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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Well I'm glad I'm in shared company. I figured my reply was gonna get a flame war started.
  2. I tried playing this a little bit more yesterday after work. I still can't get to the volcano bit on the first stage (prior to fighting the first boss). This version is so much more difficult for me. Maybe it's because of the better rendering, keeping me off balance. Still haven't felt like it was worthy of posting a score though. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  3. Yeah, like I said.. a bit behind on the scene.
  4. Alright, you asked for it.. here is my GameEx setup, broken down in my customized menu: Last Played Most Played Random Game Favorite Games GameEx High Score Competition GameEx Arcade (Online Only) Arcade Pinball Consoles Computers Handhelds
  5. Was it better or worse than mine? Just curious..
  6. <-- disbelief..Hollywood's completely ran out of ideas.
  7. You guys actually have a few systems I never bothered to set up yet. PSP, Nintendo DS (not mentioned though I know it's out there), PlayStation 2 (same), Wii.(Xbox?). But I went and added systems nobody really ever wants to play because I was OCD on making sure I had everything. Channel F, Casio Loopy, etc. There's other systems too I meant to add but never got around to, like Dreamcast, Saturn, PC-Engine CD, 3DO. I'm trying to remember what the most recent thing was. I think it was either GameCube, or Model3. I don't even have ScummVM or zMachine stuff yet.
  8. You don't want to know.... Let's just say 'everything' and call it a day.
  9. Grr... I should have submitted a score for this when I could. I didn't know there was a score lower than 57,300 I could have beaten to get initials up. Now I'm going to have to try again on my next day off (not for a few days unfortunately). Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. I hear ya. I've been off my game for a while, not sure what the deal is. Like Frogger I'm usually pretty good at. But not this time around. It's like.. when it MATTERS, I suck lol.
  11. At least yours was looking for support. I was just criticizing and complaining about my internet speed.
  12. Sorry for not catching up on current events. The news is always BAD news, so I tend not to watch. The last thing I heard was Trump dropping out of the commitment to cease global warming. So, now I have to go and look up more BAD news to find out what you're talking about. In the meanwhile, all I can do is agree with Draco. Thoughts and Prayers...
  13. Yeah I wracked my brain for a few years, every now and then when I was in school. I wanted to find an equation to figure out when I would start getting closer to my Dad's age. I finally figured it out, although I don't know how to do the equation bit. Essentially, you become HALF as old as your Dad once you turn the same age as they were when you were born. So if he was 20, then when YOU turn 20, he'd be 40. From that moment on, you'll be that number of years apart, but the age gap compared to 0 decreases by 1 year each year. However, since they age 1 year each year too, you'll never catch up until they pass. Something else that was cool with the year I was born... 1980. So in 1981, take the last digit and that's how old I am: 1. 1985, 5. Then comes 1990. It's a 0, but that just means I'm 10. Then comes 2000. Easy, take the 1st digit and last digit.. so 2000=20. 2008, 28. Once we hit 2010, it was add the first 2 digits with the last 2 digits.. so 2010, 30. 2017, same thing.. 37. I got it easy, I'll never have a hard time figuring out how old I am. 2080 would be 100 years. 2090 (like 1990) would be 110. Just add a 1 to the first number and start again. So if I live to 2100, it should be 120. That's where it gets confusing. because 2105 would only be 125.
  14. Yup.. Click your profile.. then there is a button "See My Activity".. then just go to the last page and your first post is the last entry. Here's mine --> (link)
  15. Hey hey! Alright! So this game has an in-game table. Awesome! Thanks for your submission smario.. got the bar set high.. I'm gonna try this here in a couple hours. (Last day of vacation.. ) Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. Sorry for the belated birthday wishes!
  17. Hard to believe. I was curious how long I've been here... checked my profile: Joined: February 13, 2006
  18. All I know is, if that's how you're supposed to play Defender, it's no wonder I'm not very good lol!
  19. Updated OP. I kept the game name and artwork, but changed the underlying ROM file we use. I gave this version a go, and it IS different than the VS. To me, it's more difficult. There is a section in the 1st stage that gives you a bullet-hell like scenario that I can't get past yet. Since the default high score is over 50k, I wasn't able to beat it and post a score. I'll come back to this!
  20. I quoted this from Wikipedia: Japan (original) had it as Gradius. Everywhere else had it as Nemesis until later releases. We've already got 3 scores posted now to the VS. I was going to call up the person who requested it, since it would be their call which game to use -> And seeing how he's already replied with: I think we'll change it out to Nemesis to make you purists happy. Give me a night to sleep and I'll fix it in the morning. As of now, the board is still 000000.
  21. Yeah, I know the feeling. There's these kids at work who just graduated. Find out they were born the year I graduated. Only this year makes it 1 year AFTER I graduated. "Time keeps on slippin slippin slippin.. into the future...."
  22. AHHH!! Why do you torment me so?! Why can't I have money to just throw away like that. I'd buy that elite table as soon as it comes out if I could. Grr.
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