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Everything posted by Stu1983

  1. I'm really liking the browse by directory feature it's really handy, thanks Tom Why do I have to have video's enabled before the library option appears? What if I only what to use it to play audio? Stu
  2. Cool, let us know how you get on with them, I avoided putting larger speakers in my cabinet because I was worried that they would affect the monitor and I couldn't find shielded speakers that were suitable but bucking magnets may be an option Stu
  3. lol I was about to ask what sort of spec we need to play anything Stu
  4. This is not a database error, this happened to a couple of people before, if you open the mds you'll see that Dead Or Alive 2 is marked as fighting, I cant remember exactly how to fix it though, it involves deleting a couple of files that GameEx generates. if you take a read through the topic LB11 created a month or so ago, looking for opinions on the new databases I think you'll find the files you need to delete Stu
  5. Great work MADrigal Many thanks Stu
  6. Nice one Stu
  7. It's not as long as 5-7 seconds on my system either, it like 3 or so, I've never even noticed it Sometimes I can see the minimized GameEx window in the bottom left corner of the screen before an emulator appears, is this normal? I think it may be because before I launch GameEx I have it set to close the explorer process so I think this window would normally be behind the taskbar Stu
  8. It'll be good for these to finally see the light of day and everybody to get the use of them Stu
  9. I've found a new freeware game for everyone Punishment 2 it's a side on sitck-man platformer, it's kind of a weird setup up you activate a switch to open the door to the next level but when you enter the next level all your previous switches become deactivated so you have to head righ back to the start of the game and work your way through the levels again I know it sounds like a nightmare but it addictively compelling He's got a few other interesting looking games on his site too but I haven't tried them yet Stu
  10. Renaming MAME is done in the Text/Language section of the Config Tool I don't think you'll be able to get a Top 10 section but you could enable the Most Played section and rename this to Top 30 or whatever it holds, I can't remember of the top of my head I'd check the MultiMedia/HTPC section and see if there's anything in there you can disable to get rid of the DVD section and try disabling all the radio stations in the radio station section, I know it's definately possible to remove these 2 items because I know I don't have them in my cabinet but I can't remember how I done it Hopefully that will get you a bit further forward, though I don't think you'll be able to do all that you want with GameEx as it doesn't really support fully customizable menus Stu
  11. I've modified the script to send Alt+F4 when Escape is pressed, this seems to be a much quicker, cleaner way to exit the emu rather than using the Advanced Emu Config file to close the process Stu nullDC_DaemonTools_.zip
  12. Strange... ESC still isn't working for me in beta 1.6, I'mm still have to use an advanced emu config file to exit Stu
  13. You're bringing back repressed childhood memories I used to love Mario's Cement Factory, I played it all the time then my 3rd year teacher confiscated it from me and I never seen it again I'll look forward to playing it again when you get around to it Stu
  14. I've modified Nologic's wrapper again to work with beta 1.6 of NullDC (wish they'd stop renaming the exe) Open the zip file and copy Kill_Child.exe and nullDC_Loader.exe to your NullDC install directory Go back to the zip file and go to the Support\Import directory The "[Mapping*.ini" files go in your GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS directory The "[Console] Sega Dreamcast (null6DC).ini" goes in your GameEx\CONFIG\EMULATORS\[iMPORT-EXPORT] directory Run NullDC go to Options|PowerVR|Fullscreen and check that 'Enable' is ticked Go to Options|Select Plugun and set the GDRom plugin to zNullGD Now click Options|GDRom and choose your DaemonTools virtual drive Import "[Console] Sega Dreamcast (null6DC)" in advanced config and check your paths That should be you Stu nullDC_DaemonTools_.zip
  15. Cool I'll look into it Stu
  16. I've an idea for you, it's not important at all but I thought I'd through it out there anyway What about a way of viewing a list of games that don't currently have a profile, either from the colors.ini or custom made and a button to run the selected game, that way it it could be easily used to help fill in games with no data This could be elaberated so that if you set the correct colours for a game you could upload it to a central server somewhere for everyone else to grab and use... though I'm sure this way more than you would be intending your pluggin to do Stu
  17. Has anyone seen any screenshot archives for either the Playstation, Dreamcast or Saturn? There's plenty of screenshot packs about for the other older systems but I can't find any for these systems Stu
  18. I've modified the loader that Nologic made for be the other day to work with the beta 1.5 I've modified the advanced emulator config to close the emu when escape is pressed. it's all working a treat for me, this method uses DaemonTools to mount the image so you'll need NullDC set to use the zNullGD GDRom pluggin... the big advantage of this is you can use compressed MDF's and save a ton of space they average about 350MB This version seems so much better than the previous beta and I was already really impressed with it Full credits go to Nologic for this one Stu nullDC.zip
  19. turns out it was the input plugin causing my trouble, after changing that its booting fine again, its a bit late to stat testing if now though so it will have to leave it until after work tomorrow Stu
  20. Anyone had any luck with the latest beta? I can't seem to get it to run anything, it doesn't even appear to try to run when I click start Even when I close it, the CMD window remains... the did say this was more an alpha than a beta but I thought it should do more than this If your looking for it check the post at the NGEmu Forums They have links for all the required files on the main page NGEmu Stu
  21. I gave Spesoft Backup a go the other day, it was certainly nice, clean and easy to use but it was no good for my task as I need to MOVE rather than COPY my files... would this be easy to implement Tom? Thanks Stu
  22. I spent a few hours configuring and trying out the new plugin, I must say it really is fantastic, thanks for you great work Headkaze A few bugs for you: Even if I have the sound unticked in the options screen I still get the womans "Starting GameEx" voice and the mans emulator names voice, if I turn the volume down in the options that takes away the mans voice but I still get the various womans voices Disabling an event doesn't seem to work, I tried turning off all the speech events but when you load it again they're all enabled again Finally, I had an emulator call "GameBoy Mono\Colour" but when I tried to save a custom colour layout for my LEDs it never saved, it always reverted back to my custom GameEx profile, to fix this I had to rename my emulator in GameEx to "GameBoy Mono & Colour", not a big deal just thought you should be aware Apart from that everything I've done has worked great Thanks Stu
  23. Nice one, I'll give it a blast this evening after work Can't wait to get the per emulator configs setup Stu
  24. Stu1983

    Beta DB's

    Holy f*!k way to go man Thanks again for all the work you've put into these Stu
  25. Cool I'll not be so impatient then and let it run till its finished Cheers Stu
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