I spent a few hours configuring and trying out the new plugin, I must say it really is fantastic, thanks for you great work Headkaze A few bugs for you: Even if I have the sound unticked in the options screen I still get the womans "Starting GameEx" voice and the mans emulator names voice, if I turn the volume down in the options that takes away the mans voice but I still get the various womans voices Disabling an event doesn't seem to work, I tried turning off all the speech events but when you load it again they're all enabled again Finally, I had an emulator call "GameBoy Mono\Colour" but when I tried to save a custom colour layout for my LEDs it never saved, it always reverted back to my custom GameEx profile, to fix this I had to rename my emulator in GameEx to "GameBoy Mono & Colour", not a big deal just thought you should be aware Apart from that everything I've done has worked great Thanks Stu