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Brian Hoffman

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Everything posted by Brian Hoffman

  1. There are a couple threads here that talk about clearing the cache, its stored in a temp file. Did you also try changing your theme?
  2. Wow, Im happy to see its working. There are a few threads here regarding Daphne, some by yours truly. We can get you sorted out.
  3. Write a few loaders and wrappers and you will see why version changes matter. I am guessing it is becuase the wrapper is waiting for a certian window to be active before continuing. They probably changed the windows title bar or dialog box. Who knows. Since Tempest wrote the last one if you send him the files he needs he can probably write up another one. I know for me the thought of actually hunting down the stuff I need is more daunting than writing the loader. Send him a PM and see if he is interested. If not maybe I can take a looksey, but really.... doing this at every revision may not be practical. Only reason I say anything is I notice in your first post your running 4460 now in your last post it is 4478 only a couple days apart. Brian Hoffman
  4. Yes, Bkenobi is right, +3.3 +5 and +12 are very common, Also check the Amps on the rail. It should tell you on the side of the PSU what the ratings are. Dell is notorious for providing only the bare minimum PSU's in thier PC's. If your using normal case fans you will be fine, check around homedepot for a ligiting fixture that can operate with the voltage your PSU can output. Remeber you can always use a smartstrip to power your marquess light and monitor.
  5. By the time "bluebox" is released I am going to have blue balls from waiting. Not to mention we will be on V6 themes. lol In all seriousness Id like to see it get released.
  6. #1 - Is anyone out there vector savvy? I've never personally worked with vector images before, but as I stated in the introduction thread, the control panel will pose a problem once it is scaled down. (The push buttons/joysticks obviously have to remain actual size... so is there a a way to scale down the CP image, but then resize the button template? Yes, You cut the button part out, keep its aspect ratio, then redesign the CP art and put it back on top. #2 - I had also opted out of putting side art on my first arcade, but to be a replica, this would be a must. Is there a special paper to get it printed on? Do you sand the outer side walls, primer, paint, then apply the art? Any help would suffice. Yes, there is special vinyl and its laminated, Mame Marquees is your guy for printing the art and marqueee, just give him the dimensions, and instruction for applying. http://www.mamemarquees.com/mortal-kombat-p-923.html http://www.mamemarquees.com/mortalkombat-marquee-p-843.html http://www.mamemarquees.com/mortal-kombat-sideart-p-516.html #3 - To my batch file extraordinaire friends - I think it would be cool for the machine to be shelled obviously, with no windows splash screen, and boot directly into Mortal Kombat upon turning the machine on. Afterwards, if the user doesn't want to play MK, or are ready for a new game, they could then back out of the game and into the GameEx front end. (Is this possible)? I just think booting directly to MK would put the cherry on top in terms of replication. SuperEasy and there is a thread here already about this, Compile a AHK script to EXE then use instant sheller and shell to that EXE. Code can be Run, C:\MAME\Mame.exe mk -joy -Skip_gameinfo -tripplebuffer ProcessWait, Close, Mame.exe Run, C:\Programfiles\Gameex\Gameex.exe This way it would launch MK when you first boot up, while still hiding windows and once mame is closed gameex loads up. Dont forget in addition to hiding windows alot of motherboard manufactures allow you to flash the bios with custom art, this way you can even hide the bios boot up.
  7. I uploaded a new L to ESC that behaves diffrent, instead of capturing L and only sending esc it sends both l and esc, this should make it work for everything. If your still on the fence about donating Gameex has alot of these features built in. L2esc.zip
  8. Yep, give the guy a little power and look what happens.... not that I am one to talk.
  9. Good question, some portable music devices are assigned a drive letter when plugged in via usb, I guess if that were the care it could work.
  10. Brian Hoffman


    If you are referring to the AVI SNAP as the background in gameex, it does not matter what mame build you have. Why don't you try a different theme, I believe there is one that is specific to video backgrounds, You can always upload a link to it here, perhaps its the file type or encoder used. Oh yea, go ahead and ask elsewhere, I'm sure others will be much more knowledgeable than here.
  11. Your question is fine. First off Id like to point out Gameex has nothing to do with how compatable your mame games are. Gameex is simply an interface for launching the games you have. Make sure you have a complete romset and your romset matches the build of mame you wish to run, build number eg mame 109, 117,133 etc... Other builds of mame like mameui,mame32fx, (insertmame name here) are still based of the officail mame and only include minor diffrences not usually additional rom support. When you update your mame game list in gameex be sure to check your filters, perhaps you are not showing certian reigons or bootlegs etc.. For the record I use Mame 128 and have thought about upgrading to the latest build only because a new street fighter and mortal kombat has been added that I am interested in.
  12. YES!, Mapfile
  13. i think it is the emu, I do not know how to fix it, or how many others have this issue, for me it is a show stopper and I am waiting for a fix too.
  14. Shoule be Demul_Loader.exe [rom] I think...
  15. There is no such thing as a stupid question. With that said download the emu attached to my post for the answer. I did attach a couple screens too
  16. Press TAB (while in game) goto input settings>othercontrols> UI CANCEL, I could refine the script to make it work too, if you would rather. It was more or less just a test.
  17. The program only works when it is running, there is no permanent remap, to register Gameex it is a REG key, simply copy it to a USB memstick then install it on your arcade.
  18. I am not sure, I think ESC is hardcoded into gameex, I know you may be able to with some advanced config remapping, but I think thats a regesterd only feature, Im not sure if Empireguitar is reg'd or not.
  19. Download and run this, try it then report back. L2ESC.zip
  20. Well, if the other buttons press SPACE and stuff, then it probably is a keyboard. Download a program called CHARPROBE maybe that will give you more info about that rogue button.
  21. It sounds to me like your video cdec is stealing focus, Id unisntall any/all codec packs,divx etc from your machine. Then Id install the latest ffdshow.
  22. Its cool, It really doesnt matter what the name of the file or the extention is, the point was to create two of them each using a diffrent bios, then depending on the game have it copy the correct config to the working config. If I get some time I can whip one up, I may be interested in VF4, there's a good chance of me writing one up if it is useful to me.
  23. hahahahahhahaha, That's an obscure button. Can you give me more info regarding your hardware, if it is a keyoad encoder used, call the company and ask what the default button assignments are, also ask if they can be reprogrammed. It may be best if you want to use that same key to close everything to just remap it to ESC, I could create a script to do that for you but id have to know more about that ambiguous key.
  24. On the main site, under tutorials did you download the pack I created?
  25. An easier way would be to open up DEMUL and set the Bios to JPN reigon, Then save the config file DEMUL makes for itself, call it JAPAN.cfg. Then do the same for the american bios, call it USA.CFG Then create an INI [vf4evo] system = Naomi Reigon= Japan Have the loader read the INI and depending on the region have the config copied and renamed before it launches demul. So that way it will always launch the correct bios with each game. Make since? kinda? maybe? just a thought.
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