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Brian Hoffman

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Everything posted by Brian Hoffman

  1. Like Frequency said email tom, his address is [email protected] and Put GAMEEX in the subject line so it does not get lost by his spam filter. You may still have the old key he sent via email when you registered, it is a REG key. He is usually pretty quick about responding, he may or may not be in your time zone so give it a day or so. Brian Hoffman
  2. I hope your friend is ok, I work with high voltage too at times, it can be very unforgiving. My best Brian
  3. Ya, I like that way. There is an even easier method tho too, that is to enable debug mode in the emu configuration. This will prompt at each step gameex does and lets you find where it is failing.
  4. The database I am referring to is in your config, edit this line DATABASE=[Console] Nintendo SNES Also the RUNITGAME.bat is the command gameex uses to launch the emulator, that fact that it is flashing and closing is because it is erroring out. Right click on the RUNLASTGAME.bat and choose edit, then select its contents and choose copy, next click on start>run and type "cmd" without quotes. then right click in the dos box and choose PASTE, then press enter. This should show you the error, please let us know what it is.. I bet a dollar it cannot find the path or file specified. Dont give up, we will get you going in no time. Trust me.
  5. Have you tried not using a games database? Also what does the runlastgame.bat do? you can find it in the programs group gameex is in.
  6. Well, the t12 version of makaron (naomi) should work like naomi.exe "[rompath]\[romfile]" Romfiles have the *.bin extention.
  7. Wow! what a major overhaul. Looks good though!
  8. You can see the problems if you try and send more than one pm. It gives an error saying you have to wait a few hours before you can send another. I believe it was implmented afer a mass spam pm. I thought you knew about it.
  9. Its been interesting, Id be happy to see our pm system back in order.
  10. sure, Whats your schedule?
  11. Its a feature called emulator groups.
  12. Come on man, quit bein lazy. lol In truth, you will find better compatibility in single emulators. Jagurar= project tempest. : Lynx=Handy ;mess is probably ok for the other older atari systems.
  13. In my opinion compatibility makes a better emulator, having good options also helps.
  14. I recently ran into this issue on a buddys pc. It was very weird.. A path bug even though the called path was correct. I did fix it though. Here is what I did. I saved the ini file to the same folder ppjoykey was in. I named the file joy1.ini . Then from a command prompt I navigated to the folder I had ppjoykey in and I ran. Ppjoykey.exe .\joy1.ini It worked fine after that. Try that
  15. DJMojo, Welcome to the boards, SFIII is an IMPERFECT game. Even though emulation is good there is a zooming issue. By default you may want to not filter imperfect games. Or just add the to the do not filter list. Galaga is also not on the list. Any ways check your game filters. The other sf game is a Japan game so you may want to allow games from that region too. You will find Gameex is a great program with a great community. If your on the fence about donating dont be, it will be the best purchase you have made in a while. Also after you change your setting you will need to update your game list again.
  16. Use nestopia, in my humble opinion it is a better emulator. If you refuse you may want to run the emus video mode at a lower res to get the image bigger, or look for a tick box that streaches the image.
  17. Click a button? By chance is there a hotkey to do that? If so I can whip up a loader.
  18. I found it here. http://www.zophar.net/pok-mon-mini/minimon.html I haven't tried it yet. Im sure if it is not command line friendly an AHK script could be made easy enough. Have you tried using the emulators exe followed by "[rompath]\[romfile]" for command.
  19. Yes that happens. By system specs I am referring to your processor type and clock speed.. eg 1ghz 2ghz 500mhz , 486 dx2 or whatever you have. Also amount of physical RAM. Just becuase some games run at full speed does not mean all of them will, neo geo roms, the mortal kombats eg 2 3 and umk3 and killer insticnt need farily powerfull pcs to run.. eg 2ghz or greater. While most others will run fine. Then there are games that even the top of the line systems have a hard time running. Like gauntlet legends and NFL blitz games. I dont think there is a system fast enough to run even a single naomi game in mame at full speed. Thank goodness there are other emulators that take advantage of modern hardware for those.
  20. System Specs?
  21. Yeah, i got to stock up on that salt grass steak seasoning. If I make it down there I will for sure.
  22. Actually, Im going to Vegas next month with the family. I live in cali and its only a 6 hour drive if that.
  23. Stella http://stella.sourceforge.net/screenshots.php
  24. Actually, I though it was supposed to read the controls.dat or something to lightup the buttons that the game uses.. EG.. fire and jump buttons. I could be mistaken though. I do not have that hardware to test. Have you used HK's CPWizard?
  25. It seems resolved a while back.
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