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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. I was referring to the trade paperbacks... No way am I gonna go back and try and find all the individuals. It's kinda like the TMNT craze. I was THERE when the first issue came out, but with no way of knowing how hugely popular it would be, I never bought it. Now I regret it. The same is true about Walking Dead. I was THERE when the first issue came out, but to me, a zombie apocalypse story didn't intrigue me so I didn't bother. Then they made a TV show and it was THE THING to read. My local comic shop can't keep up. Every time there is a new issue he's sold out by the end of the day. People with pulls get theirs, but I don't want to start a pull of it unless I like it. Maybe I'll <cough> find an online source and get them digitally to read.
  2. I'm definitely going to play this some now. You guys got a decent roll of scores being posted, so it's looking mighty fun. Updated OP too with the latest score from DazzleHP. Good job!
  3. Never seen the show, even though I know the comics are ridiculously popular since it's come out. I really want to buy them to read, but they're like $30 bucks a book, and there's something like 20 of them now.
  4. hansolo77


    That doesn't make sense. The purpose of Captcha is to prevent automation. It does this by KNOWING what to expect from you to be typing. So, if it knows I'm supposed to type "Dyslexia" for verification, then how is my typing it making that word suddenly become digitized? Also, there are a lot of things like photos of address numbers. Yeah, that's some pretty old pre-computer text right there.
  5. Yeah racing games without force feedback (where they exist) is kinda lame. I like the feel of the road tugging on the steering, making it difficult to turn in some instances. Does it have vibration too? That would be cool if you played some Rally racing games (do they exist?) where you go off road. Still, nice setup. I wish there was a force feedback / decent wheel/pedal/shifter setup for the Xbox, I'd never play with the controller again. They MAKE them, but the cost is really high, more than it's worth. Hope it all works out for ya, keep us posted on your progress!
  6. Updated OP.. Sorry it took so long. I came home from work today with an extremely bad migraine. I rode my bike to work and almost didn't make it home. I got light headed/dizzy half way and had to take a short break. I thought I would throw up when I got home, but I managed. I took one of my leftover Vicodin's from my "Diverticulitis" hospital visit, and tried to sleep it off. I just woke up about 20 minutes ago so I didn't get a chance to update this sooner. All good now.
  7. Wow, I wish I could build/repurpose a cab like that. If I had the money, and skill, I'd build an upright for those games, a sit down racing cab like that for driving games, a flying cab for after burner/star wars type games, a pinball cab, ugh so many ideas. Is there any way to have the steering wheel be force-feedback? That would make it awesome! Tom's great. Doesn't take much for him to see a good Joe and offer services. Glad my suspicion about a single year license was probably correct. I like be correct on things when I try to be helpful.
  8. I believe there are 2 different versions of the key. One is a Full Blown key, and the other is a temporary 1-year license. You might just have the temporary one. I agree with Draco, ask Tom, he'll set you straight.
  9. Cool updates, thanks to everybody!
  10. Yeah I've just about had enough with Amazon's 3rd parties. I bought a book from somebody there. After 3 months the status still showed it hadn't shipped. The company took my money, never shipped the item. Amazon said their was no record of the transaction on their system, and that it was still pending. However they cancelled the order after I attempted to contact the seller 3 times about it. I never got my money back, because Amazon had no proof the transaction charged. It was only $3 bucks. But still... With this case, I made a really nice long complaint and Amazon DID in fact forward it to the seller for me today. I got home from work and there was a nice email waiting for me, telling me to ship it back in the same box they sent it in, with the same bubble wrap, and they would refund me upon arrival. I'm not sure I trust that. They also want ME to pay for shipping, and they'll include that as part of the refund. I'm pretty sure Amazon offers free returns. Gonna have to read a bit about it. I'm just so upset that Amazon continues to provide 3rd parties even though so many people have problems with them. This is 2 for 2 for me. I'm never buying from another 3rd party from them again. Amazon direct is great though, truly recommend them. I only bought this drive from here because it was a 500gb for $49.99 with free shipping, while local stores wanted $79.99 for the same thing, and online stores like Newegg/TigerDirect wanted about the same thing with $10 or whatever shipping. Oh well, guess I'll just continue to wait.
  11. Man am I PISSED. The replacement hard drive arrived today. It was DOA. After spending nearly an hour walking (driver's license expired and the car isn't here) to the local hardware store to buy a screw driver (I needed a +6 inch to reach in my case, the fire claimed my old one) and take the old drive out of my computer, the new drive doesn't work at all. I plugged it in, powered up, and nothing happened. I put the drive up to my ear and it didn't even power on. I checked the cables, replugged it in again, then it 'sorta' worked. The drive spins up, clicks and clacks a few times, then spins down again before the BIOS even begins detecting the IDE devices. I hit [DELETE] to go into the BIOS, but it doesn't detect the drive no matter what I do. I'm furious. The packaging may be to blame, but it could have been dead before it shipped to me. The company that sold it was a 3rd party of Amazon, so right there is cause for concern. The drive wasn't packaged in the original box they come in, rather it was put in a box it wasn't designed for. The box was made to accommodate the drive by scrunching up bubble wrap in the sides of the box. There was no top or bottom support, just side support, and the drive could easily bounce up and down in the box. After that, they wrapped the BOX in 2 layers of bubble wrap then slid the whole thing inside a USPS bubble bag. They may have thought they were doing good with all the bubble wrap, but without the top/bottom support they really accomplished NOTHING. All the extra bubble wrap did was make the shipment heavier than it really was. All they had to do, if they wanted to use bubble wrap, was wrap the DRIVE, not the box, then stick the label on the box. I started a claim with Amazon, but was immediately told they would not contact the seller on my behalf until AFTER the estimated delivery dates of July 10th-15th. So I have to wait another whole week before the claim process is even started, let alone getting me a replacement. This is outrageous.
  12. Wow holy crap! This game is a lot harder than I remember. Maybe it's because it's the arcade. Maybe it's because I'm not some stupid kid anymore. All I know is that I didn't do near as good as I used to. I used to be able to get up around level 50 before I started loosing lives, this time I was down 2 before I hit 20. Strategy? Make sure you familiarize yourself will all the nuances. For instance, JUMP ON YOUR BUBBLES. This is a very key thing to know later in the levels. Also, LEARN HOW TO USE THE WATER. On some stages, you can only get up to the top and work your way down or in where the monsters are after you let the water take you off the stage. For points, GRAB EVERYTHING YOU CAN! Anyway, here's my score, see if ya'll can beat it. Probably can, as I said I used to be waaaaaay better. Score: 309310 Initials: HAN
  13. This game reminds of Dig Dug. Huh. The first time I played this (ever) I didn't know there was a shooting button. So my score wasn't that great. While I waited for the Score screen to reappear for me to screen grab, I saw the instruction video and saw him shooting. So rather than wait, I started another game while shooting. Much better score. Still not the best though. Score: 22950 Initials: HAN
  14. Man I got lucky! I only had 1 more bee left to kill, but he killed me. Then when I respawned I spent my time getting Kong up to the top, where he drops that uber can of spray. I used it to kill the last bee, then got a TON of extra credit because of time remaining. Then on the next level I still had the uber can, and I quickly shot Kong up to the top again, ending the stage. Tons more extra credit for time remaining. Then on the 3rd stage I got him up to the top again, more points for time. Lastly the uber can ran out on the 4th stage, then I died my last life. Not a bad bit of strategy. Score: 44200 Initials: HAN
  15. Here's my attempt. 1st run I didn't enter the initials right (CAP) but the 2nd run I did. Score: 403960 Initials: HAN
  16. I took my time this quarter and played very strategically, usually I just mad rush and miss glasses or throw an extra one. I doubled my last score, but it's still not enough to move up. Oh well. Score: 27625 Initials: HAN
  17. Still haven't played this yet, can't wait to try on my next day off.
  18. Looks easily beatable But I have yet to try it, might be really hard. Updated OP.
  19. Bummer, I was wondering this as well. Youtube has the ability to give you a pre-coded setup you can cut/paste and you can configure what frame size you want there, but it requires you to have html access, not via bbcode.
  20. When I was little, this was one of the only games I was any good at on my Dad's Atari ST. Hope I get a good score!
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