Does the tankstick output key presses? i.e. if you open notepad and then push right - does a letter get typed? If so, Xpadder won't do it. For some reason, it doesn't remap keystrokes to other keystrokes. However, if registers as game controller, you should be peachy. Had lots of fun and games with this a month ago when trying to map my minipac outputs (keyboard presses) to various emulators. It's more complicated than it should be. It depends on the emulator you're trying to set up for. Each uses different input types (not sure of dets but something like sendkeys/dinput/raw). For some emus, just using the advanced emulator config option will remap your tankstick keys to the desired emu key (for e.g. open up advanced config - choose the relevant remap tab - for 'from' press tankstick button/direction then for 'to' press key on keyboard) This doesn't work for some emulators. For these trickier ones, I'd recommend autohotkey (AHK). There is a bit of learning to do, but i tried with other, simpler keymappers, but they didn't cut the mustard. Once you lick AHK, it'll prove very versatile in remaps. Whilst not totally relevant, some info in this post might be helpful: hope this serves to help and not confuse the issue further! Tootle-pip