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Everything posted by 8trek

  1. As the title states... have tried latest and greatest px versions, both 32 and 64 bit. Not running any plugins or other software that would cause this. I know you'll want logs and all that but just though i'd pose the question first to see if anyone has heard of this before. Not using the .direct2bs option, just bg videos. Have the latest codecs. Win10 i7 cpu, fairly decent Video card... other than this tables run fine for the most part. Thanks.
  2. He is correct although there is a bug with versions somewhere past 3.75 that this functionality stopped working.
  3. FYI... problem solved with 3.75 and i now realize what the rom button is for.
  4. It must be a version thing cause as Lizard did i installed 3.75 and problem solved.
  5. Here ya go... i can't find a pindmd_log.txt or pindmd.ini file. Also, what is the rom button inside the game manager for? Some of my tables have it selected and many do not. Thanks! PinballX.ini log.txt XDMDlog.txt Visual Pinball.xml
  6. Cool... thanks!
  7. Hello Tom, see this thread for ref: Have you had time to look at this yet? Not sure if this is really a PX version issue or not. Thanks.
  8. Great so where do i go to get older versions? Doesn't look like they are available anywhere.
  9. Prior to recent updating of win10 and latest PX everything worked great. Now having an issue with my real dmd (PinDMD2 NOT PIN2DMD). Works fine when inside game it’s just when browsing inside PX either get nothing or if I grab the video files for real DMD inside game manager I get the video. I’d like to have the real thing like before when it reads from the rom (at least that’s my understanding of how it works). I read somewhere to copy the correct .dll’s for your dmd and paste in PX root folder and tried that… still no go. I also seem to recall years ago when I had this working it had something to do with selecting the ROM button for each game in game manager but that doesn’t seem to help now either. Actually I'm not really sure what the ROM button even does inside the manager. Any help would be appreciated much. Thank you.
  10. This thread can be marked as solved. Here's what i did: Created a new root visual pinball folder called Visual Pinball Pre10 and copied everything over except made a junction link for the VPinMame folder as to avoid extra waisted space on drive. Then replaced the 4 B2sBackglass files with older versions. Now everything works from the command line and assume will work from PX now. My guess is problem had to do with the B2s server files as you mentioned in another post i looked at so think you for that and your help.
  11. Something is getting lost in translation... There are 3 ways to run a table, either 1. inside PX, 2. from the VP gui, or 3. from the command line. If i run these tables using method 2 it works, 1 & 3 do not... so yes, it would appear this isn't a PX problem now that i realize method 3 doesn't work either. That said i guess the question now is why does method 2 work and the others do not? Guess i should post this question in vpforums. All of the BG files are named the same as the tables... it's a mystery as to why when using method 1 or 3 it's looking for the "rom".directb2s.
  12. that doesn't work either, same problem... however if i launch same table from the vpinball991.exe gui it works.
  13. log.txt PinballX.ini
  14. Fresh install of latest 32 bit version. Now have my tables organized by "version" folder. Have tested all of my tables outside of pinballX and work fine. The default visual pinball inside PX settings is version X. These all work fine inside PX. However all other versions setup inside PX "other systems" give me the can't find xxxx.directb2s... please rename or download the matching backglass file. It appears to be looking for the "rom".directb2s rather than the "matching table name".directb2s. Thanks.
  15. Please mark this topic as resolved. Updating to the latest GameEx version has corrected this problem. Thank you all for taking the time to reply... sincerely appreciate this bunch.
  16. Tom, just sent you a PM. I've purchased the registered version twice since 2011. My last purchase was in 2016. Unless i purchase again i'm stuck with the older version... Guess i'll be making another putchase... given the amount of time and money i've put into this project it's a drop in the bucket. Please review my PM and let me know. Thank you.
  17. just installed the latest download 15.32 on my second pc mentioned earlier... ran an update and saw the number of available games drop by about 1000.... and more importantly the screen saver now works. Is this most likely a case that my mame version 192 doesn't work with an older version of GX in this case 14.82?
  18. The "verify ROMS" option is already set to Yes. Really confused.... i've got close to 200 mame games as favorites and they all work just fine. I've just recently done a fresh install of GX on another PC with minimal changes to the config other than the mame settings and screen saver setting... doesn't work on it either. I didn't register that install, don't know if that matters. Curious, when on a multi monitor system... what should happen? Do the other screens go blank? Probably just fishing as i just tried to disable my second monitor but result was same. other things may be worth mentioning... although i have don't show adult games set to not show i still see some in the full mame list..... also, frequently have to delete the gamelist.txt file and then update list or info at the bottom of page which pops up is incorrectly pointing to another game.
  19. found this and didn't realize there was a seperate program, always assumed gameex just handled it.. anyway see this guys problem never got resolved... did try to install the program and got same behavior this person had... still can't get screen saver to work for the life of me.
  20. i disabled the touch screen days ago trying to debug another issue. Nice quote btw... i particularly liked your own recently.... "loads an xml file.. but is searchable! Hold my beer.." funny stuff.... :-)
  21. i tried to reply to this but the forum went down apparently right before i could get it out yesterday. i do have an ipac and an ultimate board however i don't see any keys being hit when off the computer and besides if i was able to run the screen saver with videos wouldn't that negate this possibility?
  22. i tried using the play videos too option and just play videos pointed at my video snap folder... this worked. every fav game launches however is a mute point says i've already attempted setting the favs only option to false as indicated earlier. tried disabling the only 2 plugins i had been using, ledblinky and marquee masher.... didn't help either.
  23. tried changing attractonlyfavs=false but doesn't change things.
  24. For whatever reason now i cannot get the screen saver to run. Will attach my config file. Whether i wait for the amount of time set or try to kick it off manually doesn't work. If i try manually the screen goes blank for a second then comes right back to the menu. Log and ini files attached. Thought it was fairly simple and not sure what other information i can provide here but please let me know otherwise. Thanks. GameEx.ini log.txt
  25. I've had my custom menu setup and working great for many years. Now i'm wanting to add a quick way to access a custom list... can this be done and if so how? Would be similar to how you can add a link to favorites in the menu structure. i've got custom lists path set and my one custom list in that folder.
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