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Everything posted by RedDog

  1. Good catch on the deactivation of the Steam module. I am not sure if it will help, but could you try clearning the cache for the Steam list: - Delete EMU_1002.dbcacheini from the DATA folder - Delete gameex_[PC] Valve Steam.map from the DATA folder - Run GameEx and enter the Steam module - See how GameEx looks If that does not solve it, one of the more experienced guys may have to chime in. What you are seeing with the Steam icons is not happening to everyone or other people would be reporting it. With the different size images, it could be a number of things. Images that are wider or taller than the relative space will not be stretched (ie their horizontal and vertical ratio will be retained). Unless they fit exactly, there will be a sort of 'transparent border'. They will fit as best as possible. Also, some images have their own transparencies and so may appear smaller. I see that you have the asset download feature enabled...and while it is really nice that GameEx will automatically fetch missing assets from emumovies, I have found that some of the images are not always consistant as far as their sizes. The result is that you sometimes get those variable sized icons. For instance, if you compare the Contra and Bad Fur Day Title shots in a picture viewer, you will notice that their horizontal/vertical ratio is different...of course, this is if it is working normally. As for the config.txt file, that was my mistake...sorry...I meant to ask for the log.txt file.
  2. Thank you sir. Have you gotten any other emulators working via the Emulator Setup area like N64, Dolphin, or Sega 32x? If so, which ones are working? It would be helpful to know how if you have setups we can compare to if needed. You said that Virtual Jaguar was not working. Is this through GameEx or outside GameEx as well? If you have not tested it outside GameEx, please do. If you get an error, please share what you are seeing. Note, the basic command line for GameEx should look something like this: vj.exe -cart "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" Yours is currently set as vj.exe "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" If that works, then you may want to add a few other parameters: vj.exe -cart "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" -skip_gameinfo -nowindow I should also add that the version GameEx currently has available is v2.0.0. The newest is v2.1.2. I noticed that gamepad support was added after v2.0.0 so if that is something you would like (I mean, I would), you may want to grab a newer copy from the interwebs. I do not have 4DO myself, but I am willing to give a try at working on the configuration. For 4DO, the command line for GameEx should be something like this: 4DO.exe -StartLoadFile "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" --StartFullScreen Also, not long ago another user had problems with the emulator returning cleanly to GameEx. If you encounter the same thing, adjustments may be needed in the emulator and GameEx. Here is the post. If you are still pretty new to GameEx and need a little more detail, please let me know and we can work on that.
  3. Hey Jimmy, In general, you can set up most any emulator that can launch via a commandline (there are exceptions though). The ones listed in the setup Wizard are the officially supported list as they have been confirmed. I know that other users here have set up 4DO, so we should be able to get there. It would be helpful if you could post your GameEx.ini file so we can see what you have set up now. It is located in GameEx\CONFIG. If you could post your log.txt file from GameEx\LOG, that would be helpful as well. Once you get one emulator set up, setting up others usually gets much easier. As far as running GameEx at startup, there isn't an option within the Setup Wizard...but there are ways to do it. You could put a shortcut in your Startup folder or use an app like Launcher-X. I don't do this myself, so if you want to do something specifically, I am sure someone else here can make some appropriate suggestions.
  4. Hey drnizzle, It looks like your situation is related to the Xbox One controller drivers. See this post where another person had a similar issue about a month ago. Apparently, the new drivers made some changes regarding button mapping. You may want to do some testing with the controller to confirm that it is operating in the way you feel it should be. I don't have Windows 10, but Windows 7 does allow you to check calibration and button mapping via Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Devices and Printers and checking the properties. I assume Windows 10 has something similar. Also, you may want to try uninstalling and reinstalling the controller driver.
  5. Also, I am fairly certain it is your emulator that is creating a .sav file. You may want to look at the emulator and set a separate sav folder for those files.
  6. Hi imek, You will want to look at your Rom Filter for GBA. This will allow you to only list the files you want. You currently have it set to *.*, which means to display every file in the folder. For example, if all your GBA roms are in a zip format, set the filter to *.zip. If your files have more than one extension type, use a semi-colon as a seperator like this: *.zip; *.gba That should fix things for you.
  7. If Google asks for help with GameEx and I think additonal clarification would be helpful, I will ask Google for it. ...but all things considered, I don't think Google would need our help since it can probably find all the answers it needs on it's own.
  8. There may be something to what Gildahl is reporting. When I first took a look at the wheel view I changed the SNES emulator and I thought it changed them all...but then I started tinkering around some more and found that when I changed the view again, it did not happen globally...so I thought maybe I had a glitch or was seeing things. After getting all my views back to list view. When I tested the wheel view again and it only affected the emulator I wanted, so I assumed that I had a one-off glitch or misunderstood what happened. This may be something to test on a new or freshly upgraded install.
  9. @8trek: along with your recent GameEx.ini files (as Draco1962 requested), it may be helpful if you could post a screenshot of where you saw that "temporarily disable and not use a database for the emulator" comment. As for the Hide Create Snaps, it is in there. You just have to find it. There are several ways to use the Setup Wizard to find things. When you first run the Setup Wizard, it will give you 4 modes. Click Custom to show all of the configuration pages and then advance the page. Next check Enable\Disable Features and advance the page. Hide Create Snaps will be listed on the page. Make the change, then advance the page again and the change will be saved.
  10. Please read my last post above again. Our primary concern is supporting GameEx. Sometimes that also means helping with emulator setup, basic understanding, etc. We also have a pretty helpful little community here to begin with...but when it comes to roms we do have to draw a pretty hard line. If you don't quite understand why, as you learn more about emulators, you will begin to. Keep in mind that GameEx is a 'front end' or a launcher. The hotd2 rom is being launched; it just isn't working they way you expect. That is not an issue related to GameEx as long as you have other Mame games that do launch successfully. If you want help with hotd2 or other roms that will not run or that are giving you 'missing file' errors, you should look outside the GameEx forum. Your best bet is to try some Mame-related forums.
  11. Actually, no. First, open the Setup Wizard and go to the Emulator Setup. Find out which emulator number SNES is set up on. Next, go to your GameEx\DATA directory. In that directory, there are a bunch of files with an extension of .bdcache. Delete the ones that are related to your SNES emulator. For instance, if SNES is emulator #7, delete files that start with EMU_7 and end with .dbcache. For instance: EMU_5.dbcache EMU_5.dbcacheini EMU_5_Cat.dbcache EMU_5_Dev.dbcache EMU_5_Ply.dbcache EMU_5_Pub.dbcache EMU_5_YR.dbcache I am not entirely sure how the Favorites and Last Played data is stored, but I do not believe they have their own cache. When you next run GameEx, it will rebuild the cache for that emulator and hopefully the correct graphics will be displayed. If the same thing is happening with other emulators and clearing the cache on SNES works, you can safely delete all of the files in the DATA folder that end with .dbcache and let GameEx rebuild all of them. If it does not work, please post a copy of your GameEx.ini and config.txt for review.
  12. Nope, you would be incorrect! Disable Hide Create Snaps. Video Snaps is part of that option.
  13. Yup, completely misunderstood. I do not have an option in the Start Menu for Creating Snaps. I don't use the Start Menu all that often, but I do not recall there being one there (but heck, I could be wrong).
  14. There is an option in the Enable/Disable Features section called Hide Create Snaps. Check to see if it is set to Yes right now.
  15. Cool, if you could mark this thread as RESOLVED, that would be great!!!
  16. Yeah, the Model 2 emualtor is a little different as far as how it handles rom paths. For their ini file, the semi-colon represents what is called a Remark. When you have a remark on a line, the emulator will completely ignore any information on the line (until it comes to a new line/carriage return). Most of the time, remarks are used to give people information on how to use various parts of the file. In this case, that line is remarked out becasue they just wanted to give an example of what a rom path might look like. You can delete the line that says ;Dir1=c:\Model2\roms if it makes that portion of the ini file easier to understand for you.
  17. I just got this emulator working myself today (no sound error though...sorry..). As long as the rom path is set properly in the Emulators.ini, you should be able to confirm hotd is a valid rom outside GameEx by double-clicking the model 2 executable (Emulator.exe). In the Emulator dropdown, click Load Rom. Then look for House of the Dead and double click it. And by the way, it looks like the gamelist Model 2 shows are all of their supported games, whether you have the files or not.
  18. As of Mame 0.164, it displays a message that the game is not fully working and cannot be played. Your log shows you are running Mame 0.139, so it will not work under that version. I looked around a bit, but I only found people playing through PC or Dolphin. I have a feeling it may not yet be playable even on the latest Mame. Now that you have a working copy of Mame, you will usually see the 'missing files' error is when you have the incorrect rom version, you are missing a support file (like a bios or parent rom), or the rom just does not have the right files to work as of that mame version.
  19. RedDog

    Game Ex crashing.

    Cool, thanks for the info Draco. Since his Rom path is S:\ and his executable path is S:\\, it would be best to know the hard drive setup so they can be configured in the same way...just in case it does matter. Thanks for the suggestion on setting up Mame on C:\ as well. I wish I would have considered that.
  20. Hey Firebrand. I tested this on mine and it is working properly (ie without Steam logos). You may already know this (GameEx Founding Member) , If a matching logo file is not found, GameEx will display the Not Found Snap. If not found, the Title, then the Snap, and finallyGameEx icon is displayed with the title of the game. Have you tried clearing the cache for SNES and have it GameEx rebuild it on next run?
  21. RedDog

    Game Ex crashing.

    Hey GMT25, I did do some testing with my rig on some ideas I thought might be the issue, but came up with nothing tangible. So here are a few more thoughts/questions: Before, I thought your Rom path looked odd because it did not match the other paths in your config. Yesterday I realized that it was actually your rom path that looked right and the all the other paths that look odd. I tested it and believe that GameEx handles what you have ok, but to be safe, I wanted to ask you about it. You have your paths to your S-Drive listed as S:\\ instead of S:\. It's been a while since I have worked with path syntax, but I could not find a problem using the double slash in dos. On the off-chance that it does matter to GameEx, please remove that extra slash from the path in the GameEx Setup. After you make this chance,recompile your Mame Game list (it will likely ask you too anyway). Also, I assume that there is nothing unusual about the S-Drive, correct? It is installed in your case or is an external drive. In our private conversation, I had asked you why your mame file is named mamearcade64.exe since the page you pointed me to where you got your mame was mame.net and their releases are all named mame.exe. You did not make a comment on it. Unless you renamed your file yourself, I am tempted to suggest that you download a copy of mame0175b.exe for you as a test since it is the most basic version of mame 0.175 that there is. That way we know for certain you have a clean copy to work with. Once you have a setup that you know works inside and outside GameEx, then you can try the same setup with the mamearcade674.exe or any other types you want to try...at least you have a setup you can fall back on that works. And by the way, don't give up quite yet. I would be really surprised if we cannot a version of mame working through GameEx. If you are willing to give it a go, we will keep plugging away at it. Let me know what you think. Thanks.
  22. RedDog

    Game Ex crashing.

    Yes, it is in the Setup Wizard. In the first screen, select Custom and then the green arrow to the right. On the next screen, check Display Settings and then the same green arrow. Hide Desktop is about 10 lines from the top.
  23. RedDog

    Game Ex crashing.

    Sorry, I misunderstood your issue. I thought the Mame list had successfully compiled but that games would fail inside GameEx. Thanks for setting me straight. Since you mention HideOS is failing in some way, try changing Hide Desktop in the Display Settings to No so that HideOS does not try to run. Perhaps that app is hiding some error that may be displayed in the background. Does GameEx try to rebuild the Mame game list each time you run it? The verify process is listed in each of the logs you uploaded. It should only need to run the first time Mame is set up or after changes are made to the rom path or Mame path. If it is rebuilding each time, you might also try running GameEx just to have it build the list and then close GameEx. Then, run GameEx again to try a game. Maybe that will tell us something as well. I know that you said that mamearcade64.exe does work find outside of GameEx, but it may be worthwhile to try a different type like Mame32 or MameUI as a test. I tried to find a clean copy of mamearcade64 0.175 and all I found were user-compiled versions with various add-ins. I very much prefer to test with a clean copy from the guys who actually released their Mame version as it is much more likely that they know what they are doing when they compile. If you recall where you got your mame copy from and if no roms were included, you could PM me the link and I might try testing it myself.
  24. RedDog

    Game Ex crashing.

    @GMT25 I tried testing your GameEx.ini file on my setup (with minimal changes anyway) and I was able to get games running. I notice that your log.txt does not show an attempt to play a game. It looks like it captured the compiling of the list instead. Would you please run a rom through GameEx (one you know for certain works fine outside GameEx), exit GameEx cleanly, and then repost your log.txt and gameex.ini files again. Thanks. ...and you can place both files in the same post.
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