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GameEx Founding Member
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Everything posted by mesk

  1. What I was saying Draco was that there is a problem with mameui 141u4 right now,there is a memory leak.Just for the record,I have never had any problems with bezels until now and I have always used CL mame
  2. Thank you Tom!!!
  3. I have to ask again for Draco's suggestion of adding playlists for each emulator,having 40 different emulators and just one favorites list doesnt cut it!!
  4. WOW!! great up date Tom Thank you!! Everything loads super fast now!
  5. I know as of right now there is a problem with the mameui exe something about it eating up 2.2 gb of memory,thats why the ui u4 binaries arent posted yet http://www.mameworld.info/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Number=249921
  6. I was wondering if we could get some options to use for the manual reader.what I mean is maybe a zoom feature?
  7. UPDATE:disabling bezels certainly did the job,thanks flocke28!! so am I right to assume that this is a gameex problem,and maybe Tom should be notified?
  8. Always
  9. Anyone else having problems since compiling 141u4? since I compiled it,gameeex no longer launches mame games,other emulated games work fine,and here it comes IT WORKS OUTSIDE OF GAMEEX FINE log attached log.txt
  10. This is a little off topic but I am curious as to how jaguar emulation has been coming along,last time I was trying it only about 5 games actually ran....
  11. Glad you got it working I remember something about asci layers,and them not being in W7,or if you had Nero installed you already had them...im not 100% on it i was getting pretty aggravated trying you use newer versions like 2.1 so I just settled on 1.9
  12. Which version freedo are you using?I vaguely remember having this problem,I think I am using v1.9,anything over or under that didnt work for me on w7
  13. You been kicking a*s lately huh,Tom? Appreciate all the hard work!
  14. mesk

    MAME & D3D

    1. you want d3d.if you go to your mame folder in it is a folder called "docs" in there is a txt file that explains the mame video setup.I used to have a 6200 and it wil run n64 fine,mame requires cpu power,not gpu so it depends on your processor,the more ghz you have the more games will run and games will run better.all mame uses a video card is to stretch the game to your screen size and to scale artwork 2. no,sorry 3. you are using gameex right? then mame CL is fine.
  15. Thank you Tom!!
  16. It is gone.I cant put in its address,as it isnt there either http://www.gameex.com/gamecard/mesk.png <------ is where it should be......
  17. Update loop here as well
  18. Thanks Tom!
  19. go to text\language change the very first option to custom then on page 8 the second option on the page is for laser disc games.change it to whatever you like
  20. mesk

    Music Bugs

    When viewing a game manual the music from the video snap keeps playing,and sometimes glitches and repeats the same part over and over.Also when having arcade ambience playing,it doesnt stop when music\sounds from the video snap plays,which is pretty annoying.I dont want to stop all audio from my video snaps,but I also do not want to stop arcade ambience.so maybe a fix in a future release is needed?Would be greatly appreciated Tom,just as all your work is
  21. mesk

    Mar 12 update

  22. mesk

    ZiNC Snaps

  23. mesk

    MAME optimization

    Thats what i figured.I have also heard from a few mamedev's that there hasnt been any proof yet that processor optimization has ever made a game that is unplayably slow playable. thanks Brian!
  24. mesk

    MAME optimization

    Hey guys,I know this is more a MAME question,but I figure I would ask here.for those of us who compile MAME,do you or do you not optimize for your specific processor? most posts around the net are 60-40. 60% of ppl swear it does nothing noticeable,and about 40% of ppl swear it does.
  25. OFF TOPIC @ Draco how does space ace run on MAME? or any of the other LD games for that matter? wondering if its worth the 76.6GB to grab them.I am pretty sure MAME plays one LD game that Daphne does not
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