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Everything posted by RedDog

  1. Hi Rochabian, Unfortunately, you cannot edit the radio list. The radio functionality is pretty basic. A feature request has was recently submitted asking for more functionality including allowing editing. At this point, if there is a radio station you do like, you can add it to your favorites to make it easier to get to.
  2. But I love Time Crisis...and $100.00 isn't TOOO bad...nope...nope...must...resist...spending...more...money....
  3. Yeah, I bought prefabbed quick connects for the microswitch side. I only have basic tools, so anything I fashion manually would be shoddy. I selected the right ones for the order. They just happened to throw the wrong ones in the box. Such is life. I've already received a reply for the support case. They will be shipping the right ones. Everything is mounted and I was at the point of determining wire routing when I noticed it.
  4. I got my parts today! WOO Hoo!!! ...and they sent me the wrong quick connect wires... So now I probably have to wait another week.
  5. Hey Darkstar, Welcome to GameEx!!!! First of all, If this is your first time working with GameEx, I would suggest holding off on using the GameEx Evolution Alpha for the time being. The 'alpha' means that it not the release version, but it is actually the first public showing. It currently only supports mame and is more for allowing the public to get a first look and for those who wish to help, to give feedback on structure, different setups, etc, fixing errors, etc. Install the 'normal' GameEx and work with it for a while. Later on if you are curious where GameEx Evolution is going, reinstall it later and the things you have learned about GameEx will help you uinderstand GameEx Evolution better. For setting up GameEx, directories can be located wherever you like. Within the SetupWizard, you will be given the option to set almost each and every one. Some people will use a structure that is similar to the defualts presented in GameEx, but it is up to you. On the CRT/Light Gun, yes, that technology does not work with modern LCD monitors. I believe that they do make sensor bars that are compatible with the old tech (to simulate the existance of a big tube tv), otherwise you may have to switch up to all tech that is more like the wii. I was disappointed when I found this out myself. I have not played Time Crisis since...
  6. No, no. Hes right...we want everything to be on the up and up...I submitted the wrong screen in the first place anyway. Here you go.
  7. @rtkiii It's all you... I've always been able to get this one to work. It is one of the first to be added into my faves. @ExedExes Funny your should mention the NES. I used to play the NES version quite a bit before I realized I had the arcade version. The NES version represents the arcade version very well though... New score: 112,565
  8. Actually...the lag is part of the rom itself. If you do some googling, you will find some commentary about it. I played the game often enough back 'in the day' and I do kind of remember it as well.
  9. Thank you for the kind words. I am glad you like it.
  10. I advanced my game just a smidge today...67,750
  11. I have this game for SegaCD as well and the music plays for me when it is run via GameEx and as standalone. However, my file format is a little different. The folder for the game has an iso with twelve mp3 music files. Your GameEx config looks ok from what I can tell. One test you can do that may give some insight is to try running the runitgame.bat file in the GameEx\DATA folder. When GameEx prepares to launch an emulator, this file is generated with the command line details you set up in the GameEx Setup Wizard for the emulator. Run Spiderman through GameEx so that it sets the runitgame.bat file up for that game. Then exit the game and GameEx, go to that GameEx\DATA folder, and doubleclick runitgame.bat. At that point, the GameEx client has been removed from the equation and you simply have a command line batch file launching the game. If the background music does not play, then at least we know the GameEx client is not conflicting...but if it does play...well, I am not sure where to go with it next since it is a very specific issue.
  12. I actually don't think you can use lnk files with GameEx this way. I was unable to make this work for Future Pinball or Nestopia when I tested it just now. I think what ends up happening is that the executable tries to load the lnk file as a data file instead of using the file we really want. What lead me to this conclusion is that Nestopia gave me a data error when I attempted it. Just a side note: lnk files can be used in in one creative way to group a set of PC Games in a list, but I have not seen them used in any other way.
  13. Good to hear...If you could change the title of this thread to [Resolved] nes section now says insert cd?, that would be great. Yes, I did some testing with Future Pinball today. Please check the other thread.
  14. No problem cnells... So I took the time to download Future Pinball and a table called Warhawks. I set up the following settings in the GameEx Emulator section: Command Line: FuturePinball.exe /open "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" /play /exit Filter: *.fpt (Note: I changed my executable to remove the space) ...and the table loaded into play mode directly after Future Pinball loaded. The only additional thing I found was that I had to set Future Pinball to be run as an administrator or the sound would not play and the keys would nto respond..and unfortunately in Windows 7 it also means that an annoying popup appears confirming that I do want to run the program (because of my Windows Security settings). Regardless of the popup, I was able to play the table immediately so we know the command line is correct. You are running Windows 10. I am not very familiar with 10, but I would hazard a guess that you may have to fiddle with the administrative settings there as well. I searched the internets and did not find much in the way of table loading issues and Windows 10 (most articles were related to crashing actually). In any case, I hope that this helps you.
  15. Hi cnells, Check the Advanced Amulator Setup for that emulator and look for the Check for CD/DVD option. It looks like you have it set to Yes for Nes. Change it to No and see if that takes care of it.
  16. One of the reasons I really like this game is that there is a good amount of control, which is unusual for older games when simple controls were generally the norm. Here are a few tips for newcomers: - Land with both wheels contacting the ground and you should loose no speed. - Land with one wheel too high and too low and you get a bounce and loose speed. - Sometimes a short bounce can be helpful too though. - Trip up other riders by hitting their front wheel with your back wheel (usually while lane changing). - Pull left for a wheelie (good for getting over speed breaks...hitting jumps squarely...or just showing off). - When you fall off, tap any button quickly to run back to your bike faster. An updated version was also released on the Wii Virtual Console with huge graphic updates, control improvements, and 4 player online play...I had a ton of fun with it.
  17. It's one of the few arcade games that I recall seeing lag on.
  18. Focus Attack is having a 20% off sale right now...so I have ordered my parts! I eye-balled the Brook Universal Fighting Board for a few days, but didn't like the price. I stuck with the i-PAC2 instead. I guess I can always swap out later if I REALLY want to use it with PS3/PS4. Anyway, thanks again for the advice peeps!!!!
  19. Oi!!!! This Game! I am glad I am not spending real quarters any more. Best for me thus far: 59200 Sorry there Han buddy...
  20. OK, I see what it is you need to be able to do. The problem is that the 'record' option needs to be inserted between the executable and the romfile when the commandline is built. Unfortuantely, the integrated Mame support cannot be made to allow that. It is hard coded so that so that the romfile is the only thing that can follow the executable. After a bit of searching, came across the Mame Commander 2 plugin by Adultry. I wonder if it might solve this for you. I have not used it, but it may be worth tinkering with: http://www.gameex.info/forums/topic/13829-plugin-mame-commander-2/ I am thinking that the Mame Emulator override might be the fix. Worse case, what you can do is to set up an additional iteration of wolfmame as a regular emulator. that setup will not have some of the really nice functionality that the integrated mame setup will give you, but as an emulator you will have more control over how the commandline is built.
  21. And Alan, do you happen to know what resolution the Theme you are using is? If the theme was created for a resolution other than 1920x1080, GameEx will stretch some elements to fill the screen (or window). However, not all elements are stretched proportionally. It is a limitation of GameEx. Although it is a minor limitation, it can be bothersome. Themes are best viewed in in the format they were intended for, 4:3, 6:9, or 6:10. If you are unsure of the resolution but you downloaded it from the GameEx site, can you provide the name? I could not find it myself.
  22. Hi cnells, I found this post and this post from a few years back for Future Pinball. They indicate that the file type for the table is .fpt. Your log.txt shows that the Battletoads Pinball table you attempted to load was using a .lnk file. Are you certain that Future Pinball allows .lnk files when run from command line? From what I see, your command line should be Future Pinball.exe /open "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" /play /exit with a rom filter of *.fpt. I see from your GameEx.ini that you have the filter set for both .fpt and .lnk. What happens when you select a .fpt file instead?
  23. Does this link help? http://replay.marpirc.net/guides/wincli.htm record <shortgamename> <inp filename> [extra MAME options]
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