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Everything posted by Stu1983

  1. Had a play about with these settings but it seems to me that if I change the sample rate to anything other than the default 48000, my sound goes haywire, must be a per system thing I also tested keeping triplebuffer turned on, on my other PC which is also dual core E8500 but with a XFI Extreme card and the sound is fine on it, I'm on Vista x64 with a x64 compile of MAME so you could be right bkenobi Stu
  2. There is no way to do this through GameEx but you can have an individual ini file setup for each MAME game which would easily let you use a different effect for different games, the new ini file doesn't have to contain everything that you MAME.ini file contains it only needs to have the changes so you would just need the line effect scanlines25x4_j4 or whatever, it'll be a real long process setting it up though as you'll have to manually create them all Thanks for the link, I was trying to find these the other day without any luck Stu
  3. Tom is there any chance you could add the PAUSE to the bottom of the batch file for us? It's not really a big deal but it would be nice, any time I need to run the last game batch file it's because I'm debugging, though maybe you see the run last game batch file as a feature so people can play the last game without firing up GameEx rather than a debug tool like I only use it for. Stu
  4. Nice one Brian, dunno how you done it but you must've fixed it for her Maybe you should tell me to upgrade the next time I have a problem maybe her system was scared of being replaced so it thought it better start working :) Stu
  5. Here you go # <UNADORNED0> <NULL> (not set) # # CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS # rompath roms samplepath samples artpath artwork ctrlrpath ctrlr inipath ini fontpath . # # CORE OUTPUT DIRECTORY OPTIONS # cfg_directory cfg nvram_directory nvram memcard_directory memcard input_directory inp state_directory sta snapshot_directory snap diff_directory diff comment_directory comments # # CORE FILENAME OPTIONS # cheat_file cheat.dat # # CORE COMMANDS # # # CONFIGURATION COMMANDS # # # FRONTEND COMMANDS # # # CONFIGURATION OPTIONS # readconfig 1 skip_gameinfo 1 # # MISC OPTIONS # bios default cheat 0 # # STATE/PLAYBACK OPTIONS # #state <NULL> (not set) autosave 1 # playback <NULL> (not set) # record <NULL> (not set) # mngwrite <NULL> (not set) # wavwrite <NULL> (not set) # # DEBUGGING OPTIONS # log 0 oslog 0 verbose 0 # # PERFORMANCE OPTIONS # autoframeskip 0 frameskip 0 throttle 1 sleep 0 priority 1 multithreading 1 # # VIDEO OPTIONS # video ddraw numscreens 1 window 0 maximize 1 keepaspect 1 prescale 1 effect none pause_brightness 0.65 waitvsync 0 syncrefresh 1 # # VIDEO ROTATION OPTIONS # rotate 1 ror 0 rol 0 autoror 0 autorol 0 flipx 0 flipy 0 # # DIRECTDRAW-SPECIFIC OPTIONS # hwstretch 0 # # DIRECT3D-SPECIFIC OPTIONS # d3dversion 9 filter 1 # # PER-WINDOW VIDEO OPTIONS # screen auto aspect auto resolution 640x480 view auto screen0 auto aspect0 auto resolution0 auto view0 auto screen1 auto aspect1 auto resolution1 auto view1 auto screen2 auto aspect2 auto resolution2 auto view2 auto screen3 auto aspect3 auto resolution3 auto view3 auto # # FULL SCREEN OPTIONS # triplebuffer 0 switchres 0 full_screen_brightness 1.0 full_screen_contrast 1.0 full_screen_gamma 1.0 # # GAME SCREEN OPTIONS # brightness 1.0 contrast 1.0 gamma 1.0 # # VECTOR RENDERING OPTIONS # antialias 1 beam 1.0 flicker 0 # # ARTWORK OPTIONS # artwork_crop 1 use_backdrops 1 use_overlays 1 use_bezels 1 # # SOUND OPTIONS # sound 1 samplerate 48000 samples 1 volume 0 audio_latency 1 # # INPUT DEVICE OPTIONS # # ctrlr <NULL> (not set) mouse 0 joystick 1 lightgun 1 dual_lightgun 0 offscreen_reload 1 steadykey 0 # # AUTOMATIC DEVICE SELECTION OPTIONS # paddle_device keyboard adstick_device keyboard pedal_device keyboard dial_device keyboard trackball_device keyboard lightgun_device keyboard
  6. The definite buttons that nearly every game uses are START,A,B,R,Z I only remember a couple of games that used the DPad and L button, most games use the 4 C buttons for something but quite often it's just for controlling the camera so it's not important but sometimes it cyles through your inventory or something, generally it you keep 1 from each axis you'll be fine, so keep either C DOWN and C LEFT or C UP and C RIGHT Stu
  7. That's what I was thinking at first but it doesn't matter if I have it cropped or not I still can't see it when I'm in DDRAW mode Stu
  8. Trackmania Nations Forever works perfect in a cabinet, addictive as hell and what's more it's completely free Stu
  9. You can configure the controls for Zinc through ZincFE I'm actually getting better speeds using MAME to emulate Zinc games on my new PC and it save the complete nightmare of setting up Zinc Stu
  10. Try the "use flat menus" option in display settings Stu
  11. I wouldn't say it's perfect but it certainly works well with with a digital stick, the biggest problem is the number of buttons as the n64 had 8 commonly used ingame buttons plus the start button I opted to ditch the CUP and CRight buttons Stu
  12. Aw, I see... just thought I'd save you some problems in the future... It took me over a month to realise this when I was setting up my cab then I had to go back and reconfigure everything I'd done Stu
  13. This is not a GameEx problem but I thought I'd ask anyway. When I tell MAME to use D3D or GDI video mode, the various games that support artwork display it as expected but if I change to DDRAW mode the artwork vanishes. I need to run in DDRAW mode as I have a ArcadeVGA and it gives more accurate graphics. I've been testing with Donkey Kong and when I run it in DDRAW mode I can see a wee tiny bit of the bezel at the very bottom near the credits so it's still there and I can turn it on and off but all the side artwork is gone I've attached 2 jpgs Stu
  14. If you've mapped all your emu's to the default ipac config you're gonna run into problems in the future as Brian was saying Ctrl and Alt cause a lot of trouble with certain programs, I would really recommend changing your Ipacs keys to the keys Brian suggested Stu
  15. Not everything that needs dual analog really needs it, some games only need the second analog stick to control the camera and generally I can live without it, some games like a FPS might use it for aiming though, so you would need it but you'll never manage to aim properly with a digital stick anyway... I was trying GoldenEye the other night... not pretty Stu
  16. What SSF issue is this, I must've missed it? I have mine going rather nicely now on my new PC? Stu
  17. It's probably more like 99% use digital, I can only think of 1 game that used the analog controller and that was Nights and it works ok with digital controls I feel you're getting too hung up on this analog/digital stuff, the majority of games that state they need analog still work with digital just not quite as good... like you might have trouble running across a small ledge in Mario64 or something but other than that it's completely playable Stu
  18. Is there any chance you could start including the latest version of Headkaze's LED Plugin with your updates? His old version doesn't work on my system and your update seems to have replaced his newer version with the old version again Cheers Stu
  19. another vote for the xbox wireless pad here, it's a great job though I prefer playing console games on my cab with the arcade joystick and buttons Stu
  20. Whoo! that must be the longest sentence in the world Anyway, can you post your GameEx log file? Stu
  21. Thanks for the info, disabling triple buffering worked a treat, my processor is fast enough (core2duo wolfdale 3.16) but I've on board sound so that must be where the problem is Cheers Stu
  22. I must give this a try too, I alwasys assumed it was something wrong with the driver for donkey kong and had never looked into the stuttering sound but I know I have tripple buffering enabled so disable it when I get home and see how plays Is there any advantage of having tripple buffering enabled for other games? Stu
  23. Haven't tried Rayman 2 but Simpsons and Psychonauts work fine without a mouse, I don't have a trackball You should be able to get demo's of these games too Stu
  24. I thought we had problems in the past when I was helping you with the Mouse2Key script a long time ago? I thought we had to use AHKs 'key down' 'key up' commands rather than simply 'send' Stu
  25. You can get a demo of BloodRayne 2 here Stu
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