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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Title 38 of the Code of Federal Regulations defines a veteran as “a person who served in the active military, naval, or air service and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.” Guess that answers that. NOPE (it was dishonorable discharge)
  2. Do we consider soldiers who were IN the army but never served in a war a Veteran? If so, my brother is thankful for your post. He passed basic training and prior to getting shipped to his post-basic base camp he went into an allergic asthma attack from his inoculations. When they checked his service record and application, he indicated no prior existence of asthma (his recruiter told him NOT to include it since he hadn't had an attack in 10+ years). So because he falsified government records, they kicked him out of the army with a threat that he could have been put into Federal Prison for lying, but they let it slide because he was told by his recruiter not to. Pretty messed up, but they wouldn't give him the chance to serve because of that. Still, he completed basic, and was officially classified then as a soldier. But is he a vet?
  3. My bad. I joked with Mo about his double score posting on the same day, and then I went and forgot to enter it into the DB! So sorry about that buddy! It's all squared away now. Updated OP, DB, RSS
  4. So here’s a quickie post. It’s not official. I just wanted to verify I have a working controller.
  5. Ok, but why is my Player 1 controller indicating I'm controlling Player 3 as well? EDIT - Fixed it (at least on my end). The problem was that my controller was configured inside RetroArch to be used as P1 and P3. So when I started the game, it detected 2 coin entries, 1 for each of those players. It then had me controlling both of them too. Inside RetroArch, I simply setup my Player 3 Device Index to a different controller (that I only connect as needed). So now it works. I'll probably still play with my PC and GameEx though, so I get a good screenshot rather than use my phone. Hopefully it won't be such a chore setting up there. And yea, Donatello is the best of them. He was always my favorite because of his intelligence over the other guys.
  6. Removed new GOTM - TMNT. Please keep those game suggestions coming!
  7. Cowabunga dudes! Welcome to our end of the year GOTM, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! An awesome game, that's totally radical. I grew up watching the series, reading some of the comics, and playing with the action figures. My brother's school friend had the original NES game, and of course I sucked at it. Our rollerskating rink had the arcade game available, but it was too expensive to play so I only got to watch it. The NES port was a pretty good conversion, and I played it up to (but not killing) Shredder. I expect this will get a lot of good scores posted! One quick thing I noticed. When I was checking my DIP settings for the OP, I noticed the setting for LIVES was different. So you'll want check that. Another thing I noticed, when I gave the machine a coin, it opened up 2 players for me. And when I was playing, my controller moved around BOTH of them. I also couldn't choose a turtle to play. Maybe my ROM is jacked up? Or maybe the settings? Of course, it could be because I'm using MAME 0.78 on a Raspberry Pi (it was quicker and easier to load up from that than having to open it on my PC). Let me know if you guys experience anything like that and know how to fix it. Happy Gaming!
  8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a side-scrolling beat-'em-up released by Konami as a coin-operated video game in 1989.[1] It is based on the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series which began airing in the winter of 1987. Home versions of the game were released for various platforms.[2] The player chooses from one of the four Ninja Turtles: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael. Depending on the version of the game, the characters are either, chosen at the start of the game or assigned by control panel. After Shredder kidnaps the Turtles' friend April O'Neil and their mentor Splinter, they must give chase, save their comrades, and defeat the evil Shredder. Up to four players (two in some versions) can take control of any of the Turtles. Donatello has slower attacks but a longer range, Michelangelo and Raphael have faster attacks but a shorter range, and Leonardo is a well-rounded Turtle with average range and speed. The eight-way joystick controls the movements of the Turtle, the jump button makes them jump and the attack button makes them hit in front of them using their weapon. In addition to this, some combinations are possible. The Turtles can throw Foot soldiers overhead, and by pressing the jump and attack buttons, a special attack is performed. Raphael rolls along the ground and finishes with a kick, while the other Turtles do a sweeping jump attack with their weapons. Turtles can also spring off the wall in certain areas. Enemies can be defeated more quickly by slamming them into walls or solid objects. Many objects such as traffic cones, parking meters, fire hydrants and exploding oil drums can be hit or damaged with attacks in order to help defeat nearby enemies. In the attract mode, the game showed the first part of the cartoon opening, along with a portion of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme song. Most of the enemies the Turtles face are the Foot Soldiers, all color-coded to indicate their attack patterns and weapon of choices. Some enemies, such as the standard purple-clad Foot Soldiers and Roadkill Rodney robots, have the ability to restrain the Turtles' mobility and drain their health, leaving the player open to attack for other enemies. The bosses in the game include Rocksteady and Bebop (individually at first in that order, and later the two of them together), Baxter Stockman, Granitor, General Traag, Krang, and Shredder himself. The arcade game was distributed as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in North America and Oceania, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles in Europe and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Super Kame Ninja (ティーンエイジ・ミュータント・ニンジャ・タートルズ 〜スーパー亀忍者〜 Tīneiji Myūtanto Ninja Tātoruzu: Sūpā Kame Ninja) in Japan. The game was released primarily as a dedicated four-player cabinet in all regions except Japan, where it was sold only as a 2-player conversion kit. 2-player conversion kits of the game were also released in other regions, serving as less expensive alternatives to 4-player cabinets.
  9. November-December 2017 GOTM Winner: Cynicaster - 140 (link) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 KRC 283 2 Cynicaster 140 3 millerbrad 115 4 forest4585 109 5 ExedExes 103 6 Floyd Turbo 77 7 patrickfx 69 8 Luigimaker 48 9 rtkiii 24 10 GimmeClassics 23 Last Updated by hansolo77: 01-06-2019 Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: ROMSet: TMNT Lives: 2 Unknown: Off [All] Difficulty: Normal Flip Screen: Off Service Mode: Off Special Rules: The above are the Default Internal Settings for this title and need not be changed. This is a Single Player ONLY Variation! You may freely choose your character. Continues are NOT allowed! Special Note: While some leeching is permitted in regards to opportunities against certain bosses [50 Points maximum], too much will result in your score being disqualified. The green coloured default values match the Twin Galaxies settings. The red coloured values need to be changed! # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide: # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide: # general rules for submitting your hi-score:
  10. Updated Leaderboard to show movements from last month's submissions.
  11. Congrats to our resident Galaga master @forest4585 on his win of his first GOTM participation! Nobody could beat his mighty submission of 233,100. Way to go! We all look forward to seeing if you can win more! I think the 2 month competition is working nicely, and the polls confirm you guys want to keep it that way. Next up: TMNT! Also just a quick reminder to those who may not know.. Even though this GOTM challenge is over, that doesn't mean you have to stop submitting scores for this game. In fact, we encourage it. It's awesome when we see somebody work hard at a game and come back and beat the #1 spot. Will it be you? Happy gaming! Updated OP, DB, LB, RSS
  12. Well done everybody. Thanks for participating this month! I will update the threads tomorrow. I had to go to bed early last night right after I got home from work. I'm too exhausted now to mess with it. But I will do it tomorrow I promise!
  13. Just MAME games for this competition. The other board "The Arena" is for everything not MAME.
  14. @GimmeClassics Welcome back into the fray old buddy! You might not need to do all the effort in changing the image hosts. @Adultery sent me a PM a few days ago saying he was already in the process of moving them all over to his server, so we won't run into that 3rd party hosting limitation. Hopefully you didn't do too much damage! As for the boards, like I told Adultery, I was planning on updating all the board formats to the new version with higher resolution banners eventually. I was kinda going about it one game at a time, as players posted up new scores. I've been really busy with work and trying to get my life in order. Going at it in bulk doing a bunch of games all at once just seemed like too big a task, but one here or there as needed was more manageable. If you want, feel free to take up that task! As for linking to the score post, it's still the same way for the most part. You right click the icon in the post for "sharing" and select copy link. Then in then DBM you click the button [SET URL], it pops up a window asking for the URL, paste it there, then the [GENERATE] button becomes available. It then creates the correctly formatted Google Tiny URL. Hit [OK] and it takes you back to the entry screen. You were probably trying to paste the link straight into the SET URL field, which is the wrong way. As for updating the boards, it's still the same way. You have to edit the OP, then erase all the board data (I've been trying to use Horizontal Rules (HR) to make it easier) between the name of the person who last updated, to the top. Then you go into the SOURCE and paste the code the DBM generates. Switch out of SOURCE and it should be good. I try to cut everything above the first HR code, drop a line (pressing ENTER) and paste the new code above the HR code. If you're updating a board that has a GOTM winner, you'll want to paste between the HR after the winner line, and before the HR after the board data. I can show you if you need help.
  15. I'm still perfectly happy with Windows 7.
  16. Hey no fair posting 2 scores in the same day before I have a chance to update the board!! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  17. Rogue One was actually REALLY good, despite all the negativity. Force Awakens was such a huge let down for me. I just hope Last Jedi is better, but it looks like it's gonna suck too based on the trailer. Maybe it's just Adam Driver.. I'm not feeling him as a villain. He's weak. Darth Vader was so badass in his first appearance by not saying much. This guy talks TOO much. I'm just not scared of him. Daisey ( <3 ) and Jon Boyega are good casting but I don't like the "couple" bit that's forming. She's better as a single outcast, than a romantic floozy.
  18. Thanks! I was going to post it myself but you beat me to it. I gotta say though.. this trailer is kinda blah. In fact, I think the movie may bomb too. I could be completely wrong though. I mean, The Force Awakens pretty much bombed even though the trailer really gave you the chills of excitement. Maybe my fears of oversaturation is coming true. All I know is, I watched this trailer and thought to myself "really?" There's so much wrong with it. I agree with Mark Hamill that the way the story seems to be going, I'm not at all excited anymore about seeing what happens. I really REALLY hope I'm just not feeling the trailer and the movie will be good.
  19. Twin Galaxies is offline again. I think it was offline the last time I tried to get some information from them a couple weeks ago. Maybe I'm just remembering wrong? Has anybody been able to visit them recently? Anyway, I'm going to add @rtkiii's requests to the OP, but will have to wait to fill in the TG links.
  20. Jeez dude! I'd be happy to get half that. Heck, I'd be happy to get 100k Nice job! Updated OP, DB, RSS
  21. I still have an Intel Core2Duo. I'm like 15 years overdue for a new gaming PC. BUT, I rarely PC game anymore anyway. Your setup looks ok, but I don't think you need the extra controller card. The mobo you picked has 6 SATA ports already.
  22. Maybe Galaga'88 came out too late in arcade history? Arcades were starting to die out, games were becoming more and more scarce and the costs to buy one were probably escalating. Why spend more money on a limited run game to put in an arcade that may be closing in a year or so? And if it's just another Galaga game, and you already have one, why get another one? For the gamer, the first one was probably just the most popular because of it's simple longevity. Updated OP, DB, RSS
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