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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Thanks for being a good sport forest about the previous entry. Most new people have that same hiccup, so it's no big deal! Nice to see you sticking around with us and continuing to try. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  2. 1 - I couldn't find a match at TwinGalaxies for "Zookeeper", but I did find one for "Zoo Keeper". Can you confirm this is the same game you're referring to? http://www.twingalaxies.com/scores.php?platformid=46&gamename=Zoo Keeper [Set 1] 2 - This game is already on our wanted list. 3 - This game is already available to compete in! https://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/13091-donkey-kong-3/
  3. I know I've not made it to the boss yet, let alone pass it. And if it's anything like the first level, there's probably a mini boss half way through that I've not met yet either.. A quick work about your submission... You're only allowed to play with 1 credit in the machine. It's the only way to be fair. Some games allow you to continue your game with your existing score by adding more credits. Because of this, even TwinGalaxies has the rule of 1 game 1 credit. Your screenshot shows you have 11 credits in the machine. Although I trust you didn't utilize more than one, the rules stand. Since you're new, you may not have known about that. No biggie. This is a great game and I'm sure you'll be posting more scores soon enough.
  4. Updated the OP, DB, RSS Thanks to GC's reminding me of rtkiii's previous vouch.
  5. DOH! My bad! I completely forgot about that post. Consider yourself welcome. I call that a certifiable vouch. Updated OP, DB, RSS --> PS - Updating the OP took a bit longer than planned. I had to remove TIF from the board, and I discovered celly's GOTM entry was lost, so I re-added it! Sorry about that buddy! @GimmeClassics - do you think you could post your Plus10's image on another site so we can update the threads? I've been using imgbb.com for the banners, but maybe it'd be even better if we could host it on Adultery's server?
  6. As I said in the post on Galaga... until somebody can verify and vouch for forest4585, I don't want to risk accepting his scores just yet. I don't want to have another TIF in our boards again. Those of you who know what I'm talking about should understand this. I have every intention of letting forest4585 join us if he can be spoken for as not another "sniper".
  7. Please don't take this the wrong way. I'd love to accept your score. We definitely need more players who can keep this forum alive. However, you only just joined this site, created a username, and posted a HUGE score that is better than our current 1st place player. You're not a paying subscriber to the software, just a basic member. We've had this game in our competition for years (April 26, 2013). Surely somebody would have posted a better score by now if they could. Then I look at your score, and see it's the ONLY score in the in-game board, and I have to take a moment to pause and consider it. We've had a couple of people come in and join just to post outrageous scores that can't be beat, and have no desire to support GameEx, or be a member of the community. Just come in and post scores and leave. I'd like to think this is all legit, and you're on the level, but I have to question it. Until somebody can vouch for you, I have to delay accepting this score for the time being. I have no problem accepting it in the future if anybody can verify you're legit and not just coming here to prove your prowess on the boards. There's just no place for that here. This is a high score forum for users of GameEx only. People who are here just to have fun. We're not a true competition. You get no rewards. It's for bettering yourself more than anything. Thank you for understanding. And for everybody else... can you vouch for forest4585?
  8. How do you like that controller Felix? I have an 8BitDo N64 controller and find it's a little lacking. I think my biggest complaint with it is that it doesn't have a SELECT button, so I can't use it to hotkey out of a game. It also doesn't have any electronic contacts for supporting a rumble pak should I ever decide to play a game that support it. That's not really a deal breaker though. The classic NES controller though, complete with shoulder buttons looks great. I'm just curious how well it works. And the big doozy.. what if you have 2 and want to play a 2 player game? Does the color change to let you know which is P1 and P2, or something? Or is it just a matter of when you connect the bluetooth?
  9. Ya'll lost me when you started getting philosophical.
  10. It's just good to know the forum I'm seeing is the same for everybody and I"m not just going crazy.
  11. I'm just glad it's not me going senile.
  12. Was the forum software upgraded? Or did the CSS stylesheet get changed? Maybe it's just me, but something looks different. GOOD, but different...
  13. Saving the camel and the "chopper combo" is what really helped me. Then I made it to stage 2, got fat and slow, and turned into a mummy. Insta death pretty much after that. Still haven't made it to the boss yet.
  14. Did my tips help out then? I'm like, where I can get bonus points, I'm all in it. Way to go on beating 1M rtkiii!! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  15. Looks like @rtkiii was feeling left out. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  16. Yeah, we all suffer from that "get bored with it" and move on to other things. Then when the timing is just right you come back and you're like "woah why did I ever quit?!" I'm in that rut right now. Been so busy with work (lame excuse) that I'm just drained and don't feel like doing anything. Then a nice 2-day weekend or a vacation comes up and I got time to play a little, and I'm like "man I miss this". Updated OP, DB, RSS Mod note: I forgot to post this before updating the OP. I did get your score GC.
  17. Ok guys, try this one... first to hit 1M! I still died about half way through the 2nd mission. But I got farther this time, and picked up a lot of bonuses along the way! Tip: Don't die! I know that seems obvious, but you get bonus points for every POW you rescue at the end of each mission. If you die, the POW count starts over. There's a finite number each mission, so if you get like 10 of them then die, you're only going to get maybe 3 or 4 more at the end, and only get credits for those. Tip 2: Midway through the first mission there is a string of 5 or 6 helicopters with the leader being red. If you kill the red one first, it will chain reaction kill the others, and you get lots of bonus points for each one! If you kill them out of order, you get nothing! Tip 3: Protect the camel! If you can manage to get the camel mount to the 2nd mission, you're rewarded with a HUGE end of mission bonus, and the start of Mission 2 has an added sprite of the camel stopping to drink. Kinda fun! Tip 4: There are all kinds of secret background targets you can attack. If you're shooting up at a window/etc, you'll notice your ammo hitting it instead of going off screen. Keep hitting it and a dump of bonus items come out for you to pick up. One section in particular (right when you can get the camel) has 2 windows you can shoot for (in my experience) carrots and then chicken legs. Get those points wherever you can! Score: 1,051,950 Stage: 2 (Egypt) Initials: HAN Updated OP, DB, RSS
  18. Way to go! You're killing it today! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  19. Nice Improvement! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  20. I was about to ask the same thing. What do you think guys, should I accept it? Yeah why not. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  21. Not bad for 3rd place! I really need to post a score for this game some day... Updated OP, DB, RSS
  22. Ya'll make me sick! I got a vacation coming up here in a week or so. I'll be putting in some game time with this then!!!! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  23. There are some good fighting games too.. Mortal Kombat Trilogy, King of Fighters..
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