Think I'll save others' time and holler @Tom Speirs directly, although if anyone's got any ideas - let me know. Think this issue is GE hardcoding somewhere...
So found a weird issue tonight whilst dev'ing my CustomLists plugin. It uses "Export to MCE" to refresh the favourites list after DATA>data.db3 has been manipulated by the plugin. This used to work fine. However, tonight, this was happening:
Attached the corresponding log for this run.
It's like it does the operation, but then you're left looking at the "Loading" dialog box. If you stick with it - I use the gamepad - it clicks like you're navigating and I think it is navigating correctly behind the 'stuck' screen (just from hearing some background music etc....
To isolate, I disabled all plugins + disabled CustomMenus. Essentially running 'bare.' Also found that Search not working, and this shows to problems a little better:
Any ideas?