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Everything posted by mesk

  1. because most likely the board does not have a pci-e slot
  2. Windows 7 is the way to go.my gaming machine is only a p4(although it is the last run of p4's which share socket 775 with intel core 2 duo) 3.8ghz,512mb geforce 6200 agp8x,3gb ddr2 dual channel,and it runs everything from the 2600 to sega dreamcast\atomiswave\naomi with no problems at all.xp is old and buggy.I find that new emu's run much better on W7 then they did on xp.and believe me,im not one of those "I WANTS LATEST NOW!!" ppl,but W7 is leaps and bounds above xp IMHO
  3. mesk

    3d console logos

    Thanks to you both @Draco: mE Tinks U nEEds 2 gET hooCed on FoniKs
  4. mesk

    3d console logos

    I think we are not talking about the same thing.im talking about the 3d console models,not the 3d cabinets
  5. mesk

    3d console logos

    thats what I figured.then whatever the folders name is you just put that in the logo line in advanced config,correct?
  6. update the list
  7. mesk

    3d console logos

    do these stay in their respective folders or do I take them out?
  8. get the patch from HERE
  9. well unfortunately I cannot help you with where to get roms from,all I can tell you on that is GOOGLE is your friend most likely you wont find roms for your specific build.my advice to you is to compile the most current version of MAME,patch it so you dont get the "NAG" screen,then try and find the most current romset which is 0.141,which is also the most current MAME version
  10. im pretty sure romlister will work for that its HERE
  11. thank you as always frequency,it is appreciated!
  12. Im going to have to ask for this again.I really think it would be a good idea,plus it would add some organization. I would really like for mame roms to have a goodmerge look to them.meaning that if you select a game with many clones,such as marvel vs capcom instead of having 20 of the same game in the list,just have one and when you select it all its clones would be listed with a little flag next to each.it would have to be a full version only feature make it so TOM!!! EDIT:I also have another small request if maybe we can have custom art paths added to DAPHNE?I have some killer box art for DAPHNE I would love to show
  13. on my gaming machine I have aero turned off.though with a dual core you could probably leave it on.my gaming machine is only a p4 3.8,and aero just gobbles up resources,and I have 4 gig's of dual channel memory as well.TBH I have it turned off on my everyday pc as well (i5,8 gig's ddr3)it is really unneeded
  14. Go with W7,xp is old and vista SUCKS
  15. my gaming machine has a geforce 6200 AGP,and I use mame intro videos fine Adultery,I also have had problems trying to watch video in gameex,but only when I tried watching in 1920X1080,if I set it to another res,like 1152X864 they play fine
  16. zip your roms up stella does support zip files it does NOT support 7zip.also do you have stella running outside of gameex?
  17. this is a excellent idea. my votes so far.... nestopia---best (it currently supports the most mappers) bsnes------best (accurate to the clock cycle...need I say more?) stella-----good (mess is catching up FAST) fusion-----best for now (see above) more to come later I have to do some thinking Eventually MESS will roll over all these emulators....but thats still a ways off
  18. mesk

    weather icon

    awesome.thanks Tom
  19. thats strange,cause whether its there or not,it always run full screen,ah no matter thanks for the info BTW frequency isnt it a little early for you to be up?
  20. actually there is a mednafen gui,it makes setting up the paths much easier.check it out HERE here is what im currently using atari 2600----------- stella atari 5200----------- mess atari 7800----------- mess colecovision--------- mess gce vectrex---------- mess intellivision--------- bliss Nintendo NES---------- nestopia\mednafen (mednafen plays some games better,like castlevania 3) sega master system---- fusion Turbografx-16--------- mednafen Ninetendo SNES-------- bsnes Sega Genesis---------- fusion Sega 32X ------------- fusion Sega CD--------------- fusion Turbografx CD--------- mednafen Panasonic 3DO--------- FreeDO atari lynx------------ mednafen neogeo pocket color--- mednafen gameboy--------------- visualboy gameboy color--------- visualboy gameboy advance------- visualboy sega game gear-------- fusion Nintendo Virtual Boy-- mednafen WIP .9.16 Sony Playstation------ pSX Sega Saturn----------- SSF Nintendo N64---------- Project 64 Sega Dreamcast-------- nullDC I also use other arcade emu's that run certain games better then MAME does currently Sega Model 2 Emulator VivaNonno------------- runs ridge racer,ridge racer 2 & rave racer Cps 3 emulator-------- runs street fighter 3 and a few other games DAPHNE---------------- Laserdisc games This should keep you busy for awhile hope it helps and welcome to GameEX!!!!!
  21. ive noticed if you choose to use mess as a emulator that gameex adds 2 options to the command line.one is -nonewui which is pretty self explanatory,the other is -now anyone knows what this does?
  22. mesk

    weather icon

    is it possible to add the weather icon to any theme?or does it just work with the media center one?
  23. same thing here.though i never noticed untill i read this post.i have clones and adult enabled,mahjong disabled but mahjong is still there I HATE MAHJONG!!!! are there really this many mahjong machines in the world?!?!?!? how many times can i say "mahjong" in one post!?!?!?
  24. thanks for the update and thanks for changing my flag Tom!
  25. I would do what Frequency has recommended,and rebuild your set to a no-intro,as the video snaps from emumovies are already in the naming format BTW,to get your game card to show you have to use the image button,and put the link to your card between it FOOTBALL TIME!!! laters
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