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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Do we need to manually update it or will it automatically alert you?
  2. I've already paid off my standard edition of the game. They said the only store they know of in my town that might still have some left would be Best Buy. But they said if you preorder with them (Best Buy) you would have to pay out right 100% cost up front, and they wouldn't be offering any of the advanced early access. Plus, there was no garauntee that they would have any, since the Collector's Editions were sold to local stores very limitedly... GameStop told me their entire company was only granted a limited supply of 1000 units of the collector's edition, of which were shared equally among all the stores in the country. Now if GameStop, a dedicated gaming store, was limited to 1000 units, and all were sold within 2 weeks of preorder announcment, chance are pretty slim I'd be able to find one somewhere else locally. So I didn't bother to look around, and just decided to buy the standard version from them.
  3. Beta tests are over. Game is set for release on 12/20/12. If you're lucky enough to get a preorder paid off before that, they are having a free 'thankyou gift' of 5-days early access (meaning 12/15/12). That's in 4 days. Rumors are going around now that it might be even sooner, the 13th. This is all thanks to a Facebook announcement by the SWTOR team saying that if you got a guild set up, they'll be emailing out the details of the guild's server location starting today. So people are hoping that once this email batch is sent out, then they'll start sending out the invites for the early access. I've got my preorder in at GameStop, and on Thursday the 8th, I finished paying it off. I got my early access code, and registered it with the site. I immediately got a thankyou email, and details that they will email me when the early access is open for me to use. So I'm waiting for it. I wanted to get the Collector's Edition, with the soundtrack, map, book, statue, extra in-game items, etc...but they were already sold out of them by the end of July. Guess I waited to long to order. So anyway... If you guys want, perhaps we can start up a guild? Might be fun. I'm probably going to find a guild of my own if I can't get any of my friends to play. Just thought I'd put the idea out there. But keep the dates in mind if you're interested!
  4. Ouch. But your right. That's why I said I think my standards are too high. I'm sure I'll meet the right girl someday. I'm not too worried about it. In a way, I'm getting to the point where I'll take just about anybody, if they're at least interested in me. I'm not going to go out to singles bars, or hit on every person I see though.
  5. Yeah, I've only just recently become intrested in her in any romantic sense. We're friends to the best way possible by being co-workers. It'd be cool if she ever DID want to hang out. I'm looking for more, but I think as long as I don't scare her away, I'm cool with being her friend too. It just sucks that it's always been that way with me. If you ever look at my friends on Facebook, all of the girls there are girls I tried to date, but ended up just being friends with. They're all married now, with kids, and half of them are unhappy. From my own point of view, I'm not any worse off than I was when I first started dating girls. At least being single has granted me more money, more 'me' time, and less stress/heartache. Granted, I'd LOVE to meet that special girl who'd rather die than be with anybody else but me. But chances are, at my age, I'm pretty much lost. Everybody says my standards are too high. Cause I'm looking for girls that are intelligent, pretty, and preferrably virgin (although not being one is ok, as long as they don't have kids). For the longest time I felt that a woman who's not a virgin is just gross and I'm "seconds". If somebody else has already been there, then that means theres room to judge my own abilities, thus adding to something they can stress on me. Now its getting to the point where girls have had it by the time they're 12, and the chances of me finding somebody that meets my requirements are probably never going to happen.
  6. Wow, so kissing arses does NOT mean promotion? Maybe I should reconsider my position. Congrats guys, you've earned it.
  7. I think the only thing we're missing now is a shoutbox or something for quick chatting, without needing to create threads or go into the chatroom.
  8. Thanks Tom, I'll take your advice to heart. I'm off work today and tomorrow, and she's now going to be off when I get back. Don't know what next week's schedule is yet. It's just getting too complicated. Adultery, I'll probably never drink. I've been old enough to buy it for 10 years, and never have. Been old enough to drink it (even if illegally) even longer. I know what it does to people, and I don't want it to happen to me. Besides, I can't stand the smell. It was just a joke, I assure you.
  9. You don't wanna know Ok I'll spill the beans. Let's see, where to start... Turns out, she really DID have plans that day, and really DID spend the day at the hospital with her friend. So for a couple of days after that, I was pretty cool about everything. Then on Friday, I got a little bit more bolder. Since I knew she was going on vacation, I didn't really plan on doing anything else about her until after she got back. But on Friday, there a was a moment of weakness for me, when we were both in the break room together. So I was just talking to her as friends and everything, and didn't really go anywhere with it. Then I hit 'the snag'. We started talking about her vacation, and I asked her if she had any plans to do something fun. I was like "Are you going to Virgina Beach or anything like that?" She did her typical blushing laugh and chuckled a "No nothing like that, I'll probably just lay around home all week." So I said, "Well, if you want, we could go catch a movie or something" And her immediate response was "With YOU?!!!" And I said "Well, you gotta do something on vacation, not just be bored to death at home all week." And she said "Yeah, you're right..." And that was the end of it. I didn't bring it up anymore after that, figured that was enough of a hint. The biggest hint bomb I've ever dropped in my life. Her reaction was kinda awkward, and I spent a few days wondering what she meant by it; was this an 'Oh My God, get real' like disgusted response, a just flat out surprised and sudden response? Since she was on vacation, I couldn't really know. I only hoped she would contact me, and then I would know. I didn't hear anything for awhile, so I went up to one of her co-workers and asked if she had talked to her at all about me. She asked why, and I said I sorta asked her out. She then told me in a 'nice' way of letting me down easy... "You're not really her type." So I asked why, and she said "Well, based on the kinda guys she's dated in the past, she seems to prefer guys a little.....darker.....if you catch my meaning." I'm like.....okay...... Then she said "and besides, aren't you like twice as old as she is? That's a little creepy..." and I said "not really, you're dating a guy who's 12 years older than you..." (we're only like 13 years apart...) When I said that, she kinda took it back and said the age thing probably wouldn't be my problem, but that the whole 'race' thing most likely would be my cripple. And so that's where I stand... I haven't seen her back from vacation yet to get her to say one way or the other. I'm thinking right now my best option is to just take what the other girl said, and just leave it at that. Still flirt with her and be close friends and all.. But if she's into black guys (like damn near all girls are anymore) I don't want to make a fuss and put her in a situation where she'd be at all unconfortable with me. So yeah, I think I'm going to take up drinking.. I quit smoking because it didn't make me feel better. I've never drank even a sip of beer in my life. Maybe it'll be my girlfriend.
  10. Has it been updated at all? I have it installed, and use it some times to move around the items on my home/start page. The version I have, when loaded and displayed in the title bar, is BETA ( Is this the latest one thats hosted?
  11. That was quick! I just thanked the other thread!
  12. Thanks Tom! Looking forward to the new view/layout!
  13. Thanks for the deals Circo! I'm gonna let me friend from work know about this, since you're site is so awesome!
  14. Well said guys. I'm truely thankful for many of the same things. Dad's had a rough year since last Thanksgiving. Triple-Bypass surgery a week before Christmas, and just a few weeks ago a post-surgery hernia repair. I feel his health is deminishing rapidly, and I only hope he can stay with us for many more years. I just don't know what I'd do since I still live at home. But, I'm thankful he's still with us. My job's not the greatest, and due to stress/anxiety I can only work 4 days a week, 6 hours a day. So being part-time doesn't really give me as much financial freedom as I'd like/need, let alone allow me to move out on my own. However, I DO have a job, for which I'm thankful for, being such a desperate economic time. I'm thankful I'm still alive, and have my health, given that this has been such a hard couple of years with the fire and all. I'm thankful I have family, and friends who care about me, even though a lot of times I forget that. I'm thankful for the GameEx community and all my friends I have here, you guys are the best. So, Happy Thanksgiving everybody!
  15. Man I wish I could learn how to program stuff like that. For me personally, I'd definately use it. Sure, Circo's site has a TON of content already, but there are always a few snaps in a romset that are missing. This program would work great for doing that. Granted, GameEx does this too, but to have an external program designed specifically for that purpose would be great.
  16. I've not participated in the beta for this new dash, but have in previous dashes. The last beta/preview they did came with a free copy of Halo:Reach using their latest XGD3 disk format. It was nice having a free copy of game, but as soon as the preview was over, the game stopped working. Least I still had my original copy. I'm eager to see this new dash though, have heard a lot of great things about the layout. The only thing I fear is the new dae.bin that has been silently sent to the systems over the past week, because it is their latest attempt at stopping piracy. While I agree piracy is wrong, there are a few of us who are legitatmely making backups of games for safe protection (read all my fire posts for details), and to have MS silently send out an update to prevent honest people from playing backups is wrong, and I think illegal. But that's going off topic. All and all I'm looking forward to this new dash and seeing what new things they can offer.
  17. Bioware is sending out another batch of invites for this weeks beta test. They announced in their forums that if you had registered an account and marked to the box to opt in for testing, they are going to give EVERYBODY the chance this time, as it will supposedly be the final weekend stress test before the release day. So if you've done it already, you should be getting your invite. I started reading the invites when out yesterday, and I got mine this morning. If you haven't already done so, you might still be able to register/opt in and get your invite before it's all said and done. Good luck, and hope to see ya'll there!
  18. Yeah I know all these advices. Not much help guys! She's kind of a special case though. We don't really work together, as we're in separate departments at a grocery store (she's in Starbucks, I'm in the deli). So it's not really like we're working together. I know that advice; if you break up or something you still have to see each other at work, yadda yadda yadda. I've always respected that advice too. Trouble is, my 'away from work' life is pretty much nonexistant, so I would just about HAVE to date somebody I can see at work. Other things of interest about her... I think she's actually 19, and going to be 20 in February. When I first started working here, she was a Cashier, with a blue badge (gold is 14-15, red is 16-17, blue is 18+). I've been here 2.5 years. So she might even be 21. Regardless, age is not really an issue. When people look at me, they think I'm like 25 or something, and I act like I'm still 16. As for her personal dating life, I know for a fact that she's been single ever since I met her when I first started. I'd have to pry to find out why she's been single, but I would have to venture a guess that is either because of her shy personality, or because she appears unobtainable. For the longest time I figured she'd been with people because she's practically the cutest girl in the store, and has gotta be dating somebody because of it. She's extremely shy, super quiet, and apparently very interested in me. I say this because I've watched her (secretly) and seen the way she reacts when people talk to her. As soon as she see's me, she smiles with a huge grin and starts blushing. She doesn't do that to anybody else. She teases me almost everyday (I have to go to her department to borrow their markdown printer, and if she's using it she likes to pretend it's a pain for me to use). Everybody knows I like her, and quite a few people have even told me they know a secret about me... Her aunt and uncle also work at the store in different departments (aunt as a cashier, uncle as head dairy). Her aunt knows I like her, has told me numerous time's that she's single and that I should ask her out. So I mean, it's just overall everybody and everything is telling me to just GO FOR IT. I've been single my entire life. I have 'no game' and don't have the experience or knowledge on how to handle asking a girl out. Add to that my past history of Depression and Anxiety. It's very hard for me to get up the courage to ask, even though everybody's been hounding me to do (and from the sounds of things, they know that she's waiting for me to). So when I finally do, she's got plans. As soon as I found out, my heart sank and the depression kicked in. Right away I felt like it's all over, that I shouldn't keep trying. But then after some mellow out time, I realized she didn't really say 'no' and that I didn't even really ask her out. It's more like a "strike one" in a game of baseball. To put it more precisely though, it's more like a "ball one" since I didn't ask her. I just asked her if she had plans, not if she wanted to go out. And she didn't ask 'why?' to my question of if she had plans. So I guess from her point of view, she may have thought it was just an innocent question of what she's doing, not really reading between the lines and realizing I was full blown ask her out. So hopefully she truely DID have plans, and I may still have a shot. I'll have to wait though until after she comes back from vacation. I don't want to look like a poor desperate puppy, constantly bugging her. Eh?
  19. Yeah, given the way things are right now, I really just wanna play it cool for a while. The age thing has been my biggest hurdle and why I haven't asked her out sooner. I've been arguing with myself for months, thinking she'll feel grossed out by the idea. But then the other side of the coin is that everybody at work knows I've liked her for a long time, have been wanting me to ask her out, and are constantly checking with me to see if I've done it yet. It's been a hard thing for me to get up the courage to do. Granted, she didn't just say 'NO!' so I may still have a chance, just bad timing. So I'm just gonna let it sit and stew for awhile.
  20. Ok, so lets say you have a crush on a girl at work. You're 31, she's 18. While most people will look at that as being a problem, the more mature people seem to think 'if you both like each other who cares?'. It's been 6-8 months worth of flirting, big smiles, blushing, everything. Then you finally decide you're going to ask her out. Find out you both have a day off together. When you go up to ask her, she says she has plans, "going to be at the hospital all day because my friend's having her baby." Now.. would you take that as being true, or that she really doesn't want to make/have time for you? I mean, sure..she COULD be at the hopsital all day, but baby's come when they want and not on a predetermined schedule that will take all day. And it's not even HER baby, why would she be there, and not the mother's family (maybe they'll be there too, I dunno)? So to me, I'm getting mixed messages and need a little advise. Should I try again or just leave it as a lost cause? She'll be working the rest of the week, so I won't have another free day to something with her; and then she'll be on vacation all next week, preventing me from seeing her. What are your thoughts?
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