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Hi-Score Moderator
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Everything posted by hansolo77

  1. Better than mine, I haven't even posted one yet.
  2. Wow that's some scary stuff.. You rarely hear of tornados as far east as that.. glad you survived to live to tell us about it!
  3. Trailers can be nice to live in, long as you don't live in Tornado Alley. They're cheap, and for 1 person it's more than adequate. I hate that the media always tends to bring stories of Trailer Parks being destroyed when these storms come through. Why is it always the trailers that get the attention?
  4. Yeah the only way I can play this game is with a mouse. There's nothing in the rules that says how you can play. So if you find using a joystick works better for you, go for it. Or buttons, or a spinner, or a trackball, whatever works. If you find the controls are too sensitive, I believe you can configure MAME on a per-game basis for sensitivity... Hit [TAB] then choose the menu option "Analog Controls". For what it's worth, I just went through a whole lot of settings trying to get my mouse to work. I couldn't get it to work. I have a digital/optical mouse (with a red laser thing) and it just doesn't work. Somebody with a ball mouse (with wheels) might have better luck because the way spinners work is with an encoder wheel, and those old ball mice use encoder wheels. The new-age digital mice just don't have the accuracy. So when I play this game, it's all in the keyboard.
  5. I'm glad you were safe and not so directly in the path. Tornados can be very destructive and scary things to see. Even though I live in central Ohio, we're still considered part of the "Tornado Alley" and although rare we do still get the occasional major storm that brews something up. A few weeks ago a tornado (not sure the strength) came through about a mile north of where I work (also, in that respect, about a mile north of where I live) and knocked out power to the whole area for about a day. It was the busiest day and half I ever worked, because none of the grocery stores in that area were running, and EVERYBODY came to our store. We hit record sales that week too. But I'm going off topic a bit. I'm just glad you're still good and no worse for wear. Hope everything (like power and stuff) doesn't take long to get repaired in your neck of the woods.
  6. Tempest - August 2013 GOTM Winner (105,480) Arkanoid Leaderboard POSITION USER NAME TOTAL SCORE 1 KRC 232,410 2 Mame Offender 207,820 3 Tempest 105,480 4 Cynicaster 87,230 5 ExedExes 83,410 6 DazzleHP 78,870 7 hansolo77 72,660 8 GimmeClassics 55,560 9 Luigimaker 50,570 10 rtkiii 42,350 Last Updated by hansolo77: 05-29-2018 Yung-Jedi - 40,980 (link) be77amy - 33,930 (link) stephen - 33,450 (link) wolfman24 - 9,070 (link) Please use these settings when submitting a hi-score for Arkanoid: ROMSet: Arkanoid Allow Continue: No Flip Screen: Off Difficulty: Normal Bonus Lives: 20k, 60k, 60k+ Lives: 3 Service Mode: Off Special Rules: Additional Lives may also be earned via collection of a "P" capsule. Continues are NOT allowed! ---> You must change Allow Continue to "NO". Difficulty requires "NORMAL", but there are only 2 dips, so "EASY" is fine. Everything else is ok! ---> How to use your mouse playing Arkanoid and adjusting the sensitivity > click here # you can change your Mame dip switch settings by following this guide > link # you can make a printscreen of your hi-score screen by following this guide > link # general rules for submitting you hi-score > link # the above settings are the default Twin Galaxies settings > link -Han
  7. And the winner is...... (drumroll) helpman with his score of 169,420 Way to go! Join me in congratulating helpman as the winner in this month's Game of the Month (GOTM). helpman just joined our competition earlier this month, and with his impressive and unbeatable score in Wonder Boy 3, he's managed to beat out the competition and move up quickly in the ranks on our ongoing overall leaderboard (link). Congrats and welcome to the competition! Can he keep the momentum up in next month's competition, or will somebody else de-throne the king? Only 31 days will tell!
  8. We'll I don't know anything about programming this kinda stuff. I just figured it would be a simple matter of seeing what was recently changed/updated, and just putting that title at the beginning of the RSS feed. I thought the way RSS worked though was that it put news items as most recent first anyway. But we're not really doing a full-on RSS, it's more just using the RSS as a means of injecting information. All we do is submit an update, and it remakes the entire RSS on the fly, rather than appending.
  9. Can't see why not, this would have to be something Adultery would need to tweak a bit though in the Database Manager program. Perhaps instead of listing alphanumerically by game, it could sort by most recent addition/last modified table?
  10. Do you have any services like Craigslist/Kijiji? Maybe eBay, or even a Pawn Shop?
  11. Exactly, it would cost the same as just buying a new box out right. Still, it's a nice system to have, and a great price for those local who would be interested.
  12. I have my Playstation games in bin/cue format, and my GameEx configuration is to use *.cue as the rom filter. The emulator runs those up directly without any kind of mounting software.
  13. Why didn't you just use the option "Scan Sub Folders" under the Advanced Emulator Setup page? Set your Rom Filter to *.fpt and just point it to the /Tables path. With "Scan Sub Folders" it will look in any folders under /Tables for any files ending in *.fpt. Your option works too I suppose, but that's a lot of extra work than is needed I think.
  14. @Adultery; if you mod it, you don't need to worry about region locks. You can specify it region free, or switch it to any region you want via dashlaunch. I would buy it to, and modding would be the reason as well. But I just don't know. Shipping overseas is a bunch of money. The American dollar doesn't really count for crap anymore, so exchange rates right now say that £75 is actually $99.50. I can't afford that right now either. I'd really like a car too. I'd be happy with a junker as long as it's not something outrageously wrong with it like it will blow up in 6 weeks. No AC? Long as the windows go up and down I'm happy. I don't need power windows. I would want heat though, and working windshield wipers and power steering. Hell if I wasn't worried about critters getting in overnight, I'd be happy with a car that had the floor rusted out and a sheet of plywood covering the hole. We're so broke at my house, we can't afford gas to get us both to work, so I have to ride a bike. It's good exercise but only when weather permits. Lately it's been too hot or too rainy, then today the temperature was at 56°F (13°C). Kinda cold for a 20 minute bike ride when you're recovering from being sick for a couple days.
  15. Should I be worried? I can always try this one again, was always a favorite of mine. Verified all updated: OP/DB/RSS/LB
  16. Way to go! I definitely need to go back and play this again when I get some free time. Checked and verified RSS/Database/Leaderboards are updated as well.
  17. I don't have it on Steam, but I do play it on Xbox Live.
  18. Off topic, but has anybody played GO? (link) I really want to learn, but can't really find any good instruction stuff. I had an app on my Kindle Fire for playing it, but there were no instructions, so I'm lost. It's an ancient game, like Chess, so it's right up there as one of 'THE' games to learn.
  19. I voted in that already, don't remember when. I'm using it as an HTPC front end on my TV. I don't have the skills/time/money to build a cab, though I would absolutely love one. I also only use GameEx for GAMES, I don't use it for any of it's other capabilities like Videos, Photos, Music, etc, I just use Media Center and the Media Browser plugin/app for that.
  20. Well, I think I'm gonna get me one! That just looks awesome.
  21. $70 is about what a new Xbox controller costs.. at least that's what I think they were when I had to buy a replacement for mine when the headphone jack stopped working. Is it cross-platform compatible? Like, you can use it on the Xbox AND the PC?
  22. Oh man, another thing I'd love to have that's outside my country! Even if I could buy it from you, the shipping cost would make it more worth my while to buy direct from a store here. I'd really like to get my hands on a slim. My phat is all ugly and noisy. hehe Then again, the Xbox One is right around the corner... I'm really liking the way Ryse: Son of Rome is looking. (link) Check out the video...
  23. Holy F^CK that controller looks awesome! So many buttons. Are those more triggers on the bottom of the controller as well (they look like throttles). I definitely need to get me one of those. My gamepad I'm using right now is a Saitek P2500 Rumblepad. I got it because it has 3x2 (6) actions buttons similar to the Sega controllers.
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