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GameEx Founding Member
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Everything posted by mesk

  1. Exactly what Adultery said
  2. mesk

    model 2

    Thanks guys
  3. TBH,I could have sworn that a recent release of GameEx was only supposed to have 3 databases loaded instead of all,although I could be mistaken.... but yes,it does get on my nerves as well,especially when you have 46 emulators set up and thus 46 databases to load..
  4. mesk

    model 2

    I was just thinking something,ppl who use the sega m2 emulator know that it comes with 2 exe's.1 for single core processors,and 1 for multi core.when using the integrated gameex support which version does it launch?and if it is only using the single core version how do I get it to launch the multi cpu version?
  5. +1 for the xarcade tankstick.I bought a refurb one from their site it was a 2 player with trackball for $159.totally worth every penny
  6. No need for a loader.like tom said gameex has bulit in m2 support,not to mention i have it set up as a seperate emu and it works fine w\o a loader..
  7. Same here.used a supermodel FE.only ran it 3 or 4 times,I have waited a long time to play SW arcade I can wait a little more
  8. Thats the prob.roms are .bin.thanks hunk! UPDATE:yes that was it!
  9. What version freedo are you using? for some reason on 1.9 works correctly with GameEX.I have tried just about everyone before & after 1.9 and they all are not friendly with GameEx
  10. I think I found the problem.could one of you guys check your set let me know what extension your SG-1000 roms are please?
  11. Does anyone here emulate sega SG-1000? if so,which emulator do you use?I have tried fusion,but i cant get a rom to load...
  12. mesk

    32x\ Sega Cd

    You cannot beat fusion.like the hosting site says "steve snake has made sega his bi**ch"
  13. LOL you got me. about those avi snaps the latest no intro genesis-megadrive set is on the ftp now,as I type this I am converting SNES flv snaps so nobody else has to go through the trouble of converting you know the only reason I even noticed this was because I just updated my genesis,nes and snes sets before I just had the US version now I have gotten the europe and japan versions as well. not trying to start trouble.just making sure the better FE gets the attention it deserves.... (did I really just type that?!?! YES I DID!!)
  14. Oh I didnt think it was aimed at me my friend,in fact we are on the same page.the whole reason I made this thread was because I thought flv snaps were getting purposely getting put ahead of avi snaps,as most know flv is the only format HS can play...
  15. mesk

    Sega Model 3 EMU

    Damn work getting in the way of video games yet again!!!
  16. I know he wasnt playing favorites,it was just something on my mind and it came out the wrong way.Sometimes my loyalty to a certain product has me stating things in the wrong way.Turns out some one had deleted the avi folder on the ftp.As most of you guys know,flv is the only format HS is able to play,and I thought flv was getting put ahead of avi.All is good now Not that it matters now,as I have converted all the genesis\megadrive flv video snaps to avi.they are available on the ftp as of now
  17. mesk

    use database name?

    Thanks bud!
  18. When setting up emulators under where you select the database there is anotehr drop down box called "use database name" yes\no. How exactly does it effect the game list\rom names?
  19. mesk

    Sega Model 3 EMU

    Dont get too excited my friend,I thought the same as you,and was anxiously awaiting clrmamepro to build this romset,but was pretty disappointed when trying to play that game.Not that it isnt excellent for a .01a release I wouldnt expect it to be 100% for a few more releases. Sega 32X is still the only way to play that game in its entirety.... There are quite a few GUI's in case you have problems setting it up http://www.trzy.org/Supermodel/WhatsNew.html
  20. I know that gameex plays flv snaps,but they play so slow it isnt worth it.converting flv to avi is such a pain!
  21. Right now there are 575 genesis avi video snaps.yet there are 1018 flv genesis video snaps.same goes for nes video snaps.not to mention all avi snaps have been taken off the ftp
  22. mesk

    Sega Model 3 EMU

    Yes I have,its a very early release it works ok
  23. I really would like if there isnt a video snap for a game,GameEx would show a snapshot of the game,if no still snapshot then the title screen for the game and so on... reason being is I really dont want to mix my video snaps with still snaps I would rather keep the seperate
  24. Thank you Tom!
  25. amazing.I have never had luck with ati cards,and have always been pleased with my nvidia purchases,never had a nvidia card fail,have had 2 ati cards fail,never had any nvidia driver issues,had many many ati driver issues.at this point you couldnt give me a ati card
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