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GameEx Moderator
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Everything posted by stigzler

  1. @nullPointer - no worries - I aint precious about me toes - all about options, right? @G70Man - did have another thought. You could try Emvoy but this may be a little overkill for your needs. Alternatively, you could use this batch:
  2. There is an old app that I think could help you: ePSXeCutor think it was around in the days of XP.
  3. Ah no - I'm afraid it doesn't run on XP. You need .net 3.5. Sorry.
  4. Update Fixed installer bug - DropBox no longer putting certain file in appdata - now prompts user for manual choosing of dropbox folder in absence of auto. Also, moved Assets + db delete until end of install in case of bail half way through. I knew that 'stable' thing would get me in trouble!
  5. If you find yourself scripting more than 3 hours per week or thinking about "just writing a little app" I'd urge you to heed advice As it goes - see how you go....
  6. stigzler


    GEmvoy View File This plugin does various stuff. It's main aim is to make running multiple emulators for each system as easy as possible. You can setup all your emulators in GEmvoy first - running and testing them from there before dovetailing with GameEx. You can also choose which Emulator to launch a game with from GameEx itself. Lots of additional stuff. Best way to find out what it does - download it and have a tinker - it's very low impact on GameEx; your game and asset files + your existing setup, so you can't break anything. Features: Quickly launch zipped gamefile sets without having to wait for them to unzip. Have different system emulators mapped against one GameEx 'emulator.' Be able to choose which emulator boots a game from the Game Details page in GameEx. Simple approach to mounting gamefiles Test emulator/games setups before running through GameEx - boot games in "Fullboot" or "Setup boot" modes. Can work with multi-format gamefile sets for one emulator (e.g. Playstation sets with mixtures of .cue, .mds etc.) Save emulator settings on per-game basis, allowing for different graphics, sound and controller setups for each game. Launch support apps before, alongside or after a game boot on a per-system, emulator or game basis. Full tokenised game/system/emu details allowing insertion of these into any command lines. Make your own emulator settings scripts, swapping out files, folders and registry entries between game boots. Key-remaps on per emulator or game basis (experimental) Timelapse picture capture via webcam during games. Continuous, timed or burst mode. GameEx tweaks allowing: Choose which sounds to use for the GameEx menu Choose to use random sounds for the above Relocate the message window from the bottom right User prompting throughout any unzips showing progress. Submitter stigzler Submitted 03/23/2016 Category Plugins
  7. stigzler


    Version V1.0.86


    This plugin does various stuff. It's main aim is to make running multiple emulators for each system as easy as possible. You can setup all your emulators in GEmvoy first - running and testing them from there before dovetailing with GameEx. You can also choose which Emulator to launch a game with from GameEx itself. Lots of additional stuff. Best way to find out what it does - download it and have a tinker - it's very low impact on GameEx; your game and asset files + your existing setup, so you can't break anything. Features: Quickly launch zipped gamefile sets without having to wait for them to unzip. Have different system emulators mapped against one GameEx 'emulator.' Be able to choose which emulator boots a game from the Game Details page in GameEx. Simple approach to mounting gamefiles Test emulator/games setups before running through GameEx - boot games in "Fullboot" or "Setup boot" modes. Can work with multi-format gamefile sets for one emulator (e.g. Playstation sets with mixtures of .cue, .mds etc.) Save emulator settings on per-game basis, allowing for different graphics, sound and controller setups for each game. Launch support apps before, alongside or after a game boot on a per-system, emulator or game basis. Full tokenised game/system/emu details allowing insertion of these into any command lines. Make your own emulator settings scripts, swapping out files, folders and registry entries between game boots. Key-remaps on per emulator or game basis (experimental) Timelapse picture capture via webcam during games. Continuous, timed or burst mode. GameEx tweaks allowing: Choose which sounds to use for the GameEx menu Choose to use random sounds for the above Relocate the message window from the bottom right User prompting throughout any unzips showing progress. Links: Codeplex Docs
  8. Could be loads of things + that's where I started a couple of years ago - manipulating things via batch. Save yourself some grey hairs + heartburn by either: a) Download Visual Studio Express + learn c# (will save you time in the long run). Batch will be a world of pain. or b ) Try this: This actually started with a need to maipulate PSX ROMS and manage per-game settings such as sharers, graphics and controls. So - you'll be able to save your controls per-game without faffing about with horrendously obscure and illogical batch idiosyncrasies. Good luck
  9. That works on so many levels. Love it...
  10. Phew. This one nearly killed me.... As ever - written for my own needs, but tailored to help others, just in case it may be of some use.... And as we know - it's easy to keep warm in a sack, but it's the sewing it into something presentable that's the graft! V0.9.1 - Initial release achieved. OP updated to present what it does - kinda - it's hard to explain! I need a holiday...
  11. That did it! That pesky Change View again...
  12. Doh! Take 2 - I posted this in the wrong topic to start with (sorry chaps! Could find no way to move it - the old one's still in FAQs making a nuisance of itself) This is going to be one of those buried settings issues.... My game info page (boxart, play this game, add to favourites etc) is showing either a fullscreen video or gameart as the fullscreen background, replacing the theme background. Happens on all themes. Can't for the life of me find the setting to change this so just shows the theme default background. Apologies and any help appreciated.
  13. My apologies - Draco is a lot more sensible and helpful than I am. If there's a man that can, then Dracon, errrr...can.
  14. Your productivity never ceases to amaze me, Ben..I also didn't realise the db editor was so sophisticated - I guess essentially you've written your own db management software. I'm always concious that populating those dbs is a lot of work for one man and: a) feel a bit guilty that I don't help out with the grind (justification: get up to me ***s in my own GE-related projects) b ) wonder if when the user base grows significantly, you guys look to form different contributor teams (e.g. db editors; image-makers; game-controls constructers). On b - I know we get into Jobs territory (end to end control etc), but ultimately, many hands make light work and with the right check and balances, could ensure quality. You mean the Atari ST OS+GUI? Didn't you read above, man!!?? My loyalty laid with the Amiga!
  15. My god, man. That sounds hellish. My condolences.
  16. I can't stop making stuff, I've got Hyper-Makia: http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,150065.0.html

    1. tthurman


      Good call, that and a good Hakko setup will do you right;)

    2. stigzler


      Ahhh - I couldn't quite afford a Hakko - they did look good though. This one (tenma) however is great +  great value. Also, it's heaven after using cheap, crap low- watt soldering irons for years :)

    3. tthurman


      I was looking more at the helping hands setup and missed that in the background.  I picked up a Hakko 936 a few years back, I can't remember what I paid, but I'm frugal, so it was reasonable or I wouldn't have bought it.  You're absolutely right, makes my old Radio Shack feel like soldering with the wife's curdling iron.

  17. A million people in a million pubs across the world are presently wishing the topic title...
  18. I think the multi-rom naming convention part of the db's is something very unique to GE + a great selling point. That SNES db looks amazingly complete - that's a lot of grind! Dunno how this fits in with GE dev, but I've made GE my go-to for naming standards - system names, emulator names. I've grabbed the system names from the database names (minus the [xxx]). Tell me that this isn't going to change in the near future, as coudl be a bit of a ball-ache to update some of my older apps that don't grab any updated automatically. As for the dev list - that feels like 'the' after 8 mint in the Meaning of Life. Someone else might have to eat it for me - happy to maintain the tools! I'm gonna need a break Heh - come to think of it - my first coding was C64 basic - funny how things don't change - I was tool making back then - making a UDG editor. Wonder how many people know what UDG means now?
  19. Some tinkering led me to look closely at the database behind GameEx tonight. One thing that struck me form the repository manager is that Greatflash has worked almost exclusively on all the database files. I'd invite you to download this: http://sqlitebrowser.org/ then open up just one of the databse files in "GameEx\DATA\EMULATORS" for one of the larger systems. You don't hear much from this guy, but man.... that's a lot of graft to pull all that together. So big thanks dude! Oh, and he's a UK C64 fan too! Always a winner in my books that.
  20. Go hug a tree, hippy. You know I'm joking, right? There's nothing wrong with those hyperspin boys as long as they keep their garrulous, gregarious and egregious ways to themselves. (I should maybe get out more)
  21. Hyperspin sucks. GameEx Rulz! (Lost my diplomacy organ) Voted. Cummon, don't let Apple....*coughs* I mean Hyperspin dominate public conciousness.
  22. Shermo - yer a star! Another obvious thing I'd forgotten. After your post - checked my rig. I was getting transfer of 10Mb/s - realised feed branched off an old DLink wireless router I was using as an extender. Took straight from the wall ethernet, now getting 100Mb/s! A 10x improvement! There's so much I miss in this bleedin hobby.
  23. Good shout. He's just after yer starwars yoke, tthurman!
  24. It's currently the destroyer of my annual leave All features coded. Half a day of half-assed testing tomorrow, then gotta knock some vids/guides together + I'll slap it out there... EDIT: Did I say half a day!?
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