if @Tom Speirs adds new features to PinballX, @scutters and @Mike_da_Spike cannot get away with NOT updating DBM AND leave you with a product that will not work correct with PBX
Why are NOT and AND uppercase ?
Well, that's the extra function that Tom added for filters.
Starting of Pinball 5.83, filters can contain not only OR , but also AND and NOT
For DBM, we wanted to make it a bit easier, to not use the characters |(pipe), & and !.
Within advanced search a search could already be don with the ' OR ' command as well (note that this must be in capitals and with spaces , to see the differences).
But it now also can do AND and NOT.
There are some rules that are explained in the PinballX documentation and Within the Database manager documentation.
With DBm you can see directly the records that should match to your criteria (if you use the system filter)
For example : All tables where display name contains '24' or display name contains 'Batman':
If we just want display names that contains 'Batman' and '66' :
If we just want display names that contains 'Batman' and '66' and not contains 'Original':
AND and OR cannot exists on 1 line, but you can use them on multiple lines (but don't make it yourself too hard :D)
(AND, NOT and OR can be replace with |(pipe),& and ! as well)
All these queries can be saved as Filter as well and will be available in PinballX
This was the biggest change Scutters and I did.
We also fixed some minor bugs, updated 2 core components (JSON and MEGA) and properly some stuff we forgot already.
A big thanks thanks to Tom Speirs for adding extra features to PinballX
And also a big thanks to Scutters, who is helping with code and ideas to make DBM everytime better
have fun with it