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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. Thank you Hans. I would hate for an idea to die purely for semantic reasons... However, words are important and I can see that some people may take that title literally... You can see the idea behind it? I would guess a lot of users get enthused by the hobby and think "hey, how can I contribute to this??" A well-placed post could help facilitate their getting involved in developing things.. I think a lot of communities have similar things, whether they call them "posts" "roles" "contributors" etc etc... But you're right, words would need to be chosen carefully - what would you go for? Oh.. btw.. for my recent logos project, you don't need to be good at photoshop. In fact you don't need to do any graphics editing at all. There's a real role for people to track down the original logos - the Source images. All that requires is google (other search engines are available) and a keen searching talent Fancy it? Cheers for your feedback, Hans.
  2. No worries - will add to the First Post.
  3. Ah OK. You can IM me that addy, or go through join up and i'll amend things this end. Interesting to know about it not working with non-google email addys
  4. Hmmm... I have set up permissions against your email for the Contributors section of the Bitmap and Vector sections.... Try it again... if not, I'm wondering whether it needs to be a **** account to access?? I hope not. btw: **** Welcome Tthurman - the monster logo sourcer of GameEx!!! ****
  5. tbh, the sourcing is one of the hardest bits... On some - had to track down the games, pull boxart and crop off the logo.. there's some useful resource links on the spreadsheet
  6. heh. Damn my drunken posting last night!! Must have had me grump on. Looks like you got the idea, tthurman - look forward to your signing up - you can then upload that original source to the shared dropbox folder. Also, updated the pictures website to credit source providers
  7. Welcome on board, tthurman!! Have a peanut It's great yer willing to help out. Don't worry about the graphics thing - we also need "sourcers" i.e. "one who sources the best starting material for graphics processing." I never thought of that... in fact I'll add a whole new category just for you If you sign up via link on first page, I'll get you all set up. The official first Sourcer. Thanks, chap!
  8. UPDATE: 14.6.14: New website to view all of the uploaded images and Source/pending images:https://sites.google...narcade74/logosShows numbers of logos uploaded by user
  9. I like cake. Not looking for glory - just a complete set of developer logos Cheers Draco.
  10. Well, after last night's rant, I got to thinking (dangerous....) There appear to be a lot of community projects on the go - from the database project to errmmm... a few of mine! I'm wondering whether there are lots of willing contributors out there who are just not knowing about them due to their being lost in a plethora of topics amongst each fora. How about we have a stickied post entitled "Job Board" or something like that??? That way, willing users can browse through and sign up to projects that they fancy? I could kick off proceedings with a few I would suggest that somewhere prominent that has high traffice like the main forum page or in the "General" section. What you guys think?
  11. Whoa - GameInfo with Layer and dynamic data.... now there's a thought.. Get well soon, dude.
  12. lol. Well, I wouldn't go that far However, kudos to all you guys who toil relentlessly behind the scenes to add to a fantastically creative hobby. **** Peanuts to NullPointer for adding some really good resources for sourcing images ***** (You can find the resources on a separate sheet of the spreadsheet)
  13. Nice posts chaps. Returning with sober eyes, bit embarrassed by my rant, however - obviously strikes a cord. Helpful perspective Adultery - one-sided action in practice! Now I'm gonna spend half an hour on more images... It'd be really nice to have others joining in the campaign, but I shall persist regardless.... (and oops - double apologies KRC - top fella, I shouldn't have named you - especially if yer toiling away at Evo goodies )
  14. <humility. Sorry! OK.. how about this.... Oi! You freekin leachers... give something back! I was finding GIMP within 2 months of finding gameex, I was thinking I wanted: a) to expand it to make something good, better c) to put something back into everyone else's hard work You guys got no cahunas!?? Have no idea of the power of collaborative effort!? Stop sitting there on yer own arse and recognize the power of two. Give something ffs! KRC - my apologies - if yer givin already - i'll get off me really big horse. For the others who just suck on others' creativity/work - sign up or do one. (oooopps - but grrr....) null - delete this at will
  15. Noticable by his absence: KRC. Thought you were the graphics guy? ( scuse me a few beers and calling the poor community response )
  16. OK,OK,OK - I'm crap at games, OK?? Seriously - have the reaction times of a dead brick and the motor coordination of an inside-out 1-legged spider. Could we have a low-score competition?
  17. 8 more added... Damn these obscure Play-station developers... Did find a wicked website though - gotta love these home developers who make it onto big platforms!! http://www.scatologic.com/index.html Site's from 2005!
  18. UPDATE: Having learned that the developer database is in the process of review, change and update - changed the spreadsheet accordingly. Made decision not to keep the "old" names on it, as these will all be being replaced at some stage. All stock icons reviewed and matched against the new names. Spreadsheet now up to date.
  19. Ah, another lesson learned... open txt files in notepad and not wordpad. The latter meeses with yer s**t, man! Great, another setback on the spreadsheet!!
  20. Whilst not into the high score thingy yet (I never play the bloody thing!!) - this does look very snazzy!! Another great feature
  21. Cheers flash. Im guessing over time all of the database will be vetified, potentially making the old developer names obsolete... In terms of the logos project, this could mean that people spend time making logos for devels that at some point will change.... This leads me to think that prob best course would be to use your new list and then update that list as further vetification happens... to avoid people feeli b g theyve wasted time Does this sound about right? Ta for ter ongoin help
  22. OK - total overhaul! See first post for updates. Gonna get stuck in at some point to matching up all the logos already available to the names on the list..... But, whoo-hooo - we've gone from 5,000 developers to 2,000!!! Cummon folks - sign up and help out. We've got a Massive grand total of 3 of us at this so far.... So - you a giver or a taker?
  23. OK - feels like a huge move this one. I'm gonna totally wipe that sheet with all its data so far and start afresh with only the names in your text file. I'll have to rename all the images as well.... Just to check my understanding - the current .db3 files in the most recently updated GE data folder represent a mixture of "verified" developer names within systems (i.e. all variations standardized to one name) and the older, more duplicated versions. For example, SNES.db3 has following in db3 file: Atod AB 7th Level, Inc. BEC Co., Ltd. Birthday Bits Corporation DE Act Team These have no match in your list above. I'm guessing this one hasn't been 'standardised' yet? (i.e. verified)? You talk about "the official db dev list" - what is this? It's not the .db3 files that sit on our PCs then? Forgive me, but I'm struggling to get my head around it all. Bottom line is - I'm wanting any image names to match anything that GE outputs (such as [emulator] or [developer] for plugins) - so if I use the txt above, you'll add in any missing developer names as individual system databases are processed? Oh and lastly, think there's some formatting errors in the txt file. For example, Broderbund: "Brøderbund Software" (in txt file) "Brøderbund Software" (in db3 file) Any way to get the new list with correctly formatted text? Thanks and sorry to be a pain.
  24. Many happy returns Doctor. I mean Draco..
  25. I like it. Not only cos it's nice lookin, but also cos it's SAMSUNG and ANDROID!!! Faves of mine. My Galaxy Note 10.1 + Samsung S3 are me fave gadget bag things atm! Marvelous taste. What appears on the phone screen?
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