pokemon Go (do people still play that?, wow short lived) because I can't use the camera in that way (no video). It doesn't even come with GPS (although it strangely has some form of location for 911 emergencies).
  21. I don't have compatible technology. I'm still living in the 20th century.
  22. So... thanks to the increased activity provided by @Luigimaker, and hopefully the renewed enthusiasm.. I've gone ahead and updated the Leaderboard to show him how well he's already doing! Let's welcome him into our competitions! As for you Mr Luigi.. keep climbing that ladder! The more games you play, even if you're not in the top 3, will add to your points. You'll make it up in no time!
  23. That's actually a really great score. I remember trying to play this when we first added it to the competition, thinking I'd kill everybody on it cause I'm really good at Tetris. But this game kicked my butt. Thanks for keeping it going! Updated OP, DB, RSS
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