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Everything posted by mesk

  1. mesk

    daphne problem

    Ian-if you need any other frame files let me know.I have all the games DAPHNE supports up and running. oh and BTW-no problem -Dave
  2. Just thought I would make this thread for us to list which systems do not have a pop up description available.so far I have noticed 3 systems that do not have a pop up 1.Sony Playstation 2.Sega Saturn 3.Nintendo Famicom Disk System
  3. mesk

    daphne problem

    Ian- I can confirm that esh's aurenmilla has only 1 m2v file and 1 ogg file.here is my esh's framefile on a side note i havent played a daphne game in quite some time.I think i may play some space ace later and get very frustrated trying to complete that hard ass game. esh.txt
  4. most emulators do.I know that fusion does,and when i play genesis games on my 50 inch LED i use the scanline feature and it looks great.nestopia does too.so does bsnes for snes games. Oh never mind.I just got what you were saying xD.and you are correct,ps3 & 360 should have a scanline feature for old school games they sell
  5. this is why i love this forum. 2 ppl can have different likes\and dislikes and different opinions and it always turns into a discussion,not a e-penis contest.
  6. Good
  7. Exactly-you use a modded psp.you use it in a way its creators did not intend. a person who doesnt know about modding and all that good stuff would be rightfully pissed with the way psp came out of the box.those ridiculous "umd's" its enormous battery consumption.having to update the firmware every time the wind blows.and how about all those people who got suckered in to buying the psp go.the only portable system ever that wasnt compatible with its own games! my friend just got the new evo and while its cool i dont travel enough to need to play games on my phone.calls,texts and emails is more then enough for me in a phone.now a laptop would be a different story.... mesk<-----------------not a $ony fan apologies cervante for hijacking your thread
  8. Tom you are the man! Thank you not only do the pop ups now work the weather icon that didnt used to work now does on edited ver 2 themes!
  9. do yo u compile your own? or do you get already compiled version online? if you compile your own they changed the way it is compiled,it is now done much more similar to MAME I always use the latest mame\mess version and the CL has not changed. here is my colecovision CL mess.exe coleco -cart "[ROMPATH]\[ROMFILE]" -joy
  10. Adultery-$ony does know console gaming but they are really lacking in the portable department,ahem psp\psp-go cough cough. anyways I think I have to agree with Draco this phone\gaming device\mini pc is trying to do too much and will probably (IMHO) end up being a jack of all trades,master of none I wasnt really a big psp fan but I would take a psp over this phone
  11. ok here is exactly what i did.first i have been using blueglass since well before the update to 11.73.i then updated to 11.73 last night.at first i tried just turning descriptions on through the advanced config like frequency said.that did not work.then i loaded the theme in the theme editor,brought up options and ticked the box to enable pop up-this caused the theme to crash just to update-loading the existing theme in the theme editor then turning on pop ups causes a crash,not only does it cause a crash,it seems to corrupt the theme because even reloading that theme and turning pop ups off the theme still crashes until it is replaced
  12. it seems that the options menu inside the theme editor does nothing at all.in the options in theme editor the show date\time option is not ticked,yet the theme shows date and time.when I tick enable pop descriptions then save,that causes the theme to crash....
  13. i guess for some strange reason they just dont want to work with the blueglass theme OR the blackglass theme or the mustarda big video theme or the retrobox theme...so exactly what themes do they work with? the ones they always did?
  14. of course I turned them on! LOL
  15. thank you buddy! but all i get now is errors! log attached it wont even load,it starts up then crashes log.txt
  16. title says it all.they arent working
  17. Thanks! I have a question though: does this mean the pop up's will work will all theme versions?
  18. turn off ALL your filters,select that you want clones and then update the list again.I do it this way and have all games showing,if you are using mame 142.u4 and the corresponding rom set you should have 10,539 total games
  19. off topic: Adultery exactly why do you use xpadder? I hear you talk about it alot,and im trying to figure out the reason you use it.I use 360 contollers,and I have them set up in each emulator i use and as long as i have the controller on before launching the emulator,all is good.my controls are saved,and they all work fine.just curious
  20. mesk

    GameBase Help

    me either plus I was not into commodore computers as a kid
  21. The changes to the compiling tools was just added yesterday for 142u4
  22. Oh,then maybe HK needs to include the new compiling tools with mame compiler? I do not use HK's compiler,and I compiled yesterday w\o the new tools and received a error as well.so then after doing a little bit of reading I found out you need the new compiling tools.D'oh! LMAO
  23. thanks for making the change Draco. and i will have pics soon,but not just of the tankstick,it will be the tanstick in its new home----my new cab actually its more of a pedestal rather then a cabinet
  24. @ Draco did you get the new compiling tools from mamedev.org?
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