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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I... (don't) hate you. Looks really nice.
  2. I absolutely recommend getting the Thrawn trilogy first. It was the first real push for the Star Wars books. But it's non-canon now, which sucks. When they released The Force Awakens, anything published that wasn't a novelization of the movies or Clone Wars tv show was converted to "Legends" and simply became a fun thing to read. The nice thing now though is that everything going forward is guaranteed to be canon and things that happen in one book can have a direct impact on something from another. We were all led to believe that every book in the past was getting approved by George Lucas, but things just got too out of hand and that stopped happening. The nice thing too is that there's only maybe 2 years of books to catch up with (maybe 10 novels altogether). The way I'm doing it is by publication order. Since everything can be hinted at from previous books, I didn't want to risk reading something that was happening in a previous book. So I'm reading them in the order they came out, so I wouldn't know anything before anybody else would have. I'm also going back and picking up the old "legends" books as I seem them on the cheap. If you decide to do this too, a good place to start is: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_of_canon_books And then you can sort that by release date. Looking over what I've read from that list.. "Heir to the Jedi" is good, as is "Dark Lords of the Sith". "Lost Stars" is a bit much on the romance (a love story taking place during the events of Episode 4-6 with characters you didn't know existed). I also read "Rogue One Catalyst" (a VERY good book if you liked the Rogue One movie, as it tells a lot more backstory). "Tarkin" is also a good book if you're interested in learning about how he grew up to be the man he as in Episode 4.
  3. That's why I want to read the book first! I'm backlogged on "new canon" Star Wars books. Hit a dull point when I got to the "Aftermath" series. I'm about 1/3rd of the way through the first book and it's just dragging on. Might be the author, but I just can't get into it. Might take a break and do Ready Player One to catch up. @Draco.. did he do a sequel? I thought I read some where that there was one, or at least one in the works.
  4. I think there are some RTS games that are 2D.. like Command & Conquer and the like... Riven (the sequel to Myst) is also a good game that doesn't rely on 3D, since it's all just a bunch of static images with the occasional pre-rendered video cut scene.
  5. All I see is a screenshot. I don't want to click the play button. Still haven't read it yet and I don't want to spoil it.
  6. No doubt there's a catch to the 1st boss. Seems like he takes forever to kill to me. I've only made it to stage 2 once so far. Gotta try to get at least 800k before I post a new score. Nice to see some renewed enthusiasm. Looks like the plan to run this for 2 months this time might have been an good idea. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  7. Maybe there is some secret bonus drop you picked up. The kind where you have to meet a certain criteria in order for it to show up. Or maybe you just got lucky and grabbed whatever it was and just never saw it again. I know I've gone through and collected every POW on the first level and didn't get anything crazy. Maybe I just don't remember. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  8. That's actually not that bad considering. I mean, I haven't even posted a score. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  9. I just suck at this game. The backwards way of thinking (button THEN direction vs the other way like most fighting games) is what hurt me. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  10. Long as he's willing to follow the rules. Glad to have you aboard! The more the merrier.
  11. Ahhhh yeah I don't think I ever managed to save the tank. That first boss is killer, I think I die once or twice each time I face it.
  12. Wow good choices! I was wracking my brain trying to think of some too. There are some pretty good RPG if you're into those.. like Lunar Silver Star Story (just a remake with better graphics, music, and video cutsenes). There's also the remakes of some Final Fantasy games. If you're into shooters, there is Star Wars Rebel Assault 2, which is just a movie with user interaction (think Daphne era). If you like that style, another good game is X-Files, watching a movie and picking the outcomes. But yes, the games KRC suggested are probably the pick of the crop on 2D games.
  13. Wow, what did you do differently to improve your score by 600k? Updated OP, DB, RSS
  14. I've been using imgbb for some stuff too...
  15. The Switch, basically marketed as a next-gen console, also has an "sd" card. I put it in quotes because that's not really what it is, just that form factor.
  16. The animations are one of the best things about this game series. It's definitely got some comedic charm that makes it a lot of fun. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. Most if not all of the GOTM banners are hosted in GC's photobucket too. We'll need to fix this soon.
  18. I have one of those same 4port HDMI switches... I think I got a lot of interference, or bad HDMI cables or something. Maybe the power cable isn't providing enough juice. The first one I had kept having issues with the signal going out, or glitching all the time. The replacement is better, but I still get the occasional issue.
  19. Oh yeah, they will reboot it, and kill it. Just like they did Star Trek.
  20. Always good to see you posting scores GC! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  21. I don't consider the slims as an updated console.. just smaller.
  22. Previous score posters didn't have a screenshot of an initials screen, so I'll take what I can get. Typically we require such a case to have the high score match the achieved score. But since your score is less than that, you're only hurting yourself if you're cheating (which I fully believe you are hahah j/k). Updated OP, DB, RSS
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