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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Hmm.. just re-read the settings for this. Guess I over looked the -LIVES- part. That's how many lives you get.. it should be 3. -PLAYERS- is actually the number of players allowed to join in the game at once. I'm going to adjust the OP with the corrections. Silly me lol.
  2. hansolo77

    How Random!

    Oooh never thought of that. Cool.. double meaning then.
  3. First score! 01469300 Made it to stage 2. Stupid hockey player guy was hard. I kept shooting and shooting and he just wouldn't die! Got him though! : )
  4. I'm confused why you're using that method instead of just using MAME's built in screen grabber. You can put the saved pictures anywhere you want, and whatever tool you're using to sync should find it easy enough. Oh well. Least you got it working! Nice score bud!
  5. Thanks Circo! I'll definitely have a listen when I get a chance.
  6. You'll probably get somebody saying you need to post your log and settings. But for starters, it might help to know more about this game. Is it a game that you have installed on the computer and requires the disc in the drive to play, or is like a MOVIE game that you can play on a standalone dvd-player (I have one like that called Dragon's Lair). If it's a game that requires the disc to play but is installed on the computer, it should be as simple as setting up and emulator to look for the shortcut links. Then when the game is started, the GAME would ask you to insert the disc. Then you just remove the disc when you're done, like you do outside of GameEx. If the game is a DVD that can play on any old player, you'll probably have to setup an External Application to run it.
  7. I agree with both suggestions. GameEx "SHOULD" be an easy upgrade, but since you're so far behind it might break some things. If you know what you're doing and can access the setup program, it might not be a bad idea to write down your settings, like your path to roms, command lines, etc. That way if you absolutely hose it, you can start from scratch with a good idea how things should work. For the most part though, I'd make a copy of the GameEx folder so you can put it all back the way it was if something gets screwed up. You should be safe though. A restore point wouldn't hurt either, especially if you have a registered copy, so it can save your key. That's something else you may need. If you're registered, Tom may have to generate a new key for you as the later versions use a different way to register. I had to do that when I reinstalled. But an upgrade shouldn't be any hassle.
  8. Aaaand here we are! The June GOTM is here. NitroBall! I've never actually played it so this will be fun. Since I've never run the game on my system, it was easy to see what settings needed to change in the DIP SWITCHES. As it turns out, the only thing you need to change is the PLAYERS switch. It defaults to 2. Flip it to 3 and off you go! Since this doesn't really affect the difficulty in the game, and just adjusts how many players you have, I suppose it won't count against you if you DON'T change it. But it's your own fault for not giving yourself an extra life, so why not change!? Anyway, lets get some scores going, and above all else: HAVE FUN! EDIT: After re-reading the settings bit, I discovered I had completely overlooked the -LIVES- setting. -PLAYERS- actually just changes how many people would be allowed to play at one time. The -LIVES- setting is where you change how many lives you get. DON'T CHANGE THIS!! You can change the -PLAYERS- setting if you wish, but it won't make any difference in the competition since you should only be submitting a 1 player score anyway.
  9. GimmeClassics - June 2012 GOTM Winner (3,873,690) Nitro Ball Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 ExedExes 7,223,440 2 Mame Offender 5,894,570 3 GimmeClassics 5,630,120 4 be77amy 3,617,110 5 Luigimaker 3,360,220 6 murve33 3,065,430 7 rtkiii 3,034,180 8 jedah 2,907,020 9 helpman 2,891,580 10 DazzleHP 2,773,260 Last Updated by hansolo77: 02-11-2018 wolfman24 - 2,654,180 (link) hansolo77 - 1,469,300 (link) Adultery - 1,236,140 points (link) Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Nitroball: ROMSet: NitroBal Flip Screen: Off 2 Credits to Start, 1 to Continue: Off Lives: 3 Difficulty?: Normal Players: 3 Shot Button To Start: Off Special Rules: This is a Single Player ONLY variation. Continues are NOT allowed! ---> All settings are appropriate on DEFAULT. The only option to change is the Player's count. It should be 3 not 2 (2 is the default). It's not necessary to change this unless you intend to have more than 2 people playing at once. For our competition, you should be submitting a single player score anyway, so it's not important. # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide > link # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide > link # general rules for submitting you hi-score > link # the above settings are the default Twin Galaxies settings > link -Han
  10. Congratulations to celly with his win over the masses! He is hereby declared the MAY 2013 GOTM WINNER! With his unbeatable score of 120630 (link), it looks like nobody can top him! Do you think you have what it takes? Just because the GOTM competition is over, that doesn't mean you still can't play the game to earn achievement points in our all-time competition leaderboard. Just keep playing and submit those scores here! Let's knock celly off his pedestal and show him who's boss! Thanks everybody for playing this month though. Looking forward to seeing you all in the June GOTM: Nitroball!
  11. You mean the power/video cables? They're the same cables for the PS1. I recently pulled out my PS1 to play a game and just used the same PS2 cables since my PS1 cables were actually melted and thrown out. I was kinda bummed though that most of my games aren't playable anymore because I had stuck these clear protective anti-scratch plastic label-like things on them. Apparently the glue had an acidic reaction to the metal where the data was stored during the immense heat of the fire, and corrupted all the data. I had about 30 games, and only 2 work. I guess it's down to emulating for those others now. Kinda sucks too cause I was thinking about maybe just selling them to GameStop and not telling them they're damaged... but the cases they came in are warped, and the instruction books and stuff are all water damaged with big wet mold spots on them, and wrinkly paper. They'd never buy them off me. Hehe. I suppose there's always eBay. I wonder if anybody would be interested on there to buy a damaged game that's unreadable. Probably not.
  12. DOH!! I'm still in last place! lol I need to play this one again I think.
  13. hansolo77

    How Random!

    Hehe somebody likes emulators. Either that, or he's a chemist. lol
  14. That's weird that your PS2 doesn't play DVD's... Most PS2 games WERE DVD's.... Before the fire, my PS2 only played DVD's and on the rare occasion a CD. I don't know, it probably just needed a POT tweak or something to adjust the strength of the laser so it could read CD's better. But that's just weird your's wouldn't read DVD's. CD readability was a KNOWN issue in earlier model PS2's. Man, after trying to get my PS2 games to emulate on my PC, I really want to go back now and see what I can do about my PS2. I haven't thrown it away yet. I wonder if it would work if I went over it with a fine tooth comb and made sure everything was clean. For the most part, it was covered in ash and debris, with fiberglass insulation tufts inside all the vent holes. I bet I could take it apart and hose it down in the tub and use some compressed air on it and maybe get it working again.
  15. No prob freq.. not late at all.
  16. I only know Tom through online communications, but I can easily say Tom is a great guy too and I've never had any sour issues with him. Glad to be a fully paid supporter of his great software, and I recommend it to lots of people all the time. I'm happy I found it and the great people here. One of a kind community and leader.
  17. WOW! Not bad. Nice what a little paint can do to fix up the cab. I really REALLY want one of my own. I'll just stick with good old desktop mode for right now though. My first thing I'm gonna get is a pinball cabinet.
  18. Really? I wonder if you can modchip it to unlock the region? That's the big reason I modded my ps1 was so I could play some Japanese imports. There was a shop about a block away from me that sold imports, but I couldn't play them without an imported ps1. He was a good friend of ours though and told me about the ability to install a hardware modchip that disabled the region checks, but that he didn't supply them or install them, I'd have to figure that out on my own. Surprisingly, the ability to play backups was just a sugar coated frosting on the cake. I really just wanted to play some japan only shooters. In your particular case though, they probably have some kind of mod you can do to disable region checks. Hardware would most likely be available, but the PS2 firmware has been hacked to the point where you don't need a modchip. Just a USB/Memorycard hack will work. I haven't tried it, because my PS2 is broke (fire) and I just learned about it. Might be worth looking into though.
  19. That's actually pretty close to what the ultimate goal would be for us. In the past (and I've been here long enough to know) we've tried setting up some way to do a high score competition. What will ultimately be required is a rewrite of the GameEx program to support reading/writing and posting of scores. There was some headway made when Tom released a version of GameEx that supported HiToText. That enabled GameEx to at least see the high scores in the games themselves. The solution we really want though is a way to see OTHER player's scores inside of GameEx. That requires GameEx to submit the new scores and do a lot of background math and stuff to update an online database of scores for each game. Right now, we're doing TONS better than where we were a few years ago. The method we're using currently is about the only option available to use given the limitations of the program. We can all hope and dream that someday GameEx will be able to do what we would like, but we just have to wait and see.
  20. Aww come on... You know you wanna... Yeah some games are just a bit too tough for people. The only reason I started this thread was because my DAD said he's killer at it. When I got him to try it using the "official" rules (hardest) he couldn't do it either. Just for him though I dumbed it down to EASY and he STILL couldn't do it. Hehe. He's gotten rusty since the 80's and doesn't play games anymore. He just couldn't keep up. But you should at least play it through once on the hardest setting just to get a score to post here. Even if its not the greatest, and you stay at the bottom, you still earn points for the leaderboard.
  21. Nice score, glad to have you on board! Look for more exciting games in the future! And remember, you can come back and play this game more and keep submitting scores. Whatever your highest score is, that's the one we post on the OP high score table. So keep practicing and you'll get better!
  22. helpman: Do you have an extra button on your control panel you're not using, or use rarely? You can map that to a TAB button easy enough in MAME. You'll need to at least have a keyboard temporarily so you can hit TAB to bring up the menu, but then you can set the default button to something else and be able to access it from then on out. Personally, I'd grab a cheap keyboard from somewhere and just have it hooked up all the time. You never know when you'll need it.
  23. Ahh that is actually pretty cooler than a net yaroze. Plus its a ps2 that's also backwards compatible with ps1. Strange having the controller ports on the back though. oh well, wish I had one
  24. Wow your birthday is before your moms? Heh, guess she had it easier than mine. My mom spent hers in labor LOL! Hope you had a good birthday. And congrats on the Net Yaroze. I thought it would be neat to have one, but I'm happy with just a mod chipped psx.
  25. Looks neat. I really wanna build a pinball cabinet. But I suck at building stuff from scratch. I went to VirtuaPin.net where they sell ready made kits. I can do a kit easily enough. Problem is the cost. Over a grand for a full set, and it goes up from there if you want a completely made cab with screens and stuff. I don't know how people can come up with that kinda money to just drop on a toy. I really REALLY want one though. Oh well.
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