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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I agree with GC.. love the banner! Updated OP, DB, RSS (also removed TIF from first place)
  2. Alright ya'll... this is our first 2-month GOTM competition. And it's a doozie! I love the Metal Slug series, and this one is no exception! Here's a bit of info for you though. There are some settings you need to change before you can play this game with our (TwinGalaxies) rules. The way to change them though is a bit tricky. Simply accessing MAME's DIP settings isn't enough. You see, this was a cartridge-based system. The DIP's only change the global arcade settings, where as the per-game settings are built into the cartridge. To access these settings, get the game loaded and running, then press F2 on your keyboard. This will bring up the internal system's settings. (Sorry for my screenshots, I don't know how to configure MAME to not include the panel artwork (let me know!)) Scroll down to SETTING UP THE SOFT DIP: Enter the menu with A or B, then select SLOT1 METAL SLUG X: Then make your changes... specifically CONTINUE to OFF, BLOOD if interested: Then scroll down off the page to go to the 2nd menu: Then continue making changes.. specifically CREDIT/LEVEL to ON/ON, and COUNTRY to USA. That's it. You'll then press button D or 4, or whatever you use for bombs/grenades to back all the way out, and select EXIT to reboot the machine. That's it! As a courtesy, please verify you've done this prior to submitting a screenshot. It's important to make sure we're all on the same page. I did a test run, killing a few guys then purposely dying. If you choose to continue, it WILL keep your score, so strictly adhering to the NO CONTINUES rule is paramount. Thanks guys, happy playing!
  3. An upgraded version of Metal Slug 2, titled Metal Slug X, was released in March 1999 for the Neo Geo MVS. It fixed slowdown problems from the original game, and increased the difficulty. Metal Slug X also introduced some new elements to the game system; Much of the music has been remixed or altered. A new announcer Many stages have the time of day changed. Instead of individual levels being set at either day or night, the stages can take place at dusk, twilight, or sunset. It is now possible for the player character to become fat by collecting food items in every stage after Mission 2; in the original game, the obese transformation was only possible in Mission 4. All levels contain an increased enemy count and new enemy placements, as well as different enemy characters, and new boss placements. Vehicle types and locations are different. There are more power-ups, POWs, and items (particularly food) in each mission. These items are often hidden. Many environmental elements have different reactions when shot, such as exploding with unexpected results or randomly spewing out items or enemies. Stronger versions like the heavy machine gun, flameshot, shotgun, laser rifle, and rocket launcher are available. Each deals more damage than their normal counterpart, has a different appearance and a wider (or longer) area of impact. If the player happens to be fat while using these heavier weapons, they appear differently and can cause even more damage. Several new weapons are included: Stones, Iron Lizard, Enemy Chaser, Super Grenade, Drop Shot, and a new Golden Metal Slug, which is available in Mission 3. Added Fio's death sound (In Metal Slug 2, she uses Eri's) The original art for Metal Slug is shown at the end of the game while the credits are rolling, instead of the black screen used in Metal Slug 2. -- Quote from Wikipedia
  4. July-August 2017 GOTM Winner: ExedExes - 1,596,380 (link) Metal Slug X Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 Luigimaker 2,043,700 2 ExedExes 1,596,380 3 rtkiii 1,305,630 4 hansolo77 1,136,600 5 forest4585 1,013,660 6 patrickfx 990,050 7 murve33 955,040 8 GimmeClassics 734,740 9 millerbrad 677,630 10 Cynicaster 428,730 Last Updated by hansolo77: 03-14-2019 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Metal Slug X: ROMSet: MSlugX Hero: 3 Continue: Off Difficulty: Level 4 Play Time: 60 Play Manual: ON Blood: ON or Off Credit/Level: ON/ON Language: English Country: USA Special Rules: This is a Single Player ONLY Variation! You may freely choose from any available character. Continues are NOT allowed! The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting your hi-score:
  5. Updated to remove next GOTM (Metal Slug X)
  6. Thus ends another great GOTM. I'm glad we were able to play a game a lot of people were familiar with. Got some great competition this month. Alas, nobody was able to topple smario's killer 343,400 score. I was close, but never got a chance to play more. Just like to take a quick moment here though and apologize for not updating the thread sooner. 10 days straight without a day off (Tuesday - Thursday) during a holiday week at a grocery store deli/bakery. Not exactly ideal for somebody like me who has to deal with stress and anxiety on a daily basis. I finally have a day off today so things can get back to normal. Here's to another great month!
  7. I just realized I never came back and made a new post for this. Oh well, maybe soon. Nice score! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  8. What software are you running Stigz?
  9. I was thinking the same thing. And I don't like the button layout. Watch them actually pull out a joystick and 1 button. Either that, or another 12-button numpad..
  10. What the heck man... I can't watch these on my tablet. So I do a Remote Desktop to my computer and try to watch it there. Still no go. Then I try on my cell phone, and it plays but with no sound and it looks like they're talking like that Micro Machines guy in the commericals. A supposedly 2 minute clip is over in 8 seconds lol. The video card on my PC went out so I can't use it other than through Remote Desktop for the time being. Oh well.. I'm sure it's cool! I heard about this when I was setting up Amazon alerts for Star Wars books. Looks like a sort of CGI clip toon (5 minutes max) based in the Star Wars universe and heavily female character driven. Girl power, etc. I'm all for it, long as it's new SW material! I just wish I could watch it in real time with sound lol. Gonna just have to wait till it's on TV I guess.
  11. Wow.. what are the odds to get a score like that? Just need a 6 on the end! Updated OP, DB, RSS @GC - If you need the download link, let me know. I can also send you the version I'm using, as well as a backup of the database if you want (not really needed, as the DBM will download the db when you open it). @Everybody - I haven't forgotten. Sorry it's taking so long to update the GOTM threads. Thanks for being patient and not bullying me to get it done! Will be done on Friday I promise!
  12. Nice photo angles on the close ups! Looks hella cramped in their just like my NintendoPi.
  13. I was gonna add this to the high score board. Then I thought I'd bash you a bit for the screenshot.. Then I realized the score you already have posted is 300k, so this was just for fun. Still, that's a hell of a good score. I hate that I suck at arcade games so much. It's still fun to participate though! July GOTM coming soon!
  14. Thanks for the enthusiasm, and last minute entries. So here's the deal... I have to work every day for 10 days straight due to the holidays and my grocery store deli job. So I won't actually be updating the threads with the new GOTM until Friday. I hope this is ok with everybody. So if you guys want to try and get some more last minute entries in with the long weekend, feel free. I'll get everything updated then! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. A little improvement is always better than no improvement! Good job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. That's the way to do it. Been trying to explain it to everybody! The more you play, even if it's not the best, it improves your overall position. And these games with only a few scores posted gets you higher faster. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. Nice to see some new scores posted! Thanks for the renewed enthusiasm! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. Yeah, seems like cheating and an unfair advantage. Too bad I had no experience to back up the decision. No biggie. If it works out for people to use a higher level starting point, then so be it. I'll try posting a new score with the higher start level soon too. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. Couldn't have said it better!!! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. Most of my difficulty comes from about 2/3 through the first stage, after that, I have no problem until around stage 3 with the Moai's... It just takes practice. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  21. Am I allowed to go back and click LIKE THIS on all my posts? Actually it's something fun to see, but I'm not interested in being the best. It speaks for itself, shouldn't be a contest.
  22. I don't see the sin in repurposing a broken console. Yes, I had intended to do what I did from the beginning. But I bought a console that was no longer working to "bring it back to life". I'm actually in the process of building another one. It's not nearly as "Frankenstein's Monster" as the NintendoPi turned out (which I still update and play on almost daily!). I'm building a dedicated PS1 using original hardware and a 4tb USB drive to hold the roms and preview videos/etc. I have a working prototype with USA and JAPAN roms already. Working on getting the European bits now. I even modified and created my own theme. Look for a post about it in the future.
  23. I wonder if the Star Fox 2 ROM they use is the same unlicensed one that's floating around the internet. I remember reading that the NES classic, while being manufactured by Nintendo completely in-house, they chose to use ROMs that had been downloaded from the internet and patched to work with Emulators due to the requirement of various addon chips inside the carts. That bit of discovery really put people of the edge at the absurdity of their release. I mean, Nintendo has the original software, so why release a product that has ROMs that needed to be hacked before they were playable? Surely they could make their own versions without the requirement, and maybe add a layer of software encryption to prevent mods. I'm interested to see if they did the same thing with the SNES, releasing a cutesy piece of hardware, with ROMs acquired from the internet. And with Star Fox 2 being included, the only available source I know of is the online communities. I just feel like Nintendo has lost it. If I were in charge, I'd add a layer a of encryption, and an online function to allow the purchase and download of additional games for like $1 a game. The encryption would prevent hackers from downloading the ROM (which would be pointless anyway with every ROM already available online), and I'd get a buck for each download. Heck, I'd even upgrade the system to include a feature like Online team play, so you can play 2 player games with your siblings in different houses, or friends, etc. Then I'd "kick it up a notch" and add RetroAchievements, although I'd probably want to create my own version of it rather than support a 3rd party. There's a lot of GOOD stuff Nintendo could do here, but they're going to drop the ball again.. just wait and see.
  24. I remember seeing that the last time I looked at my profile.. just looked again... bummer.. I'm only at 66 days won.
  25. It'll probably have the same issues the NES Classic had... short controller cables, and limited supplies before getting cancelled rather than producing more.
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