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Everything posted by 8trek

  1. I use a program called Actual Tools Window Manager which is fairly powerful managing windows however it has same problem you've mentioned and is not going to be a viable option. So as it stands now from what you're saying gameex will always open on the "default" display. Not good for my situation and would think this would be a simple addition for those in power to add as new functionality given the 4011 million other options already available.
  2. I've got 2 displays, 1 is the laptop screen and the other is a secondary monitor. I want gameex to appear on the laptop screen but can't seem to figure out which setting controls this. Thanks.
  3. Okay, here's the situation... Have 3 individual displays hooked up to the computer. I'm only using 1 display to run gameex and games themselves. The other 2 displays have there own purposes. When i startup gameex all other displays either freeze up or go blank. What settings do i need to choose in order to play gameex in full screen mode but not cause the other displays to freeze or go blank? I've tried different options and haven't figured it out yet or know if it's even possible. Thanks.
  4. Thanks. Is the 64bit version of Mame significantly faster, better, stable, etc? Curious to know before I do this. Also, if i wanted to maintain both a 32 and 64 machines and wanted to utilize 64bit mame on the 64bit machine, what files would need to be seperated... in other words assume roms do not change and therefore could be used on both machines but what files would i not want to copy over to the 32bit machine?
  5. Draco... i apprecaite your reply but you only stated the obvious. What i'm asking is when you compile mame using 64bit compiler does it actually configure mame for a 64bit machine (i.e. runnning 64 OS) or is it just a faster way to compile but still runs on a 32bit OS? Based on your reply I'm guessing the answer to my question is answer A.
  6. Thanks folks. It's been a loooong time since I compiled, have been using the same version for a couple years now. You have however got me thinking about something.... the last time i compiled, the 64bit version wasn't available (i don't think). Now that I'm running 64bit win7pro, although my cabinet is still a 32bit machine but hope to upgrade eventually, if i compile using 64bit stuff does that mean it won't work on a 32bit machine or simply mean it just speeds up the compiling but will work on a 32bit xp machine?
  7. Has anyone come up with a way to avoid the occasional "hit OK" or "move joystick from left to right" on some mame games? Assuming there is someone out there that has done this by creating an ahk script or something and incorporating into GameeX maybe.
  8. Thank you gentlemen, obviously picking the same options during install on both machines is important... dah. Tom, question, why would installing first then copying over the files be a problem if both machines are running the same gameex version?
  9. Yes, I installed the same version as the other one, then coped over all files. Again, what is the gs folder (ghost script) for, it's on my original machine but don't remember when/why/or how I installed it.... what is it for? It apparently is needed in order to use pdf files in the interface. also worth noting, i don't see ghost script in my program list. found the install files here http://www.ghostscript.com/download/gsdnld.html problem is even though i'm running 64 bit on all machines my original machine shows as explained earlier shows it under x86 and apparently gameex is looking for it there. If i start installing the 64bit ver of gs then going to assume gameex won't find it. Where does gameex configure this setting, i.e. how do you tell gameex where to look for gs?
  10. thanks, always forget to do that.... i see a line that says pdf viewer exe not found at: c:\program files (x86)\gs\gs\bin\gswin32c.exe after further investigation i see the folder on the original computer that is working fine and see it has something to do with ghostscript and has your name attached in the uninstall readme file. I'm lost, where did this come from? I don't remember installing it. Apparently it is required or something... please inlighten me. thanks.
  11. I have this working fine on one machine and recently copied all settings and files exactly same on a new machine. When I click on manual for a vpinball game it is supposed to display the rules pdf file for the game but for some reason on the new machine the screen blinks and nothing happens. Again, setup is identical on both machines so guess it has to be something outside of gameex or vpinball. Any ideas? Everything else works fine.
  12. Thanks headkaze, all is well now. Thank you a bunch! I do have some additional comments/questions. 1. I tried to use different layouts in the sub-layout option but have found you have to use one of the sub layouts in order for anything to work. I figured out how to swap out the default sub layouts with one of my own and guess i could use my one custom layout for all sub one to achieve what i want which is just show the control panel and not all the additional info. 2. occasionally am now experiencing once the game starts it minimizes or something (essentially the screen goes blank and I have to pull up taskmgr and switch to the game).... will keep an eye on this and hope i can figure out what is making it do this. 3. is there a way to make cpwizard shutdown after exiting gameex? 4. have you done anything with visual pinball stuff?
  13. See 2 attached. Running 0.133u3 Mame. running 2.38 cpwizard. Layout? CPWizard.ini mame.ini
  14. Hey Headkaze, sorry it wasn't obvious to me, but thanks for the reply. The option you speak of was checked and I un-checked it and here's what resulted from that. After starting a game, the cpwizard control panel showed up on monitor 2, then after about a couple seconds went away and the game started on monitor 1.... that's it. I might suggest attaching your config file that does what I'm attempting to do and works on your end. Again, simply what i'm attempting to do is this.... When i launch a game the game starts on monitor 1 and the control panel from within your program comes up on mointor 2 and stays there.
  15. Sorry, can you be more specific? I do not know which option you are referring to.
  16. Maybe with a little more details will help the situation.... again, here's what happens. I run a game (doesn't matter how, gameex, dos command, thru mameui, whatever), game starts full screen on monitor 1, after about 2 seconds appears to come out of full screen mode (very quickly), then dissappears, then cpwizard control panel shows up on monitor 2, stays for about 3 seconds then disappears, then the game comes back in full screen mode on monitor 1. hope that helps.
  17. The mame.ini file is already set this way... i.e. switchres = 0.
  18. The log was posted earlier in this thread. I did try changing from 9 to 8 and didn't help.
  19. Hello folks, not sure where we're at on this. Can someone tell me the best way to get a hold of the guy who wrote cpwizard... headkaze is it?
  20. sorry, didn't help either.
  21. okay well i've played around with several combination of settings and still having the same issue, the game starts then window minimizes, then control panel comes up, then goes away after a few seconds, then the game reappears. I think at this point we're going to need the assistance of the developer of cpwizard.... don't know what else to try we haven't already. thanks.
  22. i unchecked skip disclaimer, still getting same results
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