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GameEx Founding Member
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Everything posted by mesk

  1. I know im a little late,he passed on may 20th.another childhood hero dead. Thank you for the great memories.
  2. here are the settings straight from my .ini # DIRECT3D POST-PROCESSING OPTIONS # hlsl_enable 0 hlslpath hlsl shadow_mask_alpha 0.0 shadow_mask_texture aperture.png shadow_mask_x_count 640 shadow_mask_y_count 480 shadow_mask_usize 0.1875 shadow_mask_vsize 0.1875 oversample_x 1.0 oversample_y 1.0 curvature 0.0 screen_scale_top 1.0 screen_scale_bottom 1.0 pincushion 0.0 scanline_alpha 0.0 scanline_size 1.0 scanline_bright_scale 1.0 scanline_bright_offset 0.6 scanline_jitter 0.0 defocus_x 0.0 defocus_y 0.0 red_converge_x 0.0 red_converge_y 0.0 green_converge_x 0.0 green_converge_y 0.0 blue_converge_x 0.0 blue_converge_y 0.0 red_radial_converge_x 0.0 red_radial_converge_y 0.0 green_radial_converge_x 0.0 green_radial_converge_y 0.0 blue_radial_converge_x 0.0 blue_radial_converge_y 0.0 red_from_r 1.0 red_from_g 0.0 red_from_b 0.0 green_from_r 0.0 green_from_g 1.0 green_from_b 0.0 blue_from_r 0.0 blue_from_g 0.0 blue_from_b 1.0 saturation 1.0 red_offset 0.0 green_offset 0.0 blue_offset 0.0 red_scale 1.0 green_scale 1.0 blue_scale 1.0 red_power 1.0 green_power 1.0 blue_power 1.0 red_floor 0.0 green_floor 0.0 blue_floor 0.0 red_phosphor_life 0.0 green_phosphor_life 0.0 blue_phosphor_life 0.0 yiq_enable 0 yiq_w 4.1187867 yiq_a 0.5 yiq_b 0.5 yiq_fsc 1.5 yiq_fsc_scale 1.0 yiq_phase_count 2
  3. if you do not know,MAME 142u4 has a new built in post effects shader engine that adds scanlines,and all sorts of other cool filters to apply to games to see them they way they were in the arcade,scanlines and all.really cool shit
  4. me thinks the freedo project is now inactive which really sucks cause MESS 3do support is still preliminary at best.the dev's seem more interested in adding more and more obsolete calculators then improving important drivers! I mean sure we all had a texas instruments scientific calculator at one time or another but in no way were those memories "fond" ones like they are with the 2600,nes and so on.
  5. I had to choose other cause the GameEx integrated controller support wasnt listed
  6. freedo 2.1 is garbage.it isnt made by the original team,and it causes all sorts of problems,one being that it most likely isnt compatible with the loader.Im just telling you my first hand experience with it
  7. call of duty series is becoming the next guitar hero.they are ok,but they have been using the same engine since call of duty 3.COD 3 came out in 2005 I think? plus 15 bucks for map packs is a little ridiculous
  8. I use the integrated GameEX for freedo controls
  9. mesk

    Back from Maine!

    I absolutely despise seafood.just the smell of it turns my stomach.I dont understand why,with all the great food to eat in this world,people want to eat something that eats feces.yuck!
  10. just got home from maine.I was there over the weekend to see my cousin graduate from medical school,and I just have to say,and no offense to any Mainer's,but what a BORING state! there was NOTHING to do! except eat! thank goodness I threw my mame rom set,mame & GameEx on a laptop and took it with me I almost didnt! my mother said,"dont worry there will be things to do" wow was she wrong! only problem was,i forgot to bring a controller! so after a 55 minute drive,i got to a staples,or office max one of the two and bought a cheap ass fake playstation controller.and TBH,it worked well.for a wired controller that is.and talk about a long ass ride! im from rhode island,where getting EVERYWHERE takes no longer the 15 minutes!!
  11. @ Adultery you have the new controller,right? it came with the rechargeable batteries and it has the new d-pad?
  12. It DOES NOT say ANYWHERE in the console manual OR the manual that came with my second controller to not use rechargeable batteries,or to only use specific ones I called M$ and they are going to replace one of them for me,no charge TBH,I really cant believe I did that,lol it was a bad day all together and the controller paid the price LMAO
  13. it seems the energizer rechargeable's are fatter then other batteries and after ahwile they stretch out the battery packs and the connects stop touching and the controller just keeps shutting off. While playing mortal kombat online last night this kept happening,as a result I kept losing which made me slam the controller off the floor.360 controllers bounce really high! So now im thinking of buying that new silver xbox cotroller the one with the redesigned d-pad.anyone currently own one of these?
  14. Advanced config all the way! its so much easier to fine tune stuff with it vs the setup wizard
  15. @ Draco I tried running MAME as a seperate emulator and the problem is not there.although when setting MAME up as a emu,there is just one list of games,and the problem only occurs when on the MAME list,all mame games,multiplayer,4player,adult that list
  16. So i decided to mess around with the theme ini and there was a option to outline fonts,so i set it to true and guess what? no more jumpy text!! the loading is still present however,but its not that big a deal and im sure it will be sorted out in future releases
  17. mesk

    70's Pong Sim

    It doesnt run on 32 bit win 7 either Sorry,I forgot to mention you need to run it through DOSBOX and yes dosbox does run on win 7 64 bit
  18. I dont know what the deal is with blackglass,the game lists dont line up correctly.my pet peeve with most of the available themes is they all have too much going on at once.like with most themes it will show the video snap for the game,then the static snap underneath,then it will show the 3d model if available for that game,or box\cart art. all on screen at once! i love bluglass because it is simple:one side game list,the other side a big video player for the video snap.all the other artwork is available when you select a game. what theme are you using adultery?
  19. im going to try the default theme,no video backgrounds,theme image? ok,when using the default-default theme there is no jumping in the text,yet the constant loading persists.I may just have to learn to live with it,im pretty picky about themes.
  20. Showdown is the last MAME game that i played the only files converted were genesis video snaps,not mame.and like i said this only affects the mame list just tried removing showdown.avi-no change here is a new log after launching a different game (contra) log.txt
  21. I find it a bit strange that it only affects the MAME list,all my other lists function normally. to clear out the cache,where exactly is the cache?
  22. I am always running the latest version TBH,this really started becoming a issue after updating to the version where memory optimizations were implemented. log.txt
  23. mesk

    70's Pong Sim

    I have been using ODYEMU which is a magnavox odysee emulator. yes i did say EMULATOR,as the authors say it is a emulator instead of a simulator,which most pong games are. also there is DICE that simulates pong,gotcha & rebound
  24. title pretty much says it all.only on the mame list,the main list the one with all mame games,adult,multi,4player,etc... the text jumps all around and every time I choose a different list (neogeo,cps) GameEX starts loading.EVERY TIME.even if I already was on that particular list.anyone else experiencing jumpy text & constant loading?
  25. mesk


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