Just more shady business tactics further bastardizing the ATARI name.
Atari Hotels?
This week the internet erupted with…confusion, over an announcement that a group has licensed the rights from the current owners of Atari (known as Atari SA) to develop Atari themed hotels. Reader Michael L. did a bit of research on this, finding that the company that has registered the domain name for AtariHotels.com is located in a nice house in Arizona, but not exactly an office building. I don’t know – everything Atari SA has done in recent memory seems to be with the sole aim of inflating their value in the hopes of finding a buyer of the brand and remaining IP. It’s not run by people with a real vision for tech & entertainment, it’s just about slapping the Atari name onto something and milking whatever quick bucks they can get for it. So, I can’t say I find this all that exciting by what’s been revealed so far.
Last entry of Newsbytes 2-2-2020