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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. stigzler


    That is great to see... was loosing faith that we'd ever see an xbox emu, but this looks highly active and to be coming on amazingly. Where did you read about it?
  2. disco - i've got aimtraks. TBH, I didn't bother with them for Dolphin in the end. Just grab: - Couple of cheap Wii remotes off Wii bay - Coupld of chepo lightgun holsters for these - bluetooth usb dongle This setup works a lot better with Dolphin. Not too pricey either
  3. Optional Silence Trasher? (If you got a mute button)
  4. Yes. Yes it has...... A setting... a bleedin setting.... Thanks Krakerman for the shining alacrity and clarity of vision.
  5. heh. nemmind, i'm either not being clear or summat else. No biggie with any if it.
  6. Yes. My point being it was a bit like HP dirty tactics - bloat your PC with lots of stuff and not make it to easy to find the stuff to uninstall. Of course - didn't break the clock or my brain-bag, but it was mildly irritating all the same... thanks for the link.
  7. Well - they didn't make that easy to find - no uninstall in the program menu + an inconspicuous generic iconed exe in uninstal programs - "Raptr.exe" - Not "AMD" or "Gaming Evolved" - 'dirty pool' that! And after all that - uninstalled - doesn't appear to be this - problem remains. It doesn't matter too much on my test rig - just hoping the same doesn't happen with NVidia cards in my cab rig.
  8. The sub monitor's me favourite! Fair cop and Mae Culpa! Posted bleary eyed in the early hours - just a punt in case of an easy answer. I should know better and must try harder It's on my coding/test rig for multi-monitor apps. Eventually will be testing this on 3 monitor cab - but just checking if need to code anything in as a work around at this stage.... Files now attached Well - this appears installed, Draco. However, can't see process of that name running in task manager (although catalyst control center is). When boot it from programs - splash screen asking me to log-in - but no hardware type controls..meh - here's a pic: Would be greatful for any ideas folks... log.txt GameEx.ini
  9. A video tells a thousand pictures.... Problem being the blue screens and the desktop disappearing (stretched image). Windows 8. AMD cards. Any ideas?
  10. Ouch. So not only are DT totally messing up their own software, it's looking like drive mounting is getting sticky in Windows 10 too? That's precisely why I'm putting off updating to Windows 10 - too much work re-installing obscure, unsigned drivers etc.... You tried the new command line for DTools? It's being: DTAgent.exe -mount, scsi, F, "D:\Images\SomeImage.iso" Great that they changed to whole executable name! Really good for legacy apps using their software!
  11. http://pinouts.ru/Home/Scart_pinout.shtml pin 16? Mind you - if your CRT hasn't got scart connectors then, of course, this particular duck is dead in the water.
  12. Some kinda SCART jiggery pokery? Don't some CRTs have power-on via scart or something?
  13. I love an immaculately phrased exercise in partner diplomacy. You never know who's snooping, even in the most sacred of man realms!!!
  14. Apologies. Checking back in on this. 1.1.4 doesn't seem to be working very well my end - with Quickstart resume either enabled or disabled. However, 1.1.5 seems to be working a lot better - might be a beta you posted here: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/13171-plugin-quicklaunch/?p=142926 Standing version (on 1st page and with GE download) still appears to be 1.1.4. Lastly, whilst it appears to be successfully completing, it does appear to be missing a load of tags (such as developer, category and title and snap images). I've never figured this, but does it break when GE changes? I'd be really gutted if GE is sharing this data less readily, as I've designed quite a few apps around this info being available. Heh, think it's totaling up to about a year's worth of amateur coding - hate for that all to be for nothing. Or worse still, needing another 6 months of re-coding to get all that info via other means. Anywhoos, the attached log should show the big gaps in tag scraping. Aside from this - getting the basics OK. Thanks EDIT: Dammit - ignore for now - could have been the specific db entry - need to look into this further when less bleary eyed. QuickLaunch.txt
  15. Will watch with interest. Seen a few different approaches, including bycycle wheels, expensive actuators and cheaper stepper motors. Guessing the cheapest would be two motors with stopper switches when a monitor reaches 0 or 90 degrees. so wish I had designed a rotating into mine. Look forward to seeing your build.
  16. Does Mercenary count? You start in space and have to get back there... :/
  17. Totally lost in my own code. It's like someone else has written it.

    1. DazzleHP


      Notes 'n' Quotes really do come in handy :P

    2. stigzler


      Re-reading my comment, it's a bit like getting lost up yer own...weather's a bit gray for this time of year...

    3. stigzler


      After a year.. it's all starting to knit together. Thank


  18. I remember draconus on the c64 too! The guy also did a version on the SID:
  19. Spooky stuff going on- 1st post disappeared mysteriously - second time - i left it playing cos was enjoying the nostaligia, and the music really picked up around 10.40 + my PC blue screened for the first time in about 2 years! SID blew Intel.
  20. Whoa - Null's opened the chipset music voting! Basically, anything by Rob Hubbard. Good example being this: 17 minutes long! In a computer with 64K RAM (and that's leaving room for the game and graphics)! Null's gamertag above is 184K Really dunno how this fallacy of "bigger is better" prevails.
  21. Dammit - getting progressive more obscure in my old age. I think Elbow rock. Just to be clear.
  22. Believe it or not dazzle, the ARE people who dont like elbow! I know, wierd right? Think it gets a bit too close to the darker aspects of the soul for some, especially the early stuff.
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